Forums » Suggestions

friendly fire issue.

Nov 30, 2006 bojansplash link
Among VO vets there is a rule that says: anyone below combat 3 is a newbie unless you can be certain its someones alt.

But alts aint usually mining aqueean ore in a bus in nation home sector.
So anyone blasting genuine newbies in nation space deserves to be banned for a day.
Nov 30, 2006 Renegade xxRIPxx link
this proves once again that i'm no vet :D. I never heard of that rule...

i consider everybody a newb no matter what level he has, similar like i consider myself a biiiiig newb, therefore i shoot nobody unless he shot me first or its a mutual agreed fight.
Nov 30, 2006 Lexicon link
Perhaps we need "Man Laws" for VO?

1. Any pilot within nation-space with total levels less than 12 is classified as a n00b.
1.a. Grayspace is fair game.
1.b. Pilots who are classified as "n00b" have a special badge denoting their status, in order to warn off non-n00bs.
1.c. n00b vs. n00b battles are allowed.
1.d. non-n00b vs. non-n00b battles are allowed.
1.e. However, if a non-n00b kills a n00b in nationspace, that non-n00b player is penalized severely with that faction.
1.e.1. -500 standing first offense
1.e.2. -1000 standing second offense
1.e.3. -2000 standing third offense
1.e.4. reported to guides for further action

Man Law?
Nov 30, 2006 Renegade xxRIPxx link
neah, if you add laws, youll get people intent on doing nothing else but breaking them. Especially in games
Nov 30, 2006 SuperMegaMynt link
Yes. I hope that by "within nation-space" you meant only the n00b in question's home nation space. As for people who intentionally jump in to break laws, they're called pirates, and I suspect when the universe expands beyond the core system, the devs will justify implementing stronger gaurds to the point where it takes actual raids to enter hostile territory and kill civilians. Not to say one Dr. Lecter isn't worth a horde of pirates but...
Jan 01, 2007 look... no hands link
Repost from this thread as per whistlers request to keep this discussion all in one thread.

I know there are plans for redoing the current friendly fire system so I'd like to suggest a few things:

1)Guild friendly fire that the commander can turn on or off. This should make group fighting more interesting.

2)Group friendly fire same as above only the group leader controls it. This should make the nation war and similar events really fun

3)Being able to turn off nation friendly fire. Turning it off would make you vulnerable but not others. This should help combat any abuses of the system while still allowing damageless practice or non /duel fighting.

4)Xang Xi friendly fire. Makes hive skirmish a lot easier.

also the first two should override the third with the 2nd having priority over the first or maybe the players could control all three just like the nation friendly fire.
Jan 01, 2007 drdoak007 link
i find lexi's post intriguing...

but what if we did this.

noob classification = >12 combined

kill 10+ noobs in nationspace and you will be penalized by permanent friendly fire with ALL factions in nationspace. ergo, no kills ever unless you are in grey space.
Jan 01, 2007 look... no hands link
Problem with this is you can have 4/4/4/0/0 and be quite a threat.

2nd problem is that kind of punitive action would result in many players simply getting fed up and leaving. I know I would.
Jan 03, 2007 jexkerome link
Protection from Friendly Fire has got to go.

That said, I worry about something:

Will killing one of my own in nationspace affect my standing?

Let's look at the situation: an Itani invades Sercospace, two Serco move in to intercept, one is killed by the other by accident during the fight. Is he suddenly KOS with his own nation now?

Because if the answer is yes, you can all see the possibility of abuse that opens here, very similar to the one that caused the removal of the XP penalty for newbie killing. Namely, I could create a newb alt in a trial account and try to tank the standing of some people from my own nation, just because I can.

Jan 03, 2007 LeberMac link
Hrm. What we need is a friendly-fire counter variable.

I think that, yeah, friendly-fire/same-side killings should still be penalized, just not as harshly in the beginning. Like in the faction discussion thread, there should be a cumulative counter for the number of pilots you've killed of your own nation/faction.

For example, say a n00b gets lucky and kills himself a Station Guard before he knows he's not supposed to. He's penalized maybe -200 faction, and maybe gets a mandatory mission he must undertake for penance before he can do any other missions. (Our n00b's friendly-fire counter is now 1.)

On the other hand, say the notorious ebil traitor MechaTouriaus kills himself a couple of Serco station guards. He's done it before over a hundred times, so he bears the full force of the faction penalty. (His friendly-fire counter is over 100)

Duels and, say, some other events would not contribute to the friendly-fire counter variable.

Having a functional counter like this one would be useful in other ways as well, perhaps impacting the character's ability to gain faction within his own nation, or limiting military hardware purchases, etc.

If you switch factions, your kills of that specific faction would be noted, and a fraction (1/3 ?) of those kills would be your new FF counter number. Example:
LeberMac starts out as an Itani, and over the course of a military career has killed 24 Ineubis ships. In a drunken fit, he decides to switch factions to Ineubis. Once he completes whatever rigamarole that is necessary to complete the switch, his new FF counter would be set at 8.

Perhaps, over time and with good behavior, the FF counter variable would decrement by one for each month of not killing anyone of your own faction.
Jan 08, 2007 Antz link
I still fail to see why any fundamentally new mechanisms need to be added to the game to protect n00bs? Stronger defense forces towards core systems should take care of any intruders long before they reach a core system, and if all else fails, station defenses should take care of those fortunate enough to still be in flying condition when they enter a station space.

If flying ships are not enough, station mounted weapons that shoot ships out of the sky could also be added. Big guns that kill things are way more fun than some arbitrary rule about who you can and can not shoot.

Earlier suggestion that anyone with weapons powered up in nation space should get a warning and then be considered hostile by the station could also be added to protect n00bs. How this would work around player-owned stations with player-controlled defense is a bit fuzzy though.
Jan 08, 2007 LeberMac link
Erm, your weapons are always "powered up", Antz.

And, Strike Forces and/or station guards are usually INEPT when trying to protect a n00b. I mean, you could charge in with a swarm rag and take out 4 or 5, I bet, before the SF's got ya.

And, if you do it inside the NFZ, there's no permanent faction penalty, right? (It's been a while for me, is this still true?)
So you could just come right back and do it again without any real consequences.

The new faction system and the elimination of FF should (hopefully) solve this problem, along with other problems.
Jan 08, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
GODDAMN IT!!! I've answered this one about three fucking times in as many weeks. THEY FIXED THE OLD 'NO PERMANENT FACTION HIT FOR INSIDE NFZ KILLS' EXPLOIT MONTHS AND MONTHS AGO.

Got it this time, LeverMac?
Jan 08, 2007 LeberMac link
Got WHAT? I mean, eh? Killing the n00bs inside their NFZ's still doesn't tank your standing like it's supposed to?
Jan 08, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
Goddamn alcohol damaged brain.

Killing anything that is liked by a faction in a station sector, regardless of where, permanently drops yer standing. I kill a n00b at a station, inside the NFZ. I run off, jump out. My standing, if it's not already KOS, is lowered forever and ever.

Got it now, after the fourth time of having it put in small words?
Jan 08, 2007 Otto West link
What was the part in the middle?
Jan 09, 2007 LeberMac link
So... if yo kill a n00b outside the NFZ, it DOESN'T lower your standing? That's F'ed up.
Jan 09, 2007 Demonen link
If you kill LeberMac inside the NFZ, your standing goes up with Dr. Lecter, but down with the faction that owns the station.
Jan 09, 2007 jexkerome link
But is it permanent?
Jan 10, 2007 LeberMac link
Drat. I think Lecter's onto me.
/me retracts bait.

Anyway, yeah, I think that we should have "friendly kills" stat counter along with the "new-style" faction system like in that other thread. That would be cool.