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Itani Nation Military- Recruitment

Nov 16, 2003 roguelazer link
Do not judge us by the actions of the few. Though many of us remain behind a curtain of disguise, there are still those loyal to the Councils.
Nov 13, 2003 Durgia link
The Itani Nation Council is now accepting applications for acceptance into the Itani Nation Military. All Itani are welcome to apply; we accept all Itani no matter the skill level or how long you have been playing.

We offer training to all our recruits if they need it or wish it in any area of vendetta.

Join us and help make the community of Vendetta a better place for all.

If you are interested in joining the Itani Nation Military and are an Itani yourself, then please send an email to remember to include your characters name in your email. Also any other chars you would use for Itani Nation Military, or that we may recognize and you wish us to know.

Nov 14, 2003 toshiro link
i should like to point out that as a captain of the Serco Dominion Navy, i will attack any other military ship that comes into range.