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commedians: Commedy
Commedy : Communist Humor
Shouldn't have written that...
Shouldn't have written that...
Communist Humor : In Soviet Russia...
In Soviet Russia... : Karl Marx
Karl Marx : Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Lenin : pootin
Putin? anyone?
Putin? anyone?
pootin: Put in
pootin: rusian: shugar? Israeli: Put in
put in : the beans!!!
the phrase "put in..." we're making chili today, so put in the beans.
the phrase "put in..." we're making chili today, so put in the beans.
the beans!!! : magical fruit
magical fruit : "Magical Mystery Tour"
"Magical Mystery Tour" : "Strawberry Fields"
"Strawberry Fields" : forever
forever : diamonds
diamonds: LSD
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
LSD : Acid
Acid : a queer burning sensation
a queer burning sensation : clap
clap: slap
slap : fish
The connection is obvious. For those who don't understand it...apparently you actually have a life, and you shouldn't be posting on these boards.
The connection is obvious. For those who don't understand it...apparently you actually have a life, and you shouldn't be posting on these boards.