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You might be a vendetta addict if... MkII

Feb 21, 2004 DR link
This is the updated version of one of the longest on-topic threads in the general forum ever made. Please add on to this one and I'll try to keep it updated. Here's the original thread:

I didn't delete any or change many numbers (except where it wouldn't affect the wholeness of the original post) so dont get mad at me...

1) Icarus pays you to stop pirating him.
2) a1k0n asks you to join Guild Software.
3) You have an alias that does your taxes for you.
4) You kill a tri flare valk in bus... with no weapon.
5) You have nightmares about being stuck in slow motion while chased by a tri flare valk.
6) You lie awake all night trying to think of a good counter argument to Celebrim's post.
7) You can read, write, and speak fluent Galactic Trade Standard.
8) You find yourself wondering if you should change the engine/battery config on your car.
9) You have every sector memorized, but you can't remember the way to the grocery store.
10) You'd rather be earning credits than bucks.
11) If you play too much to wonder how people can read Celebrim's posts.
11) You have more than 6 megabytes of posted material on the boards.
11a)....And that was six months ago.
12) You name appears in other people's posts, even when they aren't responding to you.
12a)...And you aren't even a dev.
12b)...And heck, you are only playing for two or three hours a week now.
12c)...And you've been using a half dozen different aliases in the game for at least the last six months.
13) typing in /alias fills the entire console. ie you pageup all the way to the top and you can still only see a small portion of the aliases.
14) You have over a gig of .tga files in your ~/.vendetta directory, and you run a tga->jpg converter weekly
15) You have made at least 2 separate Vendetta themes for something
16) You spend more time on your fansite than you do on your homework
17) You find yourself saying "Back in my day, we only had 9 sectors"
18) The devs know you on nicksight and hide when you login
18a) You know the devs by many of their nicks and grief them whenever they come on
19) You think Icarus is a cool guy, even though he pirates you
20) You work on your wgaf.cfg file in your spare time
21) You find yourself saying "Back in my day, we only had THREE sectors"
21a) You consider said declaration a badge of honor.
22) You've made an illustrated Vendetta encyclopedia
23) You've made up names and background stories for the sectors
24) You swap out your GeForce4 MX for an ATI Rage 128 just so you can play Vendetta.
25) You know the significance of Lady Serco in the Unofficial
25a) You hope the devs will integrate parts of the Unofficial Canon into the official one.
26) You write Serco poetry
26a) You write multiple pages of Serco poetry.
27) You worked on the Waylonic language only to have a, fairly full and correct, translation of the letters posted by the devs.
27a) You continue to work on it anyways.
27b) You correct the fairly correct translation of the letters.
--Humpy the Penguin--
28) You've made a game using /aliases
29) Your loved ones worry about the time you spend online and playing Vendetta
30) You make 3D models and compare them to the models ingame
30a) ...and then try to guess what race they would belong to
30b) ...and give them loadouts using small and large ports
31) you start more than one conversation a week (either face to face with friends or on irc) with the words "the other night i was playing vendetta when...."
32) you can navigate to all the secret sectors just by using the skybox.
33) you confuse the n00bs by calling the weapons by the names of their 3.1 counterparts.
34) You call trade goods widgets.
35) You wonder where the game would be today without the word Widget.
36) you consider VALK a swearword.
37) you long for vehicle mounted sunflares on your morning commute to work or school
38) when your definition of exploit is rocket rammer\griefer\jackass.
39) When your teachers make a comment about your maturity, you promise to someday be as mature as a1k0n and they have no idea what the hell you're talking about
40) You spend 15 hours trying to install a piece of software to view another user's models, then give up because the code is unmaintaned
41) You can't remember which world is real anymore.
42) You can actually pronounce impronouncable names like a1k0n, ?, /^\, and $ out loud.
43) You feel old when you help a newb learn how to jump
44)you spend time charting out the current prices of goods bought and sold in all sectors to see which one will turn you the best profit for that hour.
44a) you've actuallly figured out the source code for the dynamic economy without ever seeing it.
45)you have a pet named after a dev
45a) the pets name is a1kon
46)you've coded a bot for vendetta
46a) you've fixed someone elses bot for vendetta
47)you say things like "wow, 9 is like the new 7..."
48)you've made a case for your computer that resembles a ship in vendetta.
49)Guild software starts charging you for the game months before anyone else because you have been hogging the bandwidth.
50) The community forum board you made hits one year old. (Dec 5th, was the date mine became 1 year old.)
51) You spend every possible moment of your idle time(not playing Vendetta) talking on the Vendetta irc channel to other Vendetta players.
52) If your name is Whistler.
53) You have created a bank for the people of Vendetta
54) You have stayed up till 3 in the morning for a Vendetta update
55) You have a name on irc registered that is like "Lil_devname"
56) You take "action" shots of the frigate in sector 16.
57) You spend roughly half of your life over the last five years writing the stupid thing.
58) you design ship models with a 2d program from 5 different angles because your mac lacks a decent CAD app.
59) you think of pressing "enter" when at the door to an adjacent room
59a) you exit your appartment/house by thinking "escape" and "x"
60) When someone says something funny you respond by saying lol, in real life.
61) When you step out side you are blinded by the sun, despite the fact that's it's 12 midnight.
62) You have posted in this thread
63) You have been to sector 0, more than once
64) You ask to be killed by Node 0
65) You remember the point NAN,NAN,NAN days
66) You host other people's websites for free, just because they're Vendetta related
67) People know your nick without you knowing theirs
68) your eyes begin to burn and blink uncontrollably while sitting at the computer yet you keep playing anyway
69) you've bought multiple joysticks and mice in an attempt to see which will finally give you an edge over icarus
70) you've memorized all the bind commands and can recite them at any time
71) all your friends start more than one conversation a week (either face to face with you or on irc) with the words "the other night i was playing vendetta when...."
72) You've read this whole thread.
73) You try to think of ways to play Vendetta at work without anyone noticing.
74) you try to think of what describes a vendetta addict after reading this whole thread
75) You fail miserably at that and end up posting nothing but a waste of space.
76) You brag about being from 2.7 and have a huge ego.
77) You think #76 is justified
78) you barge into other nation sectors as an Itani screaming "For the Commune!"
79) you get drunk at the computer while playing vendetta... and in the morning tell people you're hung over because you were "out with a few friends"
80) you find pleasure in having the highest bounty in sector 9, even though you put it on yourself, and have a key bound to cancel the bounty at any given moment.
81) you know what the party roid is and visit there often, even when other people aren't hanging out there.
82) you've learned LUA to attempt to help the devs build better AI bots.
83) you're designing your own space sectors inside your house, making the furniture look like asteroids, and the appliances look like stations.
84) You knew who Kastin Thunderclaw was at some point.
84a) You attempted to make Kastin Thunderclaw reveal himself.
84b) You succeeded.
85) You've reached 1M score without any deaths.
86) You've reached rank #1 before the first reset and between any two resets.
87) You understood #86.
87a) You didn't ask "Wasn't there just one reset?" after reading
88) You know there were at least three resets.
89) You've been to sector 404.
89a) You watched sector 404 being created.
89b) #89 and #89a applies to sector 405 for you also.
90) You remember The Gauntlet.
90a) You know "The Gauntlet" was the Ceres Station race track in sector 405.
90b) You created The Gauntlet.
91) You suggested the name of The Guantlet.
92) You were the one who first went to the party roid.
93) You called the party roid "teh spot".
94) You remember The Line of Destruction.
94a) You remember why it was called The Line of Destruction.
95) You had ops in #vendetta for at least an hour.
96) You have auto-ops or auto-voice in #vendetta.
97) You had a character in race 0 (White Nation / Green Nation / Server Nation / Robot Nation).
98) You regret missing out on a few things in Vendetta or simply just not playing for at least a week.
99) You can solo-cap in Vendetta Test 3.3.12.
100) Someone or something related to Vendetta is your god.
100a) *** is your god.
101) You consider Soon as a trademark of Guild Software.
102) you start wondering why people are calling real life an "online game"
102) You came up with the slogan "For the Commune"
103) You know what the Commune was
103a) and wonder where it went
104) People you've never met before fear you.
105)The best piece of advice you can give a n00b is watch out for Phoenix, Icarus, or Arolte
106)You remember powerups
107)You've found a secret sector/station before anyone else.
108)You remember when all the skyboxes were differant
109)You remember s7's skybox being changed 3 differant times.
110)You've ever been ranked top 10
111)You had over 10 million credits in pre 3.2
112)You remember wireframe mode
113)You remember the original ghost bug.
114)You remember when there was no such thing as griefing or ramming.
115)You remember when everyone was friendly to each other in the main chat.
116) You knew about or discovered the backwards infinite boost
117) You know the secret to gaining health in a Valk by rocket-ramming another Valk
118) You know who Kastin Thunderclaw is
119) You remember picking up weapons in little boxes
120) You knew how to destroy the frigate by yourself in a stock bus
121) You remember _why_ wireframe was taken out
122) You remember guarding a horde of five nation flags at once
123) You know how to crash a sector
124) You knew any/all of the money bugs
125) You remember Arolte's original name (Khral)
125a) You remember why he changed it --by pyro--
126) You know what happened to such people as Maso, Hans, and Blaster
127) You remember the original ships (Centurion, Atlas, Wraith; Vulture, Wart Hog, EC-88; Hornet, Centuar, Ragnarok).
128) You remember the two NPC bots that killed so many traders in sector 9
129) You can list how much money each flag cap gave a capper and his nation and how many times it changed and to what values it changed
130) You're still reading this thread after 129 reasons
131) You remember "the Verdandi Incident"
131a) you were the cause of/ were a participant in said incident --by celkan--
132) You remember a time before guides
133) You remember Whistler as a normal player
134) You remember Private Pile vs FiReMaGe
135) You start a Vendetta clan in other online games
136) You have in the past had an entire page of the message filled up be "Most recent post: Your name"
137) a1k0n had to tell you to stop doing 136
138) You know how to make invisible message board threads
139) The devs had to tell you to stop doing that too
140) You are trying to make the 200th reason
141) you have more then 10% of the posts in the question thread
141a) you know what the question thread is and how many posts are currently in it
142) you actually bother(ed) to read the entire question thread from start to finish
143) You've worked on Vendetta Ice
144) Incarnate talks about how he "dislikes" you in his personal profile on irc.
145) You are part of a fake family in vendetta.
146) You made the Question thread.
147) You remade the Question thread because it got so big.
148) You made a thread that has reached the size of Question and is that old.
149) in other 3d-shooters, you try to barrel roll to dodge incoming payload
150) When you saw that the 150th post was yours, you started screaming and your family looked at you incredulously.
151) When you call the atlas by its original name.
152) When you come back and see non reds piloting Red's ship, the bus.
153) you begin to not notice when IM boxes pop up when you play
154) you stop turning on trillian or AIM to keep them from popping up when you play
155) You wonder why you have no friends.
156) Your friends wonder why you weren't at school yesterday, even though you weren't sick.
157) You wonder where the nation defense turrets went.
158) You wonder why centurions are no longer guarding s1, vults for s2, and hornets for s3.
159) You wonder why you can't dock in s4/s12/s6 if you arn't blue/red/gold (respectivly.)
160) When you stay up until 12 AM thinking of explanations of vendetta addiction.
161) When 160 doesn't apply to you, you stay up will 4 AM instead.
162) if 1-161 didnt apply to you either, you arent a vendetta addict
163) Newbs look up to you as an action hero
164) You sell action figures of yourself because of that
165) You can solo cap 2 flags within 2 minutes
166) You can fly in a sector with your eyes closed while killing icarus, arolte and phoenix... in a stock bus... without repairing
167) You can kill anyone everywhere within 30 sec... even if they`re on your team
168) You control your car with a keyboard or joystick couse it`s what you`re used to
167) You control your bicycle with a keyboard...
168) You ported vendetta to your pda
169) A documentary was made about your vendetta gaming skills
170) You can control 5 characters at the same time... while drinking coffee
171) When you enter sc5, you think you've made it into red territory
172) "vendetta" is in your bash history more than any other command (including ls)
173) You've played Vendetta on machines without graphics cards
174) You have trained people that now play better than you do
175) You are willing to spend money on Vendetta
176) You'll create a riot if vendetta crashes and burns.
177)If you've ever captured both flags at the same time with the same character (Yes this is possible, I've done it).
178)If you try to grief the devs everytime their on.
179)You've suggested something and its actually been implemented.
180)You're confused when people talk about this "real life" thing.
181) When going on long car rides, you wish the car had an efficient engine and fast charge battery so you could turbo and get there in 1/3 the time.
182) When you want ambient7.ogg to be played on your funeral
183) Your name is in the credits (btw, it stills says: copyright 2002)
184) When you log off you feel something is mising
185) You had to go to the doctor couse you felt seriously ill when the vendetta server was down
186) You bought plane tickets to fly to the hq to help fix the server when it didn`t work anymore
186b) when you live on the other side of the world
187) If you don`t post at the forum couse you`re to busy playing it...
188) you have had more than one person respond to your "I Quit" thread
189) you decided to stay instead of quit after 188 happened
190) the first thing you'd do if you won the lottery was to donate 50% of it to Guild Software
191) you are thinking of transposing ambient7.ogg and slipping it into your Orchestra's library
192) your psychological evaluator asks you what your fasination with "Vendetta"s is.
193) you have secret screenshots from the pre-public version of vendetta
194) you ask other people for such screenshots
195) You learned 13375p34k from vendetta
196) given the choice, you'd prefer that the matrix was in the form of vendetta
197) you had a dev beam cannon... once
198) you want blue ions back
199) you want blue lasers back
200) you had both the 150th and the 200th posts in this thread
201) You have donated to Guild Software
202) If 201 applies to you and you encourage others to do so.
203) If you remember when there was only 1 official forum, and you couldn't even edit your posts!
204) you make up addiction reasons that are really cruddy for the sole purpose of getting to a certain number of symtoms of being addicted to vendetta
205) you got the 205th... oh wait
206) Your getting sick of reading 'The Valk needs to be nurfed' threads, listening to someone wining cos they got killed by a tri-gov issued laser valk in their free engine/free batt Centaur...
207) You think the bus needs to be nurfed instead
208) You're the reason why the bus needs to be nerfed. ;)
209) You've read all 208 and want to post more.
210) You have a strang attraction to busses and love to ride in them even though you get overwhelmingly car sick.
211) When in Biology class and the teacher asks the class to name some things about the vulture, you respond with "It has two small ports", and are puzzled by the aghast stares given to you by the rest of the class.
212) You create a new religon, "alk0nism", and dub the devs to be the sacred gods and their hq to be heaven.
213) You worry about spending too much time in real life.
214) You have no god but Serco, and Prometheus is her prophet.
215) You made Lady Serco and Lord Prometheus up.
216) You have HTML sitting in your archive that mentions both "Legions of Prometheus" and "Red Nation SecureNet".
217) you wonder who the loved ones in HumpyThePenguin's post are
218) you remember when s7 looked like a good trade post
219) you remember seeing syn[n00b] with a score
220) you remember the first pirate you met when you get pirated by icarus, phoenix, skrail, or any other nameless pirates...
221) you remember UncleDave as a pirate
222) you wonder if Blaster2 ever decided to home somewhere besides the non-existent s8 station
222a) you were fooled into thinking a s8 station really existed because of Blaster2
223) you have characters that all seem to be closely resemblant
224) you are asked by more than 2 people to hit a player in real life
224a) you see more than 1 player walking down the hall in school and you yell their vendetta character name
225) in response to 211, the teacher says, "No, it has 3 small ports, talon, talon, beak."
226) you wonder how many posts will be posted making little to know sense...
227) you want to /me smacks *insert name here* when someone says something stupid
227a) someone /me smacks you and you wonder if they stole your idea
228) you frantically hit edit to fix your stupid typo and wonder if someone saw that
229) You realized hat people jumped from 200's to 100's and are upset.
230) you hide your face in shame for failing to hide you typo
230a) you blame the time for your typos
231) you spend your lunch in school typing on vendetta threads while wishing to play the game instead of post
231a) you spend your computer class doing the same thing
231b) you frantically try to download vendetta over and over on to a computer in your school log in name
232) you wake up in the morning wondering if you are gonna eat tachyons, gauss, or flares for breakfast
233) You wonder if you should eat avalons for breakfast.
234) you remember when s7 was a good place to place a nook and kill syn[noob] with thousands of itani buses known as turrets
235) You once had 1000 avalons in storage and used them all before the reset.
236) [crazydeb8r needs to fix his so its 345] You have cargo bombed.
237) Waylon is your God.
--Daon Rendiv--
238) You find patterns in a persons login names and make it into a joke
239) Your brain has turned to mush so you can't use proper numbers in the correct place.
239b) You forget how to spell and hit tab instead of typing L-i-n
240) You copy and pasted this whole thing (thus far) into a word document so you can keep it forever.
241) You leave your typos because you reliaze that you cover too many boards to always go back and edit them
242) You know what I was talking about in 241
243) You have been playing Vendetta for over a year and love it just as much as you did the very first day you played.
244) you sit in one place watching a roid spin around for lack of nothing else to do
245) you fly up close to the spinning roid to see if you can get it to hit you
246) your parents start limiting the time you can spend on the computer
247) your dad starts tip-toing around in an attempt to catch you playing vendetta instead of doing homework
248) you would rather be inside playing vendetta then outside playing in the snow (whats wrong with you!)
249) you get into deep theological questions in the main chat like: christianity vs atheism - "the hole with no bottom"
250) you came up with 6 other reasons simply to steal #250 from roguelazer
251) you notice that this post is just long enough to make the flattened cat picture you just got in your e-mail look small...
251a) ...full screen
252) you wonder if characters are stalking you...
252a) ...*cough*Daon Rendiv*cough*
252b) are bored enough to play vendetta instead of eating your favorite food...
253) you take 30-50 minutes wondering if you should drink Mello Yello or play Vendetta
253a) you realize you can do both...
253b) you do both and get mad when you die with a 4k bounty
254) you laugh out loud when someone mentions your 3 chars that seem the same, and wonder if anyone will ask about the other 3
255) you wonder if the person who created this thread is ever going to reply to it again
252) You have ambient7 on your iPod.
253) You make up an interpretive dance simulating a frigate in movement
253a) You preformed said dance in public
253b) ...people liked it
254) You review every posty in this thread before making your own
254) you do this while preforming interpretive dance above...
255) Vandeeta tawt yu howe tu speel
256) You can fly with both eyes closed while typing
254) You think the Valk is sexy.
254b) But the Vult is more your type.
255) You worry about your Kill/death ratio more than your GPA
256) You count eight straight hours of Vendetta as "a good night's sleep"
257) You play Vendetta at the library because they have better graphix cards.
257b) People at the library know you as "The Vendetta Kid"
258) you succeed at making the thread creator return to his thread...
258a) you wonder how much of this thread he actually read
259) you refer to your life as stats
259a) ... your k/d ration = the last time you went to school
260) you wake up and find that the vendetta ice has reopened its site from damages and you find yourself dancing around and wondering if you are mentall stable at this particular moment
261) you refer to another player about flag capping and when using the word capping many people look at you like you are from a pr0n movie
262) You name your new pet fish Fygar
263) You have made reference to this thread on another board
264) You have made reference to this thread on two other boards
265) You read and posted in the other Vendetta Addict thread
266) You stole the old rednation IRC channel
266a) Three times
267) You're #1 on the goldnation channel AKICK list
268) You trained your IRC AI persona in Vendetta
269) You aren't even fazed by a 269 entry long addict thread
270) Vendetta is the baseline by which you rate other games.
271) You played vendetta through a migrane (for 14 hours) whilst consumming coffee and painkillers.
271b) You did this because you wanted to up your credit limit over the weekend.
272) No Body calls you anymore because your 56k modem is permanantly engaged. (this is why your parents havn't got the call from your school about you not being there for the past six months).
273) you are still reading this thread
274) You spend time at work thinking about how to defeat the tri-flare valks
275) You day dream in vendetta
276) You wrote a theme tune called vendetta in the hopes that it could be used by the devs
276b) you have made several mixes of said tune in the hopes that they will like one of them.
277) You are looking forward to christmas because you will have less people interfering with you trade routes.
278) you are looking forward to new years eve because all the bandwidth will belong to you
279) You take 3 days off work (sick) to play vendetta
280) you know which dev alias goes with which name
281) you converse with them regularly about vendetta
282) they converse with you about vendetta
283) you should be practicing piano so to make up for the lost time you tap out your memorized pieces on the keyboard while playing vendetta
284) you spend a good deal of your time talking to other vendetta addicts either on instant messenger or IRC.
285) you would rather play vendetta then watch Return of the King when it comes out
286) Christmas morning rolls around and you'd rather take advantage of trading without pirates while everyone else is opening their presents
287) your social life consists of having a drink at the bar with other players in s7
288) the word vendetta keeps popping into your sentences where it's not supposed to be, ex: I just love eating vendett- err wait, cereal for breakfast
289) you have developed a crush on another vendetta player
290) you have fallen in love with another vendetta player
291) you actually know of girls who play vendetta
292) you have asked girls out by starting with, "hey I know this great game called vendetta..."
293) vendetta is your browsers homepage
294) you sold your soul to the devs to get to sector 0
295) you know guildsoftwares "work" number, as well as knowing each of the devs home phone numbers
296) you know the age of almost every other vendetta player
297) you know the names of all the wives/husbands and kids of the vendetta players on your team
298) you know the name of all the wives/husbands and kids of anyone in the vendetta universe
299) you have actually written a story for your vendetta character more then half a page long
300) you thought up 20 reasons why you might be an addict for the sole purpose of stealing #300 from anyone else
301) You are willing to tie up the phone line at your workplace to log onto the vendetta webboards.
302) Work is that annoying thing you have to do between trade runs.
303) You are happy to get sick so you can play vendetta instead of going to work.
304) You have ever skipped a doctors appointment to get in just 1 more duel.
305) You understand the significance of being thunderclawed.
306) You answer your wife, "i'll be there in a minute just lemme kill this valk" when she calls you for dinner.
306a) You get to dinner long after it is cold
307) you have had to renumber reasons you might be a vendetta addict.
308) fought in the Cap From Hell circa 3.1.0.
309) have ever been a Serco Monk.
310) have ever rammed a Serco Monk for fun.
311) got so frustrated from typekills from the old green ion s9 bots that you spaced them for 18 hours.
312) ...the term "x-out" still makes your blood boil.
313) have ever killed Firemage.
314) have ever destroyed more than two ships with one avalon.
314a) ...after it was nerfed.
314b) ...and without station or roid nuking.
315) have ever homed in s6, s4, and s5 in the same session.
316) You brought a laptop and wireless modem to play Vendetta on a date
316b)Your date brought a laptop for the same reason.
316c)You married him/her the next day, and you held the ceremony in s9, which was promptly interupted by Icarus.
316d)You named your child A1k0n.
316e)In the child's room there is a mobile of all of the ships above his/her crib and a sector map poster on the wall.
316f)Your child's first words are "Rocket Rammer"
317) The list you started on the Vendetta Message Board grows longer than 300 reasons.
317b) You've read every one ;).
318) You are unable to speak because somebody stole both #250 and #300 from you
319) You started the "1337" post of the vendetta message board and didn't know until 6 months later. :)
320) You have one or more of your characters that are listed among the 9102 characters on the player ranking pages.
321) you laugh histerically because you stole #250 and 300 from someone
322) You have a really hard final exam you're not ready for in 2 hours, and you waste time reading this crap.
323) You have a comprehensive history final that covers over 5000 years of human history in 2 hours and you're intent on destroying one more Itani atlas before taking it (or studying for it).
324) you know what TPi meens.
325) you remember who is BusMaster[TPi] is (edit: was).
326) You look back and forth for a space ship when at a bus stop.
327) You laugh at Romirez and SirCamps because they have to spend 2 hours taking a final instead of playing Vendetta
328) You understand each and every reason and laugh because all of them.
329) You made a Vendetta post in at least two Slashdot articles
329a) ...At least one of which got modded up...
329b) ...And had replies about Vendetta from some guy who has an office upstairs from Guild Software
330) You are trying to find a college within walking distance of Guild Software
330a) Preferably with the devs as Computer Science teachers
331) you write a three page long story in an english about how a tri-flare valk killed you
332) you can write a four page story about how to kill with a tri-flare valk in all methods.
333) you've read the whole vendetta manual start to finish
334) you wrote part of the vendetta manual
335) you memorized all the prices and selling prices for all the widgets in all the sectors before the dyno eco was put into place
336) you think that it's possible to "guass ram" someone
337) your name has appeared more then 4 times here related to how someone could be an addict
338) you're in the top ten for pks
339) you're in the top ten for score
340) you're in the top five for deaths... :D
341) you have more then 2 characters and they all have money and a reputation
342) you have a vendetta wallpaper as your desktop background
343) you've designed and created a vendetta wallpaper
344) you've analysed (sp?) the music from vendetta and figured out it's structure (meter, tempo, chord progression, inversions, etc)
345) you have posted more then 10% of the reasons in this thread...
346) you keep watch of the numbers and you continue thinking up more whenever the number gets close to the multiples of 50 so you can steal roguelazers glory
347) you have all the stats of all the vendetta weapons/inventory memorized
348) you play the game in between updates even when everyone else is just waiting for the next one
349) you have tried to give up playing vendetta and came back
350) you bought a surround sound system just to see if you could get the bass from the boost to make your house shake
351) You have the ability to /+Turbo -1 and steal back #350
352) You know what /+Turbo -1 did
353) You have been a ghost, several times
354) You have the ability to fly through solid rock
355) You're on the 5th page for ranknigs, but in the top 5 for deaths
356) You have two subwoofers and when boosting, your feet used to shake (before the new boost sound)
357) You can't remember your first post to this board anymore
358) You race with people for most number of posts
359) You used to do Vendetta Racing in 3.1.x
360) You remember when SF was blue, only blue and nothing but blue
361) You remember when FurBall was red
361a) And gold
362) You remember J_A_W and J.A.W.
363) You're running out of reasons for this thread
--Forum Moderator--
364) You were asked to be the Guide
365) You were asked to be Forum Moderator
366) You wish you were a guide
366a) ... because you like helping newbies
367) You can name at least 2 defunct Vendetta "police" guilds off the top of your head
368) You have tried /oper so many times it is reflextive now
369) You have... erm... "creatively viewed" the source code
370) You once had a thread of all the funny sayings in the source code
371) You are still working on your choice of image for the user-customizable livery (in FAQ)
372) You wonder how Rogue managed to get a copy of the source code
373) You were the first to write a vendetta bot.
374) You appreciate the significance of space cows.
375) You wish you could steal bot components, just to have blue ions ONCE more!
376) PIE and COOKIE mean something to you =)
377) You think keeping sector 9 has a pair of high-bounty bots
378) You discovered the space cow and gave it the name "Space Cow"
379)You know another persons attack pattern by memory so you can tell if thier on a secret character.
380) You think someone is a GM of oberin because of what he says in vendetta.
380 b) You get told repeatedly that the person has no clue what oberin is and still think he is a GM of it.
380 c) Your name is phoenix.
381) You invented names for the planets
382) You tried to write a vendetta bot
382a) And tried again even after you failed miserably
383) You trained many of the people that call themselves "vets" now
384) You were trained by FiReMaGe, the vettiest of the vets
385) is the most recent destination in all your browsers, including lynx.
386) You know what mep is
386a) you use mep often
386b) you came up with mep
387) You've been an s7 turret
388) you've sat in 16 for hours on end just to watch the frigate blow up once more
389) you own a sector
389a) and it is an enemy homsector
389b) and you scoff at the silly defbots
390) you don't remember the misadventures of your first character's first days on Vendetta
391) you have switched teams to see what it was like
392) You have ever made a mine shower
392a) you nuked your mineshow
392b) you now what a nuke is
393) you spend over 14 hours a day online
394) you have discovered at least one major bug
395) you have exploited a major bug
395b) the server was recode because of it
396) you have ever gone past 1 million meters
397) you remember the valk with 18k health, and rails that took 10 energy
398) you have made at least one guild
399) you pray to *** so that Icarus won't blow you up the next day
400) you have had a reason number divisible by 50
401) You have ever gone so far that it kills the rounding and creates a nice big error log for a1k0n
401a) You do it over the course of 2 days, with Vendetta running nonstop, and your ship constantly turboing
402) you make up reasons that aren't really reasons so you can get a reason divisable by 50
403) You have the only reason on this page divisible by 403.
404) Error: Reason not found.
405) when leaving vendetta you spend 20 minutes saying bye to people
406) you wake up and remember that s4 needed a bot cargo clean up
407) on the way to school people make jokes about you riding a bus and you reply: "just wait till you see my valk ramming rockets up you *Beep*
408) you carry the neccessary equipment to hook your laptop up to a phone jack so that you can play vendetta
you make reccomendations to cell phone sponserors to add a wireless internet connection
409) you live near a miliary bse and when a jet flys by you think "if i had a valk you wouldnt be there right now"
409a) ... vult instead
409b) ... EC-88
410) you train your dog to make money and get groceries while you play
411) you spend so much time on a laggy vendetta session that you walk away as fast as the slow motion scenes in the Matrix
412) in abc soup you can spell the name of ships, good weapons, and a battery/engine setup for each
413) in abc soup you can make the name of more than 5 vendetta chars that arent yours
414) you are mad at your parents that they grounded you for 2 days from the computer when you stayed up till 11 pm on a monday school night, when you have stayed up till 7 am during the summer and they just said: "just as long as you get some sleep"
415) you start stupid threads and stop creating threads
416) you feel like you are always the reason people stop replying to posts...
416a) ... like this 1
417) It's an actual debate between sleep and Vendetta sometimes
418) Until you got vendetta, you never got in trouble
419) Sometimes, you wonder why you keep posting
420) Then you realize that you've hit post 420 and that's good enough for you.
421) The last thing you see at night is a poster of a frigate
422) you remember that the 1st time you posted you made aouble post too
423) You've read all 423 (not 523) reasons in this thread
424) you are ignorant enough to be posting on this thread for a while and you realize that you dint see the mistake that Humpy made, and then you continued it
425) You think this thread is getting out of hand.
426) you dont care if it is getting out of hand
427) if the guides thought it was they would lock it
428) you spend the next 5 minutes thinking of why the guides shouldnt lock it
429) you think the guides will lock it
450) you think that others are thinking of why it should be locked
451) you wonder if people are gonna be mad at you when you get on vendetta again
452) you notice more than half the threads on the forums are about pirates so you mention them in this thread too
453)You remeber the days before Pirates and treaties....
454) Vendetta has sapped away your sense of humer and yell at people who still have one.
455) a1k0n asked you to rewrite their sound backend
456) You realize that it has taken your browser 30 minutes to upload this but you dont care.
457) You sneak out of your room at nite to enjoy the Vendetta Nite Life
458) You enjoy the Red light district (2-12-5-13)
459) You have ever disobeyed a direct order from a parent (or legal gaurdian) to get off Vendetta or be "Severely" punished
460) You were
461) Your on a school bus and start trying to figure out when the NTs started taking POWs.
462) You have actually made a webpage for your guild
463) You realize that this thread is so large that when you copied and pasted it the computer ran out of its memory (17.74 GB on Disk (Currently)
464) You play "Ride of the Valkyiries" and start yelling at the sterio for endorsing the Itani's.
465) You think the bus should be made the official SPECIAL ship of the Itani Nation.
466) You realize you haven't been out with your girlfriend in several years and she is happily married with a four year old and a newborn without you ever knowing
467) You find the wedding invitation underneath a stack of internet bills and strategy guides you've written for Vendetta.
468) You HAVE gaussed rammed somebody
469) Pheonix logs off becuase he's sick of you pirating him
470) You realize that you have read every post on this thread, your side is hurting and you dont remeber laughing...and you're lying on the floor unaware of how you got there.
471) People run when they see you in a bus
472) You remember when each nation had 3 ships
473) You have a specific playlist for music dedicated to Vendetta
474) You have the #vendetta slashnet page bookmarked for easy access
475) You have a folder containing 7 webboards, all of which have at least some relation to Vendetta
476) You registered your nickname for slashnet, used soley for Vendetta, over 10 months ago
477) You have two ship models sitting on your desktop
477a) ... and you have sample specs, including what nation they belong to
478) You attempt to think up 30 reasons why you might be a Vendetta addict, just to grab slot 500
479) You're a member of a Vendetta clan in games other than Vendetta
480) You feel old when someone says they joined on in 3.3
481) You help out newbs, and start having flashbacks to your newbie days
482) You remember when trade goods were widgets
483) You remember the beginning of this thread
484) You remember when the frigate had guns and furie escorts
485) You're pissed at the devs for resetting and making your beer widgets go away
486) You know what a mine ball is
487) On forms asking for your religion, you write "*** worshipper"
488) You have been shot by 3 dev beams at once
489) You remember Arolte's old nickname
489a) ... and you remember why he changed it
490) You spend half an hour writing up reasons why you might be a Vendetta addict, just to feed your addiction
491) You once had a mission to archive the entire player ranking board to remember the 3.1.x days
492) You remember first starting out and getting slaughtered by Icarus
493) You wish you had signed up for Vendetta sooner, so you could have played when it was SpaceQuake
494) You know the meaning of Dance Dance Space Bass Fishing 2000
495) You have /explode bound to the = key
496) You manage to spend 50k on sunflares in the space of 30 minutes
496a) ... and enjoyed bankrupting yourself in the process
497) One of the main things on your mind while at a wedding all the way across the country was getting back to your hotel room to play Vendetta
498) You're the co-founder of a guild that failed miserably
499) You remember the All-Nation Council, and were a member of it
500) You have a heart attack when you realize you got the 500th post in the Vendetta addict thread
501) You remember when each character could have 1 ship, and thats it. (you choose heavy, you get that ship until you make a new character.)
502) You remember when you could have practically every weapon onboard your Rag
503) You remember when you could have practically every weapon onboard your Centurion
504) You remember the Pre-Vulture fighter
505) You still have one despite the updates
506) You were an Elite n00b when you founded what would become the largest ever guild in Vendetta dedicated to only 1 nation.
507) When you get married in Vendetta to another player...alk0n designs special Vults for all the guests to make them look like Tuxedoes and designs a special Ragnorok with GTS "Just Married" written on it.
508) The Vults are all armed with Rice Shooting Flechette Cannons (no birds in VEndetta so no need to not use rice)
509) You hire the SDF Honor Guard to give you a ceremonial escort.
510) You have a list of all the nicks you have ever used in vendetta and the total is 3 digits.
511) you are asked what you do by a date and you hesitate and say: i pirate on 1 char, trade on another, pretend to be a girl on another, run like a scared chicken on another, and i bot on my last char
511a) ... she understands what you mean
512) when you log on and seem to be in a polite mood, FiReMaGe asks you if you still despise the IRC connection to Vendetta
512a) say of course... but in a polite way
513) you remember an e-mail of what bored people do in Wal-Mart and you remember to try some of those in Vendetta
513a) ...they work better in Vendetta than in real life
513b) like being able to do them in real life but on vendetta seems to be more of a challenge
514) you post to this three times in a row and ignore the edit link.
514a) are proud of that
514b) finally use the edit button to please another player
515) you add a reason to this post to see if it can be restarted.
516) you remember when the "saturn" planet currently in sec7 was in Sector 5.
517) You remember the green balls that used to be warpholes
518) You've seen Incarnate and a1k0n duke it out in frigates.
518a) You were the victor
518b)You did it in a bus
518c)Your name is Phoenix
519) You saw a1 and Incarnate duke it out with Nukes
520) you saw the NUKE ring in s9 made by (I believe) a1
521) You have duked it out with Incarnate's Dev Ship
521a) You won
522) You fought Incarnate's Ragnorok and lost but kept going back for more
523) Incarnate DEV-Warped you (I think) to stop you from closing down on him again
524) You wish you could have engaged a1k0n but you were Serco
525) You came up with the idea to have Incarnate's frigate drove into s9 station by pilots bumping it into range and then it falling into it.
526) The frigate killed you when you were driving it into the station
527) you were /killed by Incarnate cause some fool interfeared with a duel between Incarnate and a1k0n
527a) have proof that Incarnate made a mistake and gave you an apology
527b) still remember that you were on as visible one at the time
528) you know the story of how the server went down involving the trash truck and the power line that a1k0n was driving
529) you know the story of Lady Serco, the Egg Queen, the hamsters, pie, and donkey and how they relate to Vendetta
530) you went back to check the numbering of this thread and found and that 11 is repeated 2 times by 2 people (right after each other), 235 is repeated and makes fun of you on 1 of them, 235 jumped to 239, you notice Lemming made a copy of a reason you made up 252 (and its the 2nd time he had made a mistake), you realize that the thread creator screwed up his number at 254, 429 jumps to 450 (and you made those reasons)
530a) hydrocarbon confused you with his 236 comment and you dont know if thats a reason or not
531) You convinced Incarnate to bring out the Frigate
532) You've been devwarped 3+ times in one day
533) you've shaved your character name into your pubes
533b) your character name is more than six characters
533c) you had your significant other shave it in for you
533d) you gave him/her your explanation as to why and they still did it
534)you complain about the lack of an 'arcade mode' in your car, and keep searching for a way to strafe.
545) You wonder why there are so many ships to be bought instead of the normal 3.
536)you wonder what happened tot he numbers 535-544 in a thread list
537) You bumped the thread for no reason whatsoever.
538) You were glad to see the thread bumped.
539) you rush home everday to check for any hints on the future of vendetta
540) you make 540 because its just a weird number that is divisible by 4 5 3 1 6 and 9 lol
540a) your real reason you forgot, so you decided to make something up for later
540b) you remember your real reason you posted 540: you created a buisness involving Vendetta... you make your buisness available to involve player stats and give 1/2 to the serco nation so that they finally have a buisness
541) You are now screaming "NO TRIGGER! You ruined then umbers thingy!!!"
542) you've called and emailed people non-stop in an attempt to save vendetta from dying out
543) you really have no clue what you would do with your spare time if the vendetta servers stopped running
544) you really have no clue what you would do with your not-spare time if the vendetta servers stopped running
545) you've created a "save vendetta" thread
546) you use your vendetta alias in every RPG you play
547) you've uninstalled all other games on your extremely old harddrive to make space for vendetta
548) you've burned copies of vendetta and sold them, soon afterwards donating the money to guildsoftware
549) even if the vendetta servers stop you'll still start the game and wait longingly at the "connecting" screen, hoping to connect
550) you just made up more reasons in a defunct thread simply to steal #550 from roguelazer :P
551) you thought up one more reason so edited what might be your last ever post to add it
552) you believe that you might actually be able to save vendetta
543) You know the name of waylon's computer.
544) Of the game server
545) Of the web server
546) of a1k0n's.
547) You know where the names were taken from religiously.
553) You remember when there were only THREE sectors and you still play
554) You remember when power-ups floated around in space - for free.
555) You think '555' is a cooler number to have than '550'
556) You remember when there was no upper limit to velocity.
557) You remember how, employing #556, it was possible to fly though asteroids unharmed.
557a) You remember the exact threshold where that would happen
558) You have ever warped into a 'roid for fun
558a) ... and taken screenshots
558b) ... in wireframe mode.
559. Your idea of "the good ole' days" is "one ship, one love"
560. When powerups were first added to float in space, you thought "Wow, powerups! What do they do?"
561. Trade? Whats this new addition? Where can I get some?
562) You don't know the adress of the official site because you're playing vendetta 24/7
563) You where taken to a hospital after staying awake 10 days trying to and get the #1 score.... by botting in a bus
564) During lunchbreak you whip out your laptop and play vendetta over your gprs modem
565) You play vendetta on your laptop while driving a car...
a) ...or a plane
b) ...or a space-shuttle
c) ...or a frigate
566) If you hear the word frigate you think about something in space instead of something on water
567) When you're in the bus going back to home and it goes too slow you imagine yourself pressing the 'tab' key
568) You're riding home in a bus and you're afraid of being pirated by the car behind you
569) You think of people as widget movers
570) You have made a neural helmet so that you can play Vendetta better
571) You forget that weapon groups aren't a part of the sport package for your car.
572) You do your homework in Waylonics.
573) You have been scientifically proven to have a physical addiction to nanites.
574) You work for the government and are working for the "Valkyrie" project.
574a) You know what the "Valkyrie" project is.
575) You thought I was serious about 574.
--Forum Moderator--
575a) You used to carefully maim your opponent, rather than killing them and risk their logging off and leaving you again totally alone in the universe for hours on end.
576) You're girlfriend just broke up with you saying "You love Vendetta more than me!" - tis true, but I'll have it fixed in a jiffy.
577) you just blew your chances with your girlfrind, because you've been posting abotu her on the message boards
578) Your girlfriend is reading this 0.o
579) you realize that the forum moderator posted a number that was already posted
580) you have, or ever attempted to be, chosen as a guide and explained why you would enjoy doing being a guide
581) you ask people to stop posting about anything but reason you may be an addict, because it is off topic and you wish to keep this on the reasons only
581a) you ask people to make another thread for the above
582) you know the names of the top pirates on each nation, what times they are on, and how often you see them steal your cargo and your cargo ship in 1 week, 1 day, and 1 hour
582a) you realize that you are horrible at trading yet you continue to do so, while wishing for a rear view mirror
582) you spend more time worrying about Evhun than your exams
583) You agree with over 75% of the reasons and have just spent far too long reading and analysing them
--zoid fuzer--
584-589) I think I am adicted to vendetta cause I dreamt there was a BIG update and a reset. The update gave new ships including free frigates! New sector programing, new weapons like nutrual swarm missle launcher, and the abilaty to eject missle launchers when you run out of ammo. And we were all fighting in sector9 in frigates, and killing each other, and i did not give a give a reason.
5??) you arent sure if the reasons fuzor just gave were numbered or not so you just decided to give it 5??
591) you gave 5?? the 590 number, and state that 591 is: you know, have used, or have ever recieved money from a money bug and have had 1 billion credits or more
592) You hit your hand in the door and waited for someone else in the office to mess up.
593) about 30 minutes latter someone else messed up MySQL and gave everyone 100 million.
594) You have ever been inside of the office.
595) You've spent more than 1 hour trying to get cargo out of a roid!
596) u will make 597)
97) you've redistributed the letters and numbers on your keyboard to spell vendetta words
598) you've played vendetta with more then one client up at a time
599) you wish that someone would create a vendetta comic
600) you, despite your lack of artistic skills, create a vendetta comic
601) That you are actually willing to read said comic. 0.o
602) You built a kitchen/bathroom/bed into your computer so you don't have to get up.
603) You've put the Galactic Trade Standard on your keyboard
604) You know it better than the regular Alphabet
605) You remember posting to this thread when it was in double digits.
606) You play Vendetta rain or shine, new kernel to compile or still 2.6.1.
607) When typing someone's ingame name in the forum, you type the first few letters, press tab and wonder where the name is.
608) You married the love of your live after you met her in vendetta... even tough you never saw each other in real live.
609) When teaching a child the alphabet you teach him/her the gts.
610) you spend more time botting than anything else and made over 200k doing so
611) you understand and know how the Jm262 house stealing began
612) you ever started a cloning frenzy with Jm262, which got out of control, but you understood every clone
612a) have more than 1 clone
612b) are not syn n00b
612) You sent said child to school in backwards and inside-out clothing because you were dressign them with on ehand while flying your JS on a cap with the other
613) You can play vendetta adequately using your toes
614) You have
615) You told you Girl/Boyfriend about Vendetta and when they first ever logged on you nerfed them for being a "stupid n00b"
616) You later told them who you were
617) They broke up with you but you dont mind because it was "one hell of a kill"
618)You've figured out scientifically the pull-out time for a roid buzz.
618a) your timing was off and you slammed into the roid and exploded
618b) you managed to drag a NPC bot with you
618c) Said bot was already in the roid
619) You had to go back through this thread and change the Numbering becasue you screwed it up teh first time because you were busy dodging a Defbot on Vendetta in window mode while doing all sots of Vendetta-related tasks
620) You wrote a report for science class entitled "The V-Theory: Intertia, Roids, Spacecraft, and Stations. A Cause and Effect study"
621) you read the 612 reason and thought pyroman was making fun of your sad. child char
622) you have created a family in vendetta, had kids, and this family seems to be half of a nation (at 1 time or another)
623) you arent sure if you posted this, developed a CD-RW case in your Computer class involving a gold nation valk and the planet from a sector to which you do not remember
624) you've put your computer innards into a case which resembles the shape of a valk or other vendetta ship
625) you constantly talk to your g/f about this game, knowing she has no idea what you are talking about
625a) ... vice versa
625b) ... husband to wife, and wife to husband as well
626) Tacos look like valks to you.
626a) It makes them more appetizing.
627) The Prom looks like a Centipede from broadside to you
627a) You go out to the petstores surrounding your house and buy all the centipedes and worms from them
627b) you "free" all of them into your yard
627c) For the sake of arguement it's actually your neighbor's garden but who'll know?
627d) They have video monitoring
--Sally Ride--
628) You have your dad come out to your new apartment and help you wire it so that all the computers in the house can be on Vendetta at the same time.
629) You, your husband, your 11 year old son and your dad all log on to Vendetta in order to "catch up" on what is new.....
629a) know that family... and you arent apart of it
630) You stay up so late playing Vendetta and get up so early in the morning that you fall asleep in your car and have an accident
631) You multitask while playing. You have a Speakerphone conversation, fly, and make breakfast all at the same time.
631a) Breakfast is Sausage, Eggs, and hashbrows.
631b) and you're a vegetarian
632) You like the taste of Serco in the morning....
633) You now the number of windows every station and frig has
633a) You checked the numbers yourself
634) You don't read all the 633 points, cause you want to go back to the game.
635) You fear the Mad Space Cow disease may be spreading to a planet near you!!!O.o
636) If the game server is down, you run out and do the 'game server dance' hoping things will be fixed.
637) If the web server is down, you run out and do the 'web server dance' hoping things will be fixed.
638) You know the web server and the update server are the same thing.
639) You know how to get ingame when the update server is down.
640) You know how to get ingame when all servers are down
640a) even when you're on the other side of the globe
641) you spend your entire school day on the computer checking to see if the website is up yet
642) yell at your sister for looking up pron and giving her e-mail out to a pron website causing your parents to put a block on her login denying your access to Vendetta when sneaking on her login
642a) have your password on your login: cause you play vendetta enough to where your parents grounded you from playing it
642b) understood a word of what i just typed
642c) hack your way pass your parents blocker just so you can play the game
642d) worked
643) you spend your morning at school on the pc because you had a doctors appointment and your teacher sent you to the library because of your mid-term exams are in process
643a) ... you spend all of it on the Vendetta forums because you cant download the game
643b) ask people on the forum if any of them know how to get around the web sense internet blocker
644) you joined vendetta ice and replied to every message that had no reply
645) you begged your parents for a new game system (PS 2, Nintendo Gamecube, X-Box, Gameboy Advanced, etc.) and you arent sure if you would rather play with napalm, homing missles (that hit and do some good damage), and gas cans, or play with flares, homing missles (that dont hit, but make a cool spread effect- if done correctly), and mines
645a) want to move your tv next to the computer so you can do both
645b) almost convince your parents to let you, but still fail
646) You learned to read, write and speak 5 languages fluently couse you saw them so often in vendetta
646a) You also learned Japanese
647) You repaired the frigate
647a) You're not in guildsoftware
647b) not yet...
647) You claimed your home was on the second floor, fourth room from the left in the lower section of s7 station. (the one with the crappy riod view!)
649) You're playing vendetta so often, you get the numbers wrong on your 10 sec. stop by in this forum :P
650) you converted everybody you know into vendetta-vets
650a) including your dog
550b) ...your cats, birds snakes (virtually any animal you have as a pet)
550c) ...the neighbors dogs...etc.
Feb 21, 2004 SirCamps link
DR, that was reaaaally lame posting nearly 100 reasons, just to get #1000.
Feb 21, 2004 DR link
but I got it didn't I... :D it seems that there IS a post limit... oh well, here's the rest.

651) You put vendetta on every computer you touch.
652) You do 651 but you know you'll just go to another computer to play.
653) you have made comments about n00b and noticed that you never get a reply
653a) remember when n00b and his clones were sticking out of the pet roid in s7
653b) killed n00b clone and you ended up (by the end of the night) owning part of the pet roid
654) AND
:make complete sense to you
655) you got mad at some 'jerks' or 'griefers' cause they keep killing/pirating/'do stuff with you, you don't like' , from time to time, but you keep playing/testing vendetta and never think about leaving.
656) you rearrange the food on your plate into ship shapes from vendetta
657) you can play ambient7.ogg on your primary musical instrument
657a) you can sing it from memory
658) you listened to it over and over till you got it down on sheetmusic and tried to market it to various publishes as: "Ambient 7!"
659) for target practice (guns, bow'n'arrow, etc) you shoot at painted pictures of various vendetta ships (namely red valks labeled "icarus")
660) In your boy scout troop your patrol has named itself any one of the names from vendetta (serco, itani, NT, etc)
661) in that same boy scout troop you've paid $6.50/patch to get custom arm patches made up of vendetta ships to represent your patrol for your whole patrol
662) You've written ambient7.ogg out for orchestra and convinced your orchestra conductor to use it
663) You made up in your spare time (while waiting for the next update) a vendetta daily calendar
664) You went over all the brand names on your clothing with permanent ink writing the same name in GTS.
665) you've tried to find out how to run a vendetta server of your own
666) you succeeded and the devs sued you for stealing their game
667) you've read this whole thread while simultaneously daydreaming of a tri-flare valk
668) you've read this whole thread and are jumping up and down saying "More, More, More, More!!!"
669) you don't totally like the game, but still log 5 to 6 hours on it daily.
670) or you accidentally type "t" before everything on your instant messenger service.
666) Your name is icarus.
671) you've modeled yourwebsite after the main vendetta website
672) you sign papers with your main vendetta alias
673) you sign papers with your other aliases in an attempt to keep them from knowing your real name (aka, your main vendetta alias...)
674) you've set up your bed next to the computer so you can sleep and play at the same time
675) you can sleep and play vendetta at the same time
676) You, on a technicallity, have to sign everything as c/Pvt. Woody but on occasion, when your CO isn't looking, sign c/Pvt Black1
677) you start hallucinating that you're seeing "valk x-ing" and "prom x-ing" signs around your neighborhood.
678) You go to your local gun store and ask to buy a sunflare rocket launcher system.
679) You actually think a rail gun makes such a high pitched sound.
680) You think rail guns have no muzzle flare because they don't in vendetta.
681) you actually think the question thread is waaay better just because it is random nonsense...
682) When writing somebody's name on paper, you reach out for the tab key.
683) You named your dog valkerie and made it controlable with keyboard
683a) It can also fire flares
683b) At other dogs
684) You tested if your business plan would work in r/l by testing it in vendetta.
684a) It worked
684b) You made a fortune out of the plan
685) When going for groceries you stock pile home 'for lower prices', and feel sorry for all the n00bs trading a few items at a time.
686) When asked on school the ways of transporting goods you say:
686a) You get points for that answer.
--Forum Moderator--
687) You attempt to remove people's posts from other websites, fail, and resort to scraps of paper with "DELETED!" handwritten on them taped to your screen.
688) You affectionately call other moderators on other websites "FM."
689) Your name is celebrim (see thread "Stealth and Sensors", heh)
690) You've gone to your local recruitment office (maybe not applicable for all countries) and asked to join the Serco Defense Force.
691) You've created a guild in Vendetta that people actually knew about
692) You created a RPG (with paper, like D&D) based on the vendetta universe
693) All your friends play said RPG with you while waiting for the next vendetta update
694) when this thread finally reaches a thousand you have more then a tenth of the reasons
695) after you've just robbed a store you complain to the police that "They weren't n00bs or anything... they had it coming to them with having all that merchandice out in the open..."
696) You designed a vendetta wallpaper for your room
697) You tried to sell this to various wallpaper stores (no I don't know what they're actually called)
697a) They actually bought and began to sell said wallpaper...
698) You've designed vendetta "action figures" and use them to simulate ingame events so you can "practice" and figure out what you'd do in battle situations without losing any money
699) you hold the time trial records to all the race courses in vendetta
700) You made your own vendetta "credits" and try to buy things in stores with them
701) You just made a heckofalot of reasons simply to steal #700 from roguelazer :P
702) you are not surprised that this thread is still running with new ideas
703) The frigate ph33rs you!
704) People make up reasons just to steal *00 from you
705) You hold the "Most Posts" spot at 3 vendetta-related forums
706) You use a ship from Vendetta as your avatar for Everything
707) You're planning on making "Designed for Vendetta" stickers for people to put on their computers
708) You have -asked- specifically to be muted
708a) Your request was denied
709) if you say your going to leave but really just come back on anyway even though you made a big deal out of it on the boards.
710) your on the Vendetta Patch 3 step program
711) The local government pays you to stop your addiction (weird country this is, no?)
711a) It doesn't work...
712) you truly believe that there can't be any more reasons for being a vendetta addict and therefore since you think none of the said ones apply to you, you don't think you are one!
713) you think all the non-believers of this thread reaching 1000 reasons should be shot with a rail gun and strapped to the frigate while being repeatedly tortured with flares
714) you, after reason 698, have named certain figures after certain players in hopes that 1 day you will kill that player
714a) ... you succeeded
714b) ... you believed 714a acctually happened
715) you continue to sneak on your computer while your password is off in hopes that a friend will give you a way to hack your password when it is put back on
715a) ... the friend you are talking about lives down the street from you
715b) ... you are willing to resort to violence until that friend helps you, even though you are going to court for due to your stupid sibling
715c) ... you think that most of the players on vendetta have heard your story and wonder how many people are tired of hearing it
716) you make more posts on this thread than any other thread, including your recent additions to the Question Mk2 thread of SLs and its continuation
717) you cant wait for SL to publish the Question Mk2 thread as a book: for, by, and remembered by the players of Vendetta
718) you have purchased a lotto ticket with the specific intention of donating to Guildsoftware if you won
718b) you never play the lottery
719) you have spent hours trying to figure out how to get guildsoftware funds even though you lost your job the day after christmas.
720) you were more upset when you went home later that night and found out guild was in trouble.
721) you cheered out loud when you found out that vendetta had gotten funding.
722) you sit at a keyboard for an hour with a great idea for vendetta, but are unable to write it out in such a way that is clear enough that celebrim won't rip it apart in 5 minutes so you give up. :)
723) even though you didn't post the idea, you are still working on it.
724) you can identify at least 3 veteran players who have started a new character within 5 minutes based on the way they fly.
725) you were upset when phoenix switched to serco cause you cant hunt him anymore.
726) you try to move posts and threads to the proper forum by putting things like: [moved to <forum goes here>] in threads.
727) you're convinced that when the thread is finally moved by the real FM that you were the one who moved it
728) you're actually the one who moved it...
729) you've heard spectre_c_me's story about his sibliing
729a) your going to his court date
730) you claim that your going to be a forum moderator one day because you've been here for more than a year
731) you think that all these people have no lifes because of how high the number has gone on this
732)you realize half these reasons don't even have any relation to vendetta
733) You wonder why people want you to make a book out of Question even though you haven't updated the running story in about 2 months.
734) you think SL should write a program to update the question thread every 24 hours
735) you wish that Jm would be sure to bring RPM's and a flare or 50 with him to your court date
736) you are planning on annoying SL until he updates the thread
736a) ... you drop that idea, in fear that he will never update it again
736b) ... you still want to do it, but know you wont
737) you played vendetta so much that you just realized that your father was studying all day on the computer for a military rank test and he left chilli on the mouse, you just got, from dinner at 7pm.
738) you know more leaders in Vendetta than in your own country
739) Your goal is to have the longest single non-gibberish post on the vendetta suggestions forum.
740) your name isn't celebrim
741) you aspire to this even though you know no-one will ever read the whole thing
742) you have an idea of what Spellcast means with 741
743) You know why the name "vendetta" was chosen
744) You're constantly chatting in the game, either logged in or using the IRC ingame channel
745) you used vendetta to break a substance addiction problem
746) you've redone your entire keyboard with the names of what each key is binded to ingame.
747) the first-finger button on your mouse is labeled "primary fire"
748) You built one of the sectors in vendetta out of snow in your backyard
749) you watch the movie pearl harbor and can't stop thinking that it would have been way cooler with avalon torpedos
750) you think ramming is a reasonable tactic to employ against anyone and everyone, simply because you're "good at it"
751) You've used Legos to build scale models of the craft in Vendetta
752) You sent them to your cousins with little notes that say "Next time I see you, this is what you'll be facing!"
753) Your creditors are after you about your apparently MASSIVE debt incurred by the Valkyrie spree
754) You now love DR for adding the SDF into this mix as a piece of the addiction
755) You actually went into a USAF recruiter and started talking and wound up on your "past expierence in commanding positions" on your guild and the SDF in general
756) You both start griping about the old SMs ways
757) Turns out the USAF recruiter is in fact another SDF (I am NOT kidding you, this actually happened, it scared me half to death!)
758) You've discussed the end of the test and openly wept
759) You're prepared to pay guild anything just to have Vendetta
760) Your seeing a girl simply so that while she gets ready you can use her t1 line to play Vendetta
760a) You've more than once on the topic of marrage brought up s9 as the "Vegas Of Vendetta" and how nice a honeymoon it would be.
761) You ask guild to pay you some money to get rehab after becoming addicted to Vendetta
762) They realize after checking your logon logs that you need help they give it to you
763) The therapy isnt working since you sneek Vendetta "hits" every nite.
764) your goal in life is to build a model of the ships in Vendetta out of Legos, that are life sized
765) you made Vendetta your 1st online computer game ever
766) you cry when you realize how much you dont know about computers when the community do computer comparisson in public chat
767) you cry when you know how long you dint have a computer and how long you have missed Vendetta
768) you realize that you like Vendetta more than the old school game: Number Munchers
769) you have made a suggestion to Vendetta devs on how to make the game better
770) you told someone in your computer class about Vendetta, and he refers to the Vendetta community as: "the Bus People"
769a) the suggestion you made they actually considered and celebrim couldn't find a hole in it
771) you pay people you know to play vendetta just to increase it's playerbase
772) you bought a computer and pitched a fit when the people at best buy told you "no... vendetta isn't pre-installed"
773) secretly, in your basement so your wife doesn't find out, you've been building your very own valkrie out of sheetmetal
774) she found out and wanted to help you paint it
775) you suggested to NASA that they use a ship like the neutral marauder to ferry things from earth to the international space station and back
776) you made blueprints of your dreamhouse... shaped to look exactly like sector nine's station.
777) you built the above house
778) you put your baby brother in a stroller (and your friend does with his as well) and you use them to dogfight
779) your mother sees you outside doing this and runs to join you
780) you picked up a foreign (sp?) language from the global chat in vendetta
781) you've spent more then 24 hours online in vendetta in one straight go (no food, sleep, bathroom breaks...)
782) when you go to the store to buy batteries you wonder if they have a "fast charge" battery or not
783) you have the names and selling prices memorized of all the widgets in the game (might have already been done... don't think so though)
784) You send out "Change of address" notices because you moved your home sector to 18.
785) "771) you pay people you know to play vendetta just to increase it's playerbase" makes you mad, noticing that the money could have funded Vendetta's former financial troubles, which you are happy that the funing problems are gone
786) you considered english a foreign language even though you were born in the US or England
786a) ... you consider any earth language your foreign language
786b) ... Waylonics is your natural language
787) you have designs for your piloting uniform, representing your nation
788) you gave the skimatics(sp?) of the Frigate to NASA as the next space ship to be created as it is that the former model had been retired
789) you ask someone creative to design, an appropriate and non-biased, symbol/patch for your piloting uniform and each nation, for which the nation shall vote on as the official symbol/patch
790) ....if you read all of them.
791) When filling out an online dating slip, you include you Ethnicity as SERCONIAN, your Ocupation as: The Defenders Of The Homeland, the SHIELD Of Freedom (and you dont mean the USCG)
792) You get about 30 hits back from women all wanting a "man in uniform"
793) You date said 30 women and end up having a serious relationship wiht one
794) You are legally insane.
794) B: You were mentally stable before you joined vendetta.
794) You have posted 1/10th of the words in the question thread
795) You have learned more world history ingame than in school
796) You have satalite photos of the Guildsoftware office
797) You kill bots with ion blaster because all other guns are too easy
798) When people ask if you have any friends you respond "Yes, but they're all ingame right now"
800) You have FINALLY gotten another 00 reason.
801) You think the stuff at the ingame bar is WAY better than Starbucks
802) You keep on bugging me to update the running story of Question.
803) You want to update the running story of Question but never find a good hour to do so.
804) You want lemming to update the question story but know he cant find a good 3 hours.
805) you have created a "screenshots" database and believe your screenshots to be much more dramatic and cinematic then other vendetta player's databases
806) You look at a scar and think 'That sure does look like GTS for V.'
807) on snow days you spend your day wondering how to get on Vendetta
808) when you get on vendetta you wonder how you got on when you were grounded
808a) ... you still arent sure
809) even though you no longer play the game you still check the forums and post as actively as you did (almost) when you were playing
810) You organized your house as a Itani frigate and have everybody in your house running in uniforms, talking GTS and if they want to go outside they must use an airlock and space suit.
811) You came in a talk show to talk about your many 'near death experiences', only to be kicked out of it once they found out it was in-game.
811b) You convinced them that the experiences where real.
812) You learned GTS, only from seeing it ingame.
813) You get a 1 (F-) for a test because you made it in GTS.
813b) Your teachers can now read GTS.
814) You resolve to henceforth remember Feb. 6th, 2004 as "Guild Receives Investment Day"
814b) You literally jumped for joy when you read the announcement
815) You go back and check every # on genka's list
815b) You make a list of your own
815c) You see it as a test of faith
816) After reading the whole list you begin seeing the word "you" in front of every sentence you read.
817) you have never made a suggestion on how to fix the economy, because you know it would be a waste of an idea
817a) ... fix the valk "said" uberness
817b) ... fix the "said" rocketramming situation
817c) ... fix the "said" nuking situation
--zoid fuzor--
818) you keep answering this post and you don't think it is old.
819) you're completely sure that the vendetta community can pull together and think up another 180 reasons!
820) you just realized the machine sitting next to you (that you're not using) is a P4 processor
821) ...and it has an NVIDIA graphics card
822) ...which makes you absolutely SURE it would be PERFECT for Vendetta
823) ...but, it's your dad's work office machine. :(
824) You sit for hours waiting for someone to reply to that essay you just posted on the GSW forums.
825) you pondered creating a java version of Vendetta to train new players
826) You are the CEO of the oldest ingame restaurant in vendetta.
827) people enjoy said restaurant, in all of its incarnations.
828) You spend more time doing vendetta-related stuff than anything else
829) You play vendetta on any computer you can get access to, including an attempt (failed) on your iPaq
830) Only 170 more to go!
831) you have so many friends online you're not sure who's who anymore...
832) not to mention you talk about vendetta so much in school around your friends that they keep asking you where they can get it; they want to try it out! (true story!)
833) you have learned a vast amount of internet language just from joining vendetta
833a)you realized it about 10seconds after installing the game
834) People at school call you by your username instead of your real name
834a) you don't notice it
835) Everytime you breath, your breath comes out in the tune to vendettas ingame music.
836)You NEED a daily dose of vendetta otherwise you'll have withdrawal syndromes in which people look roids and ships.
837) You notice this thread has been running since 12/11/03
838) You double or triple post because you keep forgetting to add something to your previous post
838a) ...because you forgot that we now have a 'edit this message' button.
839) you critcize someones thinking because you miss the fact that they didn't want to edit incase someone else posted.
840) you respond to peoples reasons in this thread by making your own reason in this thread
841) you realize that half these reason aren't even realted to vendetta anymore
842) you just did 839 and 840 and posted it and then edited your post to make 841 and 842 because a person named celkan said to edit your post instead of making a new one.
843) Despite the fact that this thread is already over 176kb(176750b) in size, you still load it time and time again.
844) You keep messing up those damn numbers... sorry rogue, Jm, gotta shift em up by one.
--zamzx zik--
845) you ARE a claw
846) you have pics of 0
847) ...and a1k0n
848) a UFO in 0
849) you got hit by a1k0n's dev beam
850) 0
851) .... on his team
852) .....and got heath for it.
853) you ware the 1st guy to dock in the frigate
854) you got 2 billion c
855) a1k0n used you as a base ball
856) .... in 5
857) a frigate
858) ....on his team
859) ....and he got killed
860) ...becose he was after you and hit a astroid
862) you know ho to go IN astroids
863) more then 4 vets have asked you how you did it
864) you know who silacon is
865) you have met him
866) you are best frineds with his brother
867) he is coming to you brithday party
868) you say : PIE! all the time....
869) you try to get your sisters to play vendetta
870) you know who wots is...
872) you play vendetta 20+ times a day
873) you homed in 0
874) ....had a war
875) and had to have a1k0n dew warp you out 3 times
876) you had a drime that a1k0n made you a dev
877) you beged your dad to let you give guild money....
878) and your mom
879) and both told you "no"
880) you sing "boom tish 68 pie"
881) you will pay 10$ a day to play vendetta
882) you looked at all the posted on thsi thread
883) you started a SPAM thraed
884) you love vendetta
885) you play it the most
886) you have 1k net
887) a1k0n lets you go to 23
888) and lets you home
889) You check the vendetta boards before you read your e-mail
890) You devote more hours a week to vendetta than your job
891) you can solo kill the frigate in a stock bus
891b) without dying or having to go repair in sector 5
892) You want to build a booth like the ones at video game arcades to play vendetta in.
893) you have ever considered adding a room to the back of your house just for vendetta
894) You consider the devs celebrities and if you could have any one autograph in the whole world it would be a1k0n's (sorry incarnate, but a1k0n posts more entertaining messages on the board)
895) You think that while the pen is mightier than the sword, your prommy could still blow it up.
896) you tried to kill incarnate's frigate
897) you did kill incarnate's frigate
898) you successfully evaded a /sector kill (by undocking) and then killed a1k0n while he was typing.
899) you keep annoying the devs/guides by asking to be muted as they're about to log off
aaaand 900) a1k0n has said "I'm just on to kill sircamps" before (back in 3.2)
901) your nagging contributed to a1 making the frig dockable
--zamzx zik--
902) you ware the 1st to do so
903) You repeatedly are blown up by the Capital Ship, but still come back for more.
904) You want to post number 1000.
1000 - I dont think so!) You couldn't wait to post 1000.
906) You have a realtime log of the nettraffic on as your screensaver
907) You have enough patience to kill the frigate with a stock bus by ramming it to death (this possible?)
908) you have pictures in your picture album of "greatest times" of you at the computer playing vendetta
909) you ambush random people walking on sidewalks by jumping out of bushes and yelling, "drop your cargo!"
910) you have laid out what it would take to make a sunflare rocket
910a) you made one
911) you often calculate how much time you plan to spend playing vendetta that day and go way over
912) you set limits for yourself on how much you will play and you go over them without even the slightest realization (till the next day when you wake up from the "vendetta daze")
913) you've written a script for a vendetta movie
914) your alias or character from ingame actually appeared in the script somewhere
915) you endeavoured to create the movie using ingame footage and hired "actors" to be a part of the project
916) you were one of the actors chosen to act
917) you've actually discovered more then 10 bugs in vendetta
918) you have more instantmessenger S/Ns from vendetta than you do from real life
919) you wish the devs would port vendetta to xbox because you're allowed to play that as long as you want
920) you remember when FM stood for FiReMaGe
921) all your friends get together and do an "intervention" in attempt to make you realize you're addicted
922) you let them all into your house and proceed to just play vendetta while they talk to you
923) you play so well that they become addicted
924) using shoeboxes you created some "slippers" in the shape of the EC-88
925) you stopped playing vendetta at one point but came back (whatever your reason may be... you're addicted... admit it!)
926) Using chairs and blankets (who hasn't does this, heh) you make a mock version of your fav. station from vendetta in your bedroom and sleep in the bed which is situated right where the living quarters are.
927) you log onto vendetta each day while saying things like, "I just need a break", and "must... breath..."
928) you log onto vendetta because you need to vent RL frustration
929) your best friend (the one who listens to you vent) you met on vendetta
930) you've lost more then 500k in 2 hours on vendetta
931) you lost it without flying any of the special ships
932) you call all the local gaming stores every day to ask if you can preorder vendetta yet
933) while planning boy scout campouts you suggest foods from Verdandi's (ha! I spelled it right!) Bar
934) your patrol is all so addicted to vendetta that everyone agrees to make out an actual recipe for each food on Verdani's list (the ones that aren't "realistic")
935) your IM away message reads almost 24/7, "playing vendetta right now, please leave a message"
936) when sledding down a hill in snow all you can think about is the old bus run people used to do is s7
937) you were one of the first people to start using tri-flare valk (this is actually true of me... I creamed a few vets with it at the very start of the tactic before everyone started using it)
938) you've created a vendetta boardgame
939) you're alias or character is used for one (or more) of the game pieces
940) you don't think fighter-to-fighter combat (like with F16s or whatever they're using nowadays) is fun to watch because you'd rather watch two valks dogfight it out
941) you can kill a tri-flare valk with arcade mode
942) you have had 1 or more people come up to you asking you to teach them how to fight in vendetta
943) you have taught one or more people how to fight in vendetta
944) you taught them so well that they because vets
945) when you see words like: "grief", "bus", "ambient", "developer", "incarnate", and so on and so forth you immediately think of vendetta
946) you used the vendetta community to help complete some kind of homework (survey, essay, etc)
947) you started using a mac because of vendetta
948) you used to be a FPS gamer (CS, Quake, UT, etc) but vendetta ruined it all for you and now you only play it
949) you play WWII flight simulators and wonder why you can't put it on "physics mode"
950) you were at one time addicted to the star wars flight sims but now think your avalons could take an SSD out any day!
951) instead of comparing star wars to star trek you now compare them to vendetta
952) you have been hired by the devs to make posters for the game once it comes out (and you aren't professionally an artist or graphics designer)
953) you try to be the best vendetta "citizen" and best person for the community so that they will give you a free subscription once the game comes out
954) you are in the devs eyes the best vendetta "citizen"
955) when you go to the store to buy paint you complain because you dont see any "intani blue", "serco red", or "neutral gold" colors available
956) you convince the manager to call the paint company and to request that such a color be made
957) you are aghast when you see that the entry "vendetta" in the dictionary doesn't have anything to do with the game
958) you write up 50 reasons and then go to eat breakfast before writing the other 40 you'll need to get reasons #1000
959) you have written to an advice columnist about vendetta and she advised you to "stop playing"
960) you didn't stop playing
961) you think it would be cool to have a vendetta cereal
962) you check "your stats" daily even if you haven't played because you worry your account will be hacked and your character deleted
963) you lengths and specifications of things in vendetta better than you do in the real world
964) you started to refer to all speeds in RL in m/s
965) you've thought out in your mind what the engine in a valk looks like and compare it to the engine in your corvette
966) you've written out an memorized a periodic table of elements for the vendetta universe instead of your own
967) you change your password daily for fear of someone finding yours out and using it to delete your aliases
968) you've won more than a million from the lotto on bounty bot
969) you've donated millions to bounty bot for use by the lotto
970) even though you just donated millions you've still got millions left
971) despite the fact that you've quit playing vendetta (permanantly) you still hang onto your credits on your characters because... you never know!
972) you check all the colleges you're considering to see if they have a major in "vendetta - the universe apart from reality" or something like it
973) you've written a vendetta novel
974) when you're just short of 25 more reasons till 1000 you can't think of anything more but you keep trying!
975) you quite frequently listen to the entire LotR soundtrack (all three movies in sequence) all the way through several times while playing vendetta
976) your favorite paperweight (and possibly only paperweight) is a ship from vendetta
977) something you posted on the forums actually had affect on the way the devs were going to make something in the game
978) you have the vendetta homepage ( sourcecode memorized... just incase they dont have a backup and need a copy
979) you've contributed the most to the longest thread to stay on-topic in the general forums (i think)
980) as the pastors son (no this doesn't apply to me...) your father has actually preached a sermon on addictions while using you as his main example of what is an addiction (to vendetta)
981) you have what you think are "lifelong friends" made from playing vendetta
982) they actually are lifelong friends (though you wont know for a while)
983) you have a character that fits into each of the personality types that Celkan posted (
984) as the systems administrator at your workplace you've recogfigured all the computers so they play vendetta and you and your co-workers all join together and play at the same time once a day (at like... 2 o'clock)
985) you've posted more than a few times regarding this thread and how people "aren't doing it right!"
986) they actually listen to you for a while
987) you are what would be generally considered a "well respected member of the vendetta community"
988) you actually belong to the vendetta community :D
989) you've written a vendetta bible
990) several players have decided to live their lives according to said bible
991) your wife started sleeping around because of your playing vendetta non-stop
992) you don't care that your wife is sleeping around because you just got married to someone ingame and it's taking all your time
993) you created a band in order to sing the lyrics that people came up with on the vendetta forums (dont remember the link to that thread...)
994) when you go to the store you look at their "battery center" for the various different types of vendetta battery
995) heh, oh yeah, you wrote down about 44 reasons jus to steal #950 from roguelazer :P
996) you've got enough battery power backup for your computer for it to stay on for 48 hours solely so you can continue to play vendetta
997) you wonder why no one has created a vendetta TV show yet
998) you go from store to store in your town buy goods here and and trying to sell them there to make a profit
999) you just spent 2 hours writing out 96 reasons why "You might be a Vendetta addict if..." solely to get number 1000
1000) you actually got #1000... just to steal it from roguelazer :D
1001) you actually just spent about 1 1/2 hours copy pasting all those posts... and you got really good writing peoples usernames
1002) you understand what the devs mean when they say "valgrinding" and you dint have to use a dictionary
1003) you wonder if DR realized that he copied your name wrong and its offends you just a bit
1004) you wonder why a person's login name doesnt relate to their ingame chars
1005) your login relates to your ingame chars
1006) You wish there was some way to change your user name
1007) Your user name relates to your old self
1008) Pyro is about to go on a murderous rampage because your name is soo close to his
1009) Your old char by the same name as your account is long dead.
1010) you stole the first 10th post of the second 1000 addict reasons,
1011) You stole another binary post
1012) You are overjoyed to the point of wetting yourself that this thread made over 1000 reasons
1013) You are part of the "Vendetta Galaxy" or "Vendetta Alliance" on Planetia
1014) You go to the trouble to start another "You might be a Vendetta Addict If..." thread after the old one was locked.
1015) You aren't addicted to Vendetta at all. In fact, you can quit any time you want to. You're sure of it, but haven't had reason to try yet. Yeah. That's it.
1016) You compose music for Vendetta
1016a) You consider dropping $100 on a USB keyboard to compose better music for Vendetta.
1016b) You consider taking up the violin again to compose music for Vendetta.
1017) You pissed of A1 by homing in 0, then /exploding as soon as he tried to dev warp you out.
1018) Then you made him kick you offline so he could change your home station because you set home in an enemy nation's station when he warped you there.
1019) You had your own war in s0 because you were stuck and had nothing else to do.

Feb 23, 2004 spectre_c_me link
1002) you understand what the devs mean when they say "valgrinding" and you dint have to use a dictionary
1003) you wonder if DR realized that he copied your name wrong and its offends you just a bit

-invisiblish one
Feb 23, 2004 DR link
sorry io, i used usernames... you'll notice I put DR instead of outrider. It was simply so no one would get confused if they were to compare the two threads.

Feb 24, 2004 spectre_c_me link
thats not what i was talking about, and i was just kidding so you dont have to worry. lol

1004) you wonder why a person's login name doesnt relate to their ingame chars
1005) your login relates to your ingame chars
Feb 24, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
1006) You wish there was some way to change your user name
1007) Your user name relates to your old self
1008) Pyro is about to go on a murderous rampage because your name is soo close to his
1009) Your old char by the same name as your account is long dead.
1010) you stole the first 10th post of the second 1000 addict reasons,
1011) You stole another binary post
1012) You are overjoyed to the point of wetting yourself that this thread made over 1000 reasons
Feb 24, 2004 StarFreeze link
1013) You are part of the "Vendetta Galaxy" or "Vendetta Alliance" on Planetia
Feb 24, 2004 paedric link
1014) You go to the trouble to start another "You might be a Vendetta Addict If..." thread after the old one was locked.
Feb 24, 2004 ctishman link
1015) You aren't addicted to Vendetta at all. In fact, you can quit any time you want to. You're sure of it, but haven't had reason to try yet. Yeah. That's it.
1016) You compose music for Vendetta
1016a) You consider dropping $100 on a USB keyboard to compose better music for Vendetta.
1016b) You consider taking up the violin again to compose music for Vendetta.
Feb 25, 2004 zoid fuzor link
how long did it take you to type all of that?!?!?
Feb 25, 2004 Pyro link
Ummm... Yeah, oookay...

/me points to ctrl-a and ctrl-c
Feb 25, 2004 DR link
I copy/pasted everything but the usernames... it still took me about an hour and a half.

Feb 25, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
Pfft, thats nothing, takes me a good hour for the question thread, AND I lose my IQ points.
Feb 25, 2004 Urza link
1017) You pissed of A1 by homing in 0, then /exploding as soon as he tried to dev warp you out.
1018) Then you made him kick you offline so he could change your home station because you set home in an enemy nation's station when he warped you there.
Feb 25, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
1019) You had your own war in s0 because you were stuck and had nothing else to do.
Mar 03, 2004 spectre_c_me link
1020) you know what sector zero is
1020a) ... you could play in s0 even with all the pretty colors
1021) you played in the big roid when the first racing sectors were created
1022) you got grounded for a month because you played vendetta when your computer came back on
Mar 06, 2004 spectre_c_me link
1023) you wonder if this thread has truely reached its end
Mar 07, 2004 Xorbital link
1024) Your muscles begin to weaken as you abstane from playing... the squirrels attacked my cable lines again LEMMING!!!
Mar 07, 2004 MonkRX link
1025) Your copyright "Soon" for Guildsoftware
1025a) You copyright it for yourself
1025b) So Guild can't use Soon anymore

(I don't know, i just felt like bumping this)