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While one viewer became sick and tired of his friends spontaneously combusting... he to combusted ending his...
plight of despair.
This caused his bank account to...
become Iced! Frozen! Gone!! a bat
but it didnt matter because he was dead.
...I went to a bank with a torch, melted the ice off the cash and...
it was Monopoly money! Oh no!
Then suddenly a mime appeared and handed me a card that read" go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200". So I did the only thing I could think of...
... I farted.
...causing the mime to... that "walking against a strong wind" thing while...
tiptoeing backwards.
Unbeknownst to the mime, there was a small platypus waiting behind him which...
went pop! and was another mime.
The mimes did...
...can can and continued to kick/move agressively towards...
the other mime.
At this point, the other mime decided to...