Forums » Suggestions

Make the Hound full compromise

Oct 10, 2014 greenwall link
No we should not. We should take away, not add to the hound.
Oct 10, 2014 TheRedSpy link
The reason the Greyhound is the most common ship in your teamfights is because all the players that still play are the crappy ones that only value the ability to run from the fight whenever they want above all else. It's always been that way and it's the reason the Valkryie and the Itani race has historically always been more popular than the Serco.

They don't fight over objectives because there's only two objective based fight scenarios in VO and that's the conquerable stations which they all share keys to or CtC which i check the stats page and it tells me that no actual serco nationalists have made any cargo deliveries for.

I'm not sure why Incarnate buffed the greyhound turbo thrust. It didn't really need a buff to turbo thrust because arguably all that did was make it more effective at carrying heavier weapons which really wasn't necessary for it to perform its role.

To pretend that it's an effective dogfighter only serves to highlight the incompetence of most of the complainants here. They are incompetent fighters, i've fought them for years and been stunned by their incompetence. They've proved over and over that running away is all they care about and they're unhappy that they no longer have the monopoly on running away.

This thread only started because someone killed Ancient Panther with a greyhound in a dogfight so he decided to have a cry on the forum (same way every other Kierky suggestion thread starts), so is it any wonder nobody's taking it seriously?
Oct 10, 2014 Inevitable link
The best part about TRS 's last post is that it's true. After years of running from fights AP finally didn't get away from one. And what does he do? He blamed it on the ship that finally caught up with his fleeting valk. And to make an excuse he blamed it on the ship that caught him saying it was ober powered . I mean how could any ship ever catch up to the almighty ancient panther valk? AP in the bitter mood he was in started talking to his friends about his latest failure and how the only reason it happened was because the ship he faced was over powered . Which in turn caused this dumb ass suggestion which is only supported by him and his following. Note I know some people will say I'm 'trollling' but I really don't care because the devs have the chat and kill logs to see for themselves.
Oct 10, 2014 greenwall link
Who cares why he posted.. The hound is OP. Boda doesn't want the hound nerfed cause it's the best ship he can buy with TRI-KOS, and TRS is totally out of touch with the game. Next!
Oct 10, 2014 Pizzasgood link
Again, the hound turns like your mom. Ergo, not OP.

Oct 11, 2014 TheRedSpy link
The hound hasn't changed since I last played on a daily basis, Greenwall is STILL a swarm spamming n00b and so is your face!

Oct 11, 2014 greenwall link
OP doesn't mean it's superior in all aspects. Turning ability in this case is one small negative against too many positives.

Swarms are the best weapon in the game!

Oct 11, 2014 Dr. Lecter link

This whole fucking thread jumped the shark when someone whined about the Hound allegedly being a slightly better dogfighter than a HOG III. Not a valk, not a prom, not any vulture or cent or atlas or even a bus hunter bus...a CARGO TRANSPORT HOG.
Oct 11, 2014 greenwall link
Mislead much, Lecter?
Oct 11, 2014 Kierky link
Anyway, back on topic now, as long as TRS and Lecter are done trying to guess why this suggestion post was made, as irrelevant as both of you are.
Oct 11, 2014 SkinWalker link
The hound is perhaps the only ship that is spot on. It has crappy armor, is for shit in a dogfight, but can run (hence it's name). Make Corvus a proper nation (Grey) and make it a nation specific ship.

-1 to nerfing. Carebears just don't like their targets running from them when they turn to fight so they hate.

If nerfs ever come to the hound, proportional nerfs should impact all other ships, especially the Valks and SCPs.
Oct 11, 2014 MrAbsurd link
1. grey is not a nation and doesnt deserve to be one either. serco, uit, itani... thats enough for it. "grey people" are those that stride from the usual path and live a life in grey space. if you made it a nation it'd be way stupid. so forget that crap.

2. this debate is about the Greyhound being too efficient in ways ist not meant to be efficient in. ist not about the valk. ist not about the scp. these 2 are supposed to be the "best in their class" and therefore doing a good Job. quit comparing them. its not even needed since we have situations in-game to prove that the Greyhound has abilities ist not supposed to. shut uo about that already.

3. TRS is a clown.

thank you!
Oct 11, 2014 greenwall link
Carebears just don't like their targets running from them when they turn to fight so they hate.


Way to show your complete idiocy in one sentence.
Oct 11, 2014 SkinWalker link
My idiocy? No, but I think you've demonstrated your own lack of rational thought in a single attempted riposte.
Oct 11, 2014 Dr. Lecter link
e have situations in-game to prove that the Greyhound has abilities ist not supposed to

And yet, not one person has specifically described it doing any such thing. There's a lot of whining, and a lot of cries of OP!, but the factual meat in between is missing.

Calling it OP as a "dogfighter" is hilarious because the only thing you're claiming it's doing is running, not fighting.
Oct 11, 2014 Pizzasgood link
Actually, I suspect that any increase in greyhound usage is influenced more by the Camo Edition being available in Sedina and Bractus so that people don't have to go all the way down to Odia, rather than the buffed turbo thrust. I know that has resulted in me using it a lot more often than I used to, anyway.
Oct 11, 2014 greenwall link
There's a plethora of examples, Lecter. You can't make the sky green just by saying it is. Walk outside, look up...! Legal diclosure: such action will require you getting your head out of your ass.
Oct 11, 2014 Dr. Lecter link
There's a plethora of examples, Lecter.

[citation required, champ]
Oct 11, 2014 greenwall link
I don't have to cite this thread which you failed to read, but somehow figured out how to post in.
Oct 11, 2014 Dr. Lecter link
So, not one specific example of how a Hound's actual combat ability is OP…because there's none previously described in this thread. What exactly is it too good at when head-to-head?

What's it so good at doing, dodging while mounting a single swarm launcher? Nope, I've been repeatedly told that swarm & run isn't the problem.

Ok. Maybe it's dodging too well because of its highish non-turbo thrust/60m/s standard speed? Seems the most likely candidate, and yet I'm hearing it's not particularly great at that…just better than other Hogs aside from the WTD. Newsflash: the Hog is not a combat platform aside from the Hound and the TD. Nobody's calling the Hound better than any actual combat ships…if you are, name them and explain via stats.

At the end of the day, the real problem is that VO's design promotes extremely annoying combat techniques. It's why a mediocre combat platform like the Hound is so broadly popular now, and it's why the Valk was always everyone's favorite do it all ship before. Being a good dogfighter just isn't as useful as the ability to escape harm.

Unfortunately, you can't really have a good chaser without having a good runner. Hence my pointing towards nerfs that make using a Hound unpalatable for most players: availability being limited to triKOS players and perhaps reworking the ports to eliminate the ability to mount anything except for megaposis. It's a pirate ship, and it should require being a hated pirate to fly it; it's an energy chaser, and it shouldn't be using its thrust to make heavy weapons less balanced than normal. Whether that means a new faction houses it (Corvus is clearly not becoming a pirate faction) or it simply becomes something sold by Corvus only to those with low enough standing…doesn't much matter. Nerfing it so everyone can continue to misuse it is both stupid and an excellent example of why VO continues to be incredibly boring more than a decade after launch: it's not an RPG, it's space quake for traders. And as Rin pointed out, the Devs choice to make it the fucking LTS reward and expand its availability was…ill-considered.