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Itani Nation Military- Recruitment

Nov 19, 2003 Archon link
Fear! Hail the Serco Military! From more-or-less independent fighter wings to the great Serco Navy, we do and will forever rule the galaxy. We fight not for personal honor, but to strengthen our nation and serve the allmighty Lord Serco!

No other military can match the power of the Serco Military, END!

@rchon, former leader of the Serco Fighters.
Nov 19, 2003 ctishman link
Bow to Lady Serco!

Nov 19, 2003 Durgia link
don't you have your own threads you can clog about your serco greatness or whatever it is you are jibbering about
Nov 19, 2003 ctishman link
A nation never became an empire while respecting the property rights of those it planned to conquer. Such it is with these forums. We abide by this "diplomatic" farce until Serco wills it otherwise. When that day comes, the strongest navy you Itani heretics can put to the slaughter will be crushed beneath the boot-heel of our mighty lady's army. Ultimately, YOU are all dead men.
Nov 19, 2003 romikq link
ctishman, while you may like to be dominated by some female(hah!) deity, some Itani like to have the right to elect their leaders and have a fair and organized military, unlike you Red pirate scum.
Nov 19, 2003 Durgia link
You know so far all I see is *our lady serco will kill you* type things. Which, if you have to let some dead women, that you worship as a god like some 13 year old boy to a porno star, fight all your battles then I really pity you all.

Be Proud, Be Itani
Nov 19, 2003 electric27 link
Lord Serco's armies thirst for the blood of the heretical Itani filth. Sometimes I wonder what it's like to be the dregs of the world, and I end up feeling sorry for you.
Nov 20, 2003 ctishman link
I will see your cities burned and your people pursued to the end of the universe for this insult, Itani dogs! Our Lady Serco is the warrior's manifestation of God, and deserves your allegiance as she receives ours. Whether the realization will come to you as it came to us so many years ago, or whether we must beat it into your heads one by one, it shall come to pass.
The pathetic scientists to whom you pray shall be pierced through the bowels and hung until they renounce their sins against Serco. When you hear their screams of agony, when you see them on their knees before our altars, praying to The Lady with true love in their eyes, will you then understand, or will you die with heresy on your lips and cowardice in your heart?

The choice is yours.
Nov 20, 2003 fenix link
I've got half a mind to join just to shut these serco loudmouths up...
Nov 20, 2003 romikq link
A true warrior maintains his composure during battle, verbal as well as physical. The foam at your mouth, ctishman, only shows that you do not have confidence either in yourself, or in your religion. I laugh at your fake zeal, weakling!
Nov 20, 2003 toshiro link
it is always thus with those who do not know how to counter attacks other than purely physical. your talk is but the yelp of a technocrat only too willingly believing that conflicts could be solved by having trinkets that increase your puny possibilities, whereas we know how to fight with both sword AND pen.
Nov 20, 2003 ctishman link
Indeed, I had rage in my heart when I spoke those words, and it was not the proper frame of mind but it is also the way of the warrior to avoid dwelling on the past. I do not regret my prophecy of your end, for it was not boastfulness, but a statement of truth.
Nov 20, 2003 fenix link
Alright, blitz pushed me over the edge today, I want to join.
Nov 20, 2003 ctishman link
And I suppose that Blitz's Itani character will push you to Neutral, and his neutral character will push you back to Serco? He is without honor, and does not accept nor hear the word of Serco. He is a believer in the old god Prometheus, a deity shunned by all modern Serco for the dishonor of his ways.
Nov 20, 2003 romikq link
A statement of truth, ctishman? Do you truly believe that your unintelligent zeal will prevail over the honourable and strong Itani? If so, I pity you, for your demise will be even more embarrasing.
Nov 20, 2003 ctishman link
You may fling insults all you like, foul beast. Our zeal emerges from a position of strength, and yours as from the mouth of a small, cornered rat. I do have one question: Would you prefer to suffer as we crush your bones one by one or spear you through the heart and end your pitiful life quickly?
Nov 20, 2003 fenix link
You know what I find funny....the serco posting here can't really fight well at all.....;)
Nov 20, 2003 romikq link
Talking to you is like talking to an annoying fly. I will substitute rockets for words from now on.
Nov 20, 2003 ctishman link
I would face your challenge, were the manufacturer of my ship acting in an honorable manner and promising a fix date for my HUD Card's driver software. Until then, I am unable to launch from dock. I will not submit the ship of a clan-mate to such a dishonor as fighting a member of your nation.
Nov 20, 2003 Pyroman_Ace link
As CO of the SDF, I feel it important to inform you that any and all SDF craft will fire upon your craft as soon as you enter gunnery range.

High Admiral [SDF] Black 1

High Admiral Pyroman_Ace contributed to this message.