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HP, Gateway, Dell or Vaio?

Dec 12, 2008 Shadoen link
Hmmm, interesting article. I've been using macs recently(friend's), and yeah, I admit they are awesome and I'd definitely buy one if I could afford one.

Those Lenovo notebooks look pretty good, I'll consider them too.
Thanks :)
Dec 13, 2008 ShankTank link
Yes, Mac laptops are by far the best. Luckily, though, I can leach off my Dad's prof. discount at the University book store to get some used ones at some very reasonable prices. My suggestion is to scout out some places where you can buy Macs that aren't Mac stores and see if they get some better deals.
Dec 13, 2008 Professor Chaos link
I got mine with a student discount, it saves you $100-200 depending on what you buy. The only problem is that you have to upgrade separately, but that doesn't cost any more than it does from Apple for RAM. Hard drive might be, though, since you already bought the one that came with it plus a bigger one. If you don't want it right away you get the exact same discount through Apple's online education store, and shipping is free for their computers.
Dec 17, 2008 The Grunt Who Saved Halo link
"It's hard to truly compare Mac prices. Seriously, get a Mac. If you absolutely need to run Windows.... still get a Mac."

Worst. Advice. EVER.

A macbook is the absolute worst platform you could ever aspire to run Windows on. You'd be better off running it through WINE than trying to get bootcamp and apple drivers/key remapping to play nice with it.

And yes, I own one, so I would know. You try running Windows without a right-click, delete key, or F-keys, and see how far you get.

HP is crap. MTTF: 366 days, one day out of warranty.
Dell is the same way.
Gateway shut down 3/4 of their company years ago, and for good reason
Sony makes overpriced, overhyped trash, but at least it's pretty trash.
Don't even think of buying a Lenovo. A cheaper ripoff company you'll never find... No, it's not an IBM, not anymore.

If you absolutely, positively MUST get a Windows laptop, get an Acer. Either notebook or tablet varieties are fine (just be prepared for madness if you ever want to hack the OS/drivers on the tablet)

If you just need a mobile computer, look for a subnotebook/netbook like the EEE if you're concerned about price/mobility, or a Macbook (running Leopard, NOT Windows) if you like performance/quality.
Dec 18, 2008 Snax_28 link
And yes, I own one, so I would know. You try running Windows without a right-click, delete key, or F-keys, and see how far you get.

So as an advanced OSX user, you've yet to get passed the single button mouse or learn where the f-lock function is?

Dec 18, 2008 toshiro link
Don't feed the troll, Snax.
Dec 18, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Besides which it still amuses me to see people's reaction when they realize that the Apple Mighty Mouse, while looking like the old crappy one, now has four buttons. Plus, I'm so used to the 360° scroll ball that I can barely use the PC mice at school anymore. Still, as well as Control-clicking or two-finger clicking works on a MacBook once you're used to it, it would be nice if they'd put a right-click on the trackpad.

EDIT: Oh, yeah, and you can change the settings so the function keys are real function keys and the "fn" modifier key will do the Apple functions on those keys, such as volume.
Dec 18, 2008 ShankTank link
The only problem I ever had with the Apple hardware, actually, was with their mouses. Even when I got one of the new macs that come with the mighty mouse, I immediately ran out and bought a logitech mouse. Seeing as how we're talking about laptops, though, that's hardly a negative variable. No question, Apple laptops are the best laptops on the market. I own one myself and I'm the only one on my floor who does not have any problems with my laptop (yes, mine is the oldest, too). One of the only problems is that you wouldn't be able to open them up and see what's wrong with em if a problem does arise, but my local Apple store does that for free anyways. And while it can be fun to open up the computer, with the macbooks there's rarely a reason to do so.

Btw, I do gaming while running Windows on my Mac with bootcamp all the time (although, if the game's available for mac, I get that version anyways). There's absolutely no problem with the buttons and yes, I do developing with Source SDK and such and yes, I do play the next-gen games on the "High" settings with very good FPS rates and I absolutely don't have the top-notch iMac. But again, seeing as we are talking about laptops, that's hardly a variable. And If you did get a mac, I don't think you would want to use Windows anyways. You'll be surprised at how little the mac operating system crashes/gets viruses/spyware/freezes (all of which have never happened to me on a Mac in my life, but have happened to me within the first month on my own Windows comp).
Dec 18, 2008 The Grunt Who Saved Halo link
"So as an advanced OSX user, you've yet to get passed the single button mouse or learn where the f-lock function is?"

So, as someone replying to my post about running Windows on a mac, you don't know what Windows is?


I'm sorry, that's just pathetic.

So is the fact that Apple has yet to release keyboard or touchpad drivers for Windows that allow use of the function keys or multi-touch keypad, but that's kinda beside the point. The point is you are a goddamned idiot.
Dec 18, 2008 Snax_28 link
So is the fact that Apple has yet to release keyboard or touchpad drivers for Windows that allow use of the function keys... but that's kinda beside the point.

No, it is the point. You obviously haven't realized that the f-lock function transfers over to Windows when set in OSX.

Dec 18, 2008 Cunjo link
No, it is the point. You obviously haven't realized that the f-lock function transfers over to Windows when set in OSX.

On my macbook, the f-lock key only works in Windows if you aren't holding down any other keys... which pretty much nullifies the vast majority of the F-key functions, considering you can't hold down Alt, Ctrl or Shift and still have the F-lock work.

The most infuriating shortcoming IMO though is the lack of a printscreen key... and the fact that there is NO POSSIBLE OTHER WAY to take a screencap in Windows, given the F-lock issues, unless you want an onscreen keyboard to appear in your screenshot.
Dec 18, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Hey, Grunt, a.k.a. Ad Hominem Man, here's something easier to type on a Mac:

Thank goodness Windows ≠ MacOSX!

(better than using "!=")
Dec 18, 2008 The Grunt Who Saved Halo link
Better? you best be joking.

Nobody uses that except macfags and wannabe mathematicians trying to show up macfags with pretentiousness.
Dec 19, 2008 Snax_28 link
Nobody uses that except macfags and wannabe mathematicians trying to show up macfags with pretentiousness.

I love that you just called yourself a macfag. I'm surprised you can even turn on a computer.
Dec 19, 2008 Professor Chaos link
The Grunt Who Saved Halo = Reading Comprehension Fail.

While it's quite clear I prefer MacOSX over any Windows, and the more I use both the more I appreciate MacOSX, I did not state that MacOSX was better than Windows in the post you responded to. I said that typing a "≠" was better than typing a "!=". I know they mean the same, but I love the ease with which I can type interesting characters. That's not enough for me to prefer Mac, though; what really does it in that regard is the superior ability of MacOSX to handle file names. It's gotten better, but it's a real pain in the ass to transfer some of my odder .mp3s from my Mac onto a PC and get errors that "Viðrar vel til loftárása.mp3" ("Viðrar vel til loftárása" by Sigur Rós) is an invalid filename.

And yes, you said you own a Mac and then you said "Nobody uses that except macfags and wannabe mathematicians trying to show up macfags with pretentiousness." So you're either a "macfag," or a pretentious wannabe mathematician. At least you can spell.
Dec 19, 2008 The Grunt Who Saved Halo link
LOL @ PC talking about reading comprehension.

You're the one who used your silly math symbol, not me. You're also the one preaching about Mac superiority. Hence, you're a macfag, who can't put two and two together.

Also, owning a mac does not make you a macfag. Being a colossal faggot who can't shut up about macs makes you a macfag, boylover.
Dec 19, 2008 Snax_28 link
Also, owning a mac does not make you a macfag. Being a colossal faggot who can't shut up about macs makes you a macfag, boylover.

Thank you for bringing the average IQ of the forums down at least 10 points. I sense an early candidate for the 2009 Darwin Awards.
Dec 19, 2008 ShankTank link
Uhhhhh I don't know what people are talking 'bout when they say Apple hasn't released the FN key driver. When I'm on Windows on my Mac, I'm able to use the FN keys just like on my Mac. I even used System Preferences on my Mac to switch it so I can use the functions first, then the FN key for the Apple functions (as opposed to vise versa of said option).

Personal preference, though: lose the Halo name. Makes me vomit every time I look at it. Dx
Dec 20, 2008 Professor Chaos link
I have a question, though, does the two-finger scroll work in Windows? That would be a big deal for me. Now that I'm used to it I can barely live without it.
Dec 20, 2008 Cunjo link
I love my macbook....

I have a question, though, does the two-finger scroll work in Windows? That would be a big deal for me. Now that I'm used to it I can barely live without it.

no, it doesn't. Neither does two-finger tapping to right-click. Unless they've added it in the last couple months, anyway.... I've been sticking to my 7-yr-old P4 gateway laptop when I need to run mobile windows since then... macbook even fails at playing Sid Meyer's Pirates in Windows, due to lack of keypad (and Sid Meyer's fail of not allowing you to change the default control keymappings)