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Dec 20, 2008 toshiro link
Two-finger scrolling works under MS Windows XP, at least for me (Mid '07 MacBook Pro). Not in all applications (e.g. Visual Studio 2005 doesn't allow it, but that app also does not allow me to type curly braces, so go figure), but most allow it (unsure about the handy focus change feature though, I try to avoid running Windows as much as possible).

Keypad is accessible by pressing num lock (F6), so Sid Meier's Pirates should work (and you can always connect an external keyboard)

EDIT: I have a Mid '07 MBP, not a '08 one. Mistype, my bad.
Dec 20, 2008 Professor Chaos link
That's good to know. Sorry you got the gray screen of death, Cunjo, I haven't had that since I replaced my iBook (to which that happened more frequently than I'd like to admit). The nice thing is, even though you lose what's not saved, at least there's peace of mind that it's been about 15 years since I crashed a Mac bad enough to screw up data that had been saved.

I avoid Windows as much as I can, but there are just a few games I'd want it for and the possibility of needing it to run ArcGIS. As awkward as I found the two-finger functions the first week I had my MacBook, I'm honestly lost without it. Same with the scroll ball on the Mighty Mouse; I keep trying to scroll left and right at school and it doesn't work.
Dec 20, 2008 toshiro link
I wasn't happy with the Mighty Mouse, it just doesn't fit my profile for a mouse (I prefer the Logitech Mx518 or the Cyber Snipa Stinger). But, to each her or his own. I can say that I wouldn't want to miss two-finger-tap right-click and two-finger scrolling for the world, either, it's just far too convenient. I just sometimes wish I had had the time to wait for the MacBook Pro that supports gestures (Early '08, I believe).
Dec 20, 2008 slime73 link
I hope you didn't install Norton Antivirus, Cunjo.

Scrolling, two-finger right click, and all that good stuff works on my late-08 Macbook Pro in Windows.
Dec 20, 2008 toshiro link
You have a Unibody MBP, slime? Its glossy screen is a huge turnoff for me.
Dec 20, 2008 Cunjo link
"That's good to know. Sorry you got the gray screen of death, Cunjo, I haven't had that since I replaced my iBook (to which that happened more frequently than I'd like to admit). The nice thing is, even though you lose what's not saved, at least there's peace of mind that it's been about 15 years since I crashed a Mac bad enough to screw up data that had been saved."

I get the kernel panic screen about once every 3 days. The guys at apple deny that there is anything wrong with it, every time I take it in...

It usually happens when I'm not doing anything particularly engaging, and the most I've ever lost due to it was IRC chat logs and a browser session. Still, it's annoying as hell.

"I hope you didn't install Norton Antivirus, Cunjo."

Just because I own a mac doesn't make me a COMPLETE moron, thank you. I happen to be a malware removal and security specialist by profession, and I don't let my clients keep Norton or McAfail products even if they really want to.

EDIT: for the record, mine is an early '08 model 13" macbook... the one with the same keyboard layout as the Air. two-finger scrolling in Windows is a feature, but it doesn't work even halfway reliably... while two-finger tapping to right-click doesn't work at all. The mac keyboard remapping utility is likewise useless, and the screen brightness cannot be adjusted (you can press the keys to adjust it, or adjust it in the control panel, but it instantly jumps back to the default setting the moment you let go of the slider or release the keys)
Dec 20, 2008 Snax_28 link
Sounds like a lemon to me. I'm assuming you've done the complete wipe, reinstall, and update routine....
Dec 20, 2008 Cunjo link
Haven't done a full reinstall yet... haven't really had time.
Dec 20, 2008 slime73 link
Insert your OSX Install DVD in Windows and replace the drivers, maybe that will help.

toshiro: I don't notice any reflection at all unless there is sunlight/a window right behind me.
Dec 20, 2008 LeberMac link
Is BitDefender a good A/V app, Cunjo?

Seriously, if this happens randomly, it's gotta be hardware.
Dec 20, 2008 Cunjo link
Leebs: No.

If you need a Windows AV, my recommendations (in order of least to most effective) are AVG, Avast!, CA AV+AS, Avira, or Kaspersky.

First two are free, fourth is free only if you don't mind nag screens... CA is $49/yr, Kaspersky is $89/yr(3 users). Personally I use Kaspersky AND Avira (since Avira can be installed without active/resident defense, and it has better detection for manual scans)

Mind you, I only bother with scanning in the first place because I work with infected machines every day which occasionally infect my flash drive with nasty shit.

If you need one for Mac, I hear there's an Avast! AV for mac, too.
Dec 20, 2008 slime73 link
If you REALLY want an AV for OSX/Linux, go for ClamXAV/ClamAV.
Dec 20, 2008 Cunjo link
Clam AV is decent, but incredibly slow, and lacks a good database of definitions, since it's built around an engine that was designed for heuristic analysis only.

I use it mostly as a mobile app, to be run from a flash drive.
Dec 21, 2008 Professor Chaos link
toshiro: I expected to really hate the glossy screen, but went for it after several friends recommended it. It is great,and I almost never notice glare, unless it's absolutely direct sunlight on the screen. Glossy isn't unique to Mac anyway.
Dec 21, 2008 toshiro link
Oh, I wasn't saying that only Macs have glossy displays. I just hate them with a passion. I don't even like the glare on my matte display.

Seriously, though, I'll be looking forward to a mod that allows me to make the glossy display a matte one on the unibody Macbooks. And my next mobile computer purchase will only be in a few years, so by that time either there are mods, or Apple will have switched back to offering both options... or I'll make a mod myself.
Dec 21, 2008 Professor Chaos link
I think the reason both options are no longer available is because it's actually glass covering the screen now. But that would make it like my wife's iMac monitor, which I think is awesome. Even if they had both options (which they should if they can) I wouldn't hesitate now to go glossy. My matte iBook had more glare than my glossy MacBook, and the colors were not as bright. The only thing I don't like is that while my wife is insistent that nobody touches her screen, 90% of the fingerprints on mine are hers. Oh, and as nice as the white Macs have looked, I'm really tired of keeping them clean, so I look forward to my next upgrade in a year or two to an aluminum one. Man, do they ever look nice!
Dec 21, 2008 Snax_28 link
I'll be looking forward to a mod that allows me to make the glossy display a matte one....or I'll make a mod myself.

600 grit sandpaper? :)
Jan 01, 2009 LeberMac link
Haha, good one, Snax. ...sandpaper... Hehehe....

So, Cunjo, to follow up with the AV stuff, if you were NOT a security expert and merely a normal mortal human like myself with a reasonable amount of intelligence and computer skills, you would recommend Kapersky?
I plugged in the free AVG, and it's got a nice, shiny Interface. My BitDefender solution is going to expire in like 5 months, so I'll just cross-grade to Kaspersky.
Jan 02, 2009 Lord~spidey link
Dr. Web
Spybot S&D

all free and awesome.
Jan 02, 2009 Cunjo link
Leebs: Depends on how you define reasonable.

90% of the clients I work with, I would not recommend Kaspersky to... but IMO, they're all luddites with the ITQ of a No.2 pencil.

If you know your way around networking and managing permissions, even moderately, Kaspersky shouldn't be a problem for you.

Avira is practically as good, though less advanced than Kaspersky... and also free, IF you don't mind nag screens on every update, otherwise it's a comparable price.

Other free programs don't measure up on their own, though MBAM/AVG/Spywareblaster/A2Free can be effective if used intelligently, and providing overlapping scanning power never hurts, just make sure you don't have more than one active AV/AS app for resident protection, or you will enter a world of pain.