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preemptive strike: reporter strike
reporter strike : yellow journalism
So far we have John Deere :: yellow journalism.
We're weird.
So far we have John Deere :: yellow journalism.
We're weird.
yellow journalism : Tammany Hall
Tammany Hall: great hall
Great Hall : Hogwarts
Hogwarts : Harry
Harry: Pot
Pot : potted plants
potted plants : miracle grow
miracle grow : chia pets
chia pets : dumbest idea ever
what do you think--mark III soon?
what do you think--mark III soon?
dumbest idea ever : pants made of live wolverines
pants made of live wolverines : The Wrong Trousers
The Wrong Trousers : laughed at
laughed at : clown
Soon™ would be good.
Soon™ would be good.
Clown: funny
funny : Monty Python
Monty Python : Spam
Oh, I luv it, I'm having Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, eggs, baked beans, saugage, and Spam.
Oh, I luv it, I'm having Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, eggs, baked beans, saugage, and Spam.
Spam : poor excuse for meat
Ok, I'll start a Mark III soon enough.
Ok, I'll start a Mark III soon enough.
poor excuse for meat : french fries
Well, if you'd call that meat, it would be pretty bad.
The words still relate -> penguin : french fries
In some way that is true; because Tux (=penguin) is fat, and you can become fat from eating to many French Fries. Also, French Fries are food; and Penguins eat food ^.^
Well, if you'd call that meat, it would be pretty bad.
The words still relate -> penguin : french fries
In some way that is true; because Tux (=penguin) is fat, and you can become fat from eating to many French Fries. Also, French Fries are food; and Penguins eat food ^.^