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Pilots thread for nerfing the prom

Oct 25, 2005 Will Roberts link
I could make just as good an arguement on nerfing the valk. The uber prom is the SCP. The mk3 is close, but the others really aren't in the same class.

The Valks, however, are all in the top 10 "most agile" of any ship/variant with 2 or more s-ports. Let's nerf them.

Or up-tweak the TDHog and give the SVG another s-port.
Oct 25, 2005 LeberMac link
Indeed. If you reduce it's thrust for strafing you make it an easy target, and no better than an Aggresso.
If you increase it's mass, same thing.
If you reduce it's turbo it certainly won't be able to catch anything, it might as well be a stationary gun emplacement.

Flying an SCP without an AGT (+ Flares optional) is suicide against almost anything else.

And the VALK... I salivate when I see my opponents in a flare-less Valk... the maneuverability on those is great, but they are JUST a big fat target. If the valk pilot does not have flares, a lighter ship (vult, centurion) will defeat them 90% of the time, assuming equal pilot skill.
Oct 25, 2005 Beolach link
> Flying an SCP without an AGT (+ Flares optional) is suicide against almost anything else.

No, it's only suicide against the TinyUltraLights, IBG/Rev. C/Vulturius. A SCP w/ MegaPosi+Flares and/or Neuts and/or Posi will be a match for a Rag, Taur, Hog, and most other ships, depending on pilot skill (and depending on the other ship also not using the AGT, although even if the other ship had an AGT the end result would still be mostly based on skill). The AGT is only necessary against those small fast buggers.

The problem is the AGT, but you can't nerf the AGT without making the TinyUltraLights uber. You'd have to nerf the AGT, and nerf the TinyUltraLights, and... just way too much to try to get it all "balanced". Balance and Variety are inversly proportional; the only way to have perfect balance is to have no variety. Which is boring. So let's not worry about balance, right now it's of course not perfect, but the balance is plenty "good enough" IMO.
Oct 25, 2005 LeberMac link
I agree Beo.

SOME ships should JUST be "better". That is the way of things. DEAL with it. Just make the Valk and the TD Hog have some more armor and we're all set with all three factions having their "Uber" ship.
Oct 25, 2005 Spellcast link
I'd actually like to see the prom loose a bit more of its agility, cut the spin torque just a bit more and maybe reduce its thrust a tiny tiny tiny amount.

Ok, actually i'd like to see a radically different style of balancing the ships ala my old post here..

but i know thats probably not gonna happen. :P
Oct 25, 2005 Nya13 link

this thread is a ****** joke

nevermind as a serco players we use now the valk lol

SCP is good vs noobs and idiots in duel
/sarcasm on
a very usefull ship.
/sarcasm off

Oct 25, 2005 Nya13 link
another joke :

i fly in a Warhog + AGT + flares
i cant beat a SCP + AGT + flares
OMG nerf SCP!!!

i fly in vulture
it's hard to beat a SCP + AGT + flares
(did you try to beat a centaur + AGT + flares? ragnarok...)
OMG nerf SCP!!!

centaur, raganarok, axia must be better than a SCP!!!

Oct 25, 2005 Harry Seldon link're the way you're thinking about this.

SCP should be a brawler. It should be able to take a lot of damage, and dish it out. I think it should be taken down a notch in other ways, perhaps weakening the Torque or strafing.

And saying "OMG nerf SCP!!!" isn't gonna make anybody take you seriously. ¬_¬™
Oct 25, 2005 Ghost link
Proms are pretty uber. But I think once the game gets more people it will seem more balanced. The prom is supposed to be feared in combat and is near unbeatable 1 on 1. Hence at least two pilots are required to fight it. This is fine with me, just don't let me catch prom pilots whining when they get double teamed.

And somebody please grab a prom and go show Ayn what happens to a valk when it faces an agt+flare SCP. You can't fly the SCP like a light figher, maybe that's why you think it's so terrible. Try using different tactics when you fly heavies and you might find out what everyone else is talking about.
Oct 25, 2005 KixKizzle link
It's all so easy.
You say nerf one and the other becomes the new "uber" eh?
Nerf flares, SLIGHTLY.
This isn't hard.
Once the devs realize that they don't have to work on 10 digit increments we should get some real balance going.
(applaus for IBG, Rev C thrust decrease by -2)

The valk loses "SOME" uber-bility.
Prom loses more.
Oct 25, 2005 terjekv link
Ayn, the SCP is great for many things in its current state. I'll mention one, BP. I'm sure you can come up with other examples, if not, try to fly one a bit and see if that helps.
Oct 25, 2005 Gruumsh link
i don't think we should nerf the proms or the valks. they are supposed to be very good ships for a reason.
they are each nations special weapon against each other.
and the proms are hasd to beat 1v1.. who cares!?!

i don't want to tweak proms just so that i can beat "A-Dawg" or "Lin" more often.
(I haven't beaten them that often)
just leave them alone so we botkh have our own special weapon.
Oct 25, 2005 icbm1987 link
The SCP is supposed to be the ultimate 1v1 ship.
The Valk is supposed to be ubar-fast... and it's pretty decent in combat.

The thing is... it's all about having them in the right hands... and knowing your ship.

I have better luck with a Centaur than with a Prom most of the time... just because I know my ship better.

Another thing... MAUDS suck... they really do.

No more Nerf Prom or Nerf Valk threads... BUFF THE MAUD.
Oct 25, 2005 Blacklight link
nevermind as a serco players we use now the valk lol

we? what 'we'? most of us dont use valks! and if you didnt learn from that last thread, you better get on the right page this instant Nya!
Oct 25, 2005 moldyman link
Whoever said it is right, Proms suck in large numbers or when facing larger numbers. Proven today in B-8.
Oct 25, 2005 icbm1987 link
Oct 25, 2005 Ghost link
moldy: I would be interested as to who the prom pilots were. The prom pilots i've faced have been unstoppable while working in pairs and have been known to take on upwards of four people at a time.
Oct 25, 2005 Corbin Armond link
I am Serco and use a SCP most of the time.

The prom is not a duelist ship, the prom is a sector control ship. It excels at crushing single opponents, and depending on the skill of the prom user multiple opponents.

How ever, the prom is in no way a runner. If the target ship decides it want's to run away there is little the prom can do to catch the ship, no only does it turbo slowly it also has a high drain.

Thus the prom is more or less nothing more then a meat grinder. If the meat comes to the prom it will easily grind it, but if the meat does not come the grinder can not grind.

The prom is a defensive ship. And oddly the valk is an offensive ship, the valk can zip in shoot stuff up and run away, the prom must sit and wait for the prey to come to it. An interesting thing considering the Itani are seen as the defenders and the Serco as the aggressors.
Oct 25, 2005 Blacklight link
Prom has NEVER been able to run away! Even in alpha, there were more Valk users (thanks to the ol' s18!) than prom users. I dont understand how a prom shooting at you then running away works. Sounds more like a valk then a prom to me. Even with infini-boost (mk 1 & mk 2) you would still be able to catch up to it.
Oct 26, 2005 terjekv link
if you're on the short end of a multi, the SCP can work wonders for you, even now. the only upside is that most people fit rockets on it, which means ammo is limited. lure out that ammo and kill it off when it has to rely on AGT, since you suddenly have a lot more of a chance to get in close and personal without dying.

anyone saying SCPs are crap in a multi should try to find a buddy and fight Matriarch. =)