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News updated, lots of stuff coming.

Mar 30, 2006 Gavan link
Yeah sorry about that, I just can't pass up an opportunity to rag on American Domestic Policies....

...sorry if your not an American Leebs, and sorry if you are... :P

Mar 30, 2006 LeberMac link
That Canadian said: Yeah, but given the fact that there won't be a guarantee that any weapons drop then it would be a pain in the ass. Plus, are you saying that some high level player is gonna patiently follow a low level buddy (be it a newb or otherwise) around and explode every time they (the alt) needs another weapon?

No, I'm saying that a certain high-level pilot from any number of longstanding guilds would "help out" a lower-level player (Like say... Gavan's German Shepherd) to get N3's and FC batts, even tho the low-level char could only put them into a Vult Mk. I.

I'm pretty sure that everyone knows I'm a fat white American republican who likes guns and beer and real American football and quantum physics and .. wait. I think the similarities ended after football.

However I really like the direction this game is going in. Keep plugging away, devs!
Mar 30, 2006 Shapenaji link
Leebs: So?

The expense would be enormous if the probability is set right.
Mar 31, 2006 leapfrog link
Frankly, I have to confess I don't care as much about the topic as I do the discussion... you guys are *great*!

oops... dang, I did it again... :)~
Mar 31, 2006 zamzx zik link
Mar 31, 2006 Ion link
I agree wholeheartedly with Gavan. It rather ruins the most thrilling aspect of dropped cargo if items dropped cannot be equipped by lower level licences.

An interesting way to handle this would be to let patrol ships scan you, and if they detect equipment which might somehow be deemed "illegal" (either through lack of licences or if the stuff actually is illegal tech), then that would incur fines, affect your standing, or even cause you to be KoS for a short while if the item isn't removed and handed over to the authorities.

Of course, probably very far in the future, this solution. But preventing players from equippping (not buying) tech due to low license levels, that sounds more like a silly magical defense along the lines of FF protection. I prefer if all such issues are handled through in-game mechanisms (repercussions and consequences of actions), not game limitations.

If we DO want to prevent this, and need an in-game explanation of why such stuff cannot be equipped, perhaps all ship techs except Corvus (after all, they sell the stuff at lower license levels) will refuse to install tech on a ship when the pilots lacks the required clearance.
Mar 31, 2006 incarnate link
My plan is to do exactly what Ion said. Basically, "lawful" stations won't let you equip addons that are above your level. But "unlawful" stations will. That functionality doesn't exist yet, but it's in-process. For the moment, everyone will be able to equip any drop anywhere.
Mar 31, 2006 mgl_mouser link
If youy put it in and then take it out, people will bitch. Might as well not put it in until it's properly implemented (lawful nation & unlawful nations).
Mar 31, 2006 Obsidian link
I have a complaint. No matter what you do people will complain.

It's part of our culture. It's just that here the people in charge seem to listen and respond to the valid complaints.

However I'd like to know when new missions are going to be added.
Mar 31, 2006 incarnate link
mgl_mouser: We would have to delay the release until next week sometime in order to do that. Maybe another whole week. I don't really want to do that. There'll be a certain amount of lower-level exploitation, but the scope is pretty limited.. once they lose the weapon it's difficult to re-acquire, and if they stockpile them with outside help, they'll only be useful if they're willing to deal with corvus. Eventually we'll build a full suite of checks and balances into it, and I don't think the "twinking" in the meantime will be too detrimental. I don't want to undermine the existing license system at all, but I do want to move forward towards a more interesting balance of systems in the future.

For half a year we've been "delaying releasing until we're sure it won't break things". I'm really looking forward to actually changing things again. I don't think the breakage will be significant. And as we all know, people will bitch either way.

obsidian: Andy is working on a system to bridge the mission editor with the production server. Partially because I really want to get some missions propogated.. hopefully even for this release.
Mar 31, 2006 incarnate link
Incidentally, did you guys know that Corvus and two other factions already have reducing multipliers against their license requirements? Corvus only requires 0.6*requirement, if I recall. So if there was a theoretical level-10 item, it would be available from corvus at level 6.

Most of these factors aren't that obvious at present, since we only have a few levels of populated content. And much of the content isn't globally available.
Mar 31, 2006 mr_spuck link
old news :P

*ding* found the old thread
Mar 31, 2006 LeberMac link
Oooh. That's a good idea, Inc: make the ability to equip the item based on what station you're in. Brilliant. PLUS that makes sense in the game universe.

Good thing you're on the development team, Incarnate.
Mar 31, 2006 zamzx zik link
Praise be to the lords! to the devs!

Mar 31, 2006 andreas link
Could we finally get a centurion tweaking for the next release as well?
Mar 31, 2006 incarnate link
andreas: yes, already did that.
Mar 31, 2006 softy2 link
/me hopes for some succour from agt-prom whoring!
Mar 31, 2006 Dr. Lecter link
The GODDAMN TIN CAN got resized?

/me goes and belts out the hallelujah chorus
Mar 31, 2006 Ghost link
Don't get me wrong, I've been an avid supporter of resizing the cent and am thrilled that it's finally getting made bigger.

But as Softy said, what about the agt/flare prom now? Cent was the only thing that could compete with it (and not very well).

Note: I'm not suggesting we don't make the cent bigger. I'm 100% in favor of increasing the cent size. I'm just worried about an already overpowered SCP now having even less competition. Would it be possible to try some balance tweaks with Proms/Agt along with the cent rebalance?
Mar 31, 2006 zamzx zik link
/govel "devs" infinity