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Mar 16, 2004 alienb1212 link
Yeah, I dunno who it was, but ONE of your SAW guys like blows, really really bad. Not trying to flame, but dudes, shouldnt you have a bit of combat requirements or something?
Mar 16, 2004 SirCamps link
Don't several INM "guys like blow, really really bad?"



I agree with Alienb in the other thread, we are getting very heated and started to make (at least it seems to me) semi-permanent enemies. Remember, this is a game, and six months from now, there will probably be no INM, no SAW, and no ECAV. Just remember that it's a game, guys, nothing worth taking a pepsid over.
Mar 16, 2004 AlienB link
"Don't several INM "guys like blow, really really bad?"" comment:p
Mar 16, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
In all seriousness, Camps is to a degree right about INM pilot skill. However, because of the teamwork demonstrated by INM this flaw is largely not a problem. This is in contrast to SAW, which is a few skilled pilots, with one exception.\

Edit: Therefore INM can talk about Pilot skill, because they do not pride themselves on that as much as teamwork
Mar 17, 2004 alienb1212 link
sigh...let it die was more a joke than anything....
Mar 17, 2004 Phoenix_I link
I am NOT in SAW, geez, which makes your whole point useless rogue.
Mar 17, 2004 Suicidal Lemming link
This should be locked 'cause it's horribly off topic and it's just you people bickering.
Mar 17, 2004 Icarus link
I know how you feel Phoenix, I keep getting INM accusing me of being a member of the SAW too. It's especially annoying as i don't have concrete proof about who actually IS in the SAW, but they do appear to be fairly experienced Vendetta pilots, which kinda narrows the list down...

Mar 17, 2004 Celkan link
Icarus: AFAIK (*and* have been told), you, Camps, Phoenix and UncleDave were the original SAW group which is now being remade with or without your participation.
Mar 17, 2004 Icarus link
I was never in the original (or the current) SAW group! Get your facts straight before saying anything else please... If I *was* in the SAW I would openly admit it, why would I not do so?
Mar 17, 2004 Arolte link
They may be gettin' you mixed up with JAW.
Mar 17, 2004 alienb1212 link
I know people's fighting styles. Now either the SAW people have studied on you guys a great deal, or they're you.

Icarus, Phoenix are two very strong styles that I've noticed fighting them. AKA is a strong probable, and I even think I've seen Pirogoeth fight in their ranks.
Mar 17, 2004 Phoenix_I link
I have never been in SAW and i never intend to be.
Mar 17, 2004 UncleDave link
Ha, ha, ha... you may never know who was in it. Or who is at the moment.

But I can tell you I am not in [SAW].
Mar 17, 2004 SirCamps link

Lol, I wasn't even Serco when the original SAW was around. (I didn't even know there was an original SAW)
Mar 17, 2004 alienb1212 link
OMG LOL 1337!!!1!!

u wil never kno!!!!11!!OMFGLOLBBQQqQQ!!!

I never understood why people want to stay anonymous when doing things like that. If you dont believe in something enough to put your named endorsement, why are you doing it?
Mar 17, 2004 Magus link
"and I even think I've seen Pirogoeth fight in their ranks."

-You mean a valk that hangs back 500m from the fight and hops in with a rail whenever someone gets low on health?

Mar 17, 2004 roguelazer link
SAW was originally Icarus and a couple of other people.
Mar 17, 2004 Pirogoeth2 link
alienb, it's funny you say that seeing as how i've helped the INM ranks against SAW more than you have. I've helped when all of the SAW has been on(The four i know of, anyway), including at the first battle with the revived SAW, do not tell me i fight in their ranks.

Alienb, that is an accusation that is ludicrous, maybe i should accuse you of being part of -SM-?
Mar 17, 2004 Forum Moderator link
This thread is in danger of being locked. Kindly avoid flaming and personal remarks, and try to role play. Otherwise, take it to another board.

edit: rogue - you seem to be unclear on my role.