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I has a MacBook

Jan 23, 2008 Cunjo link
Yes, yes I do... My old laptop died and I needed a replacement, so my dad, the Mac guru, bought me a Mac.

It's kinda scary how much money I owe him now.
Jan 23, 2008 toshiro link
Have fun with it! Maybe you'll even find out how to change the load screen.
Jan 24, 2008 Cunjo link
Yes, though it's a little disquieting to watch the CPU temp shoot up above 95C heading for 100 and beyond after only a few seconds of 100% CPU load...

I'm actually running it in bootcamp right now, and finding it far more frustrating than a standard notebook PC due to the fact that it has NO right-click capability even through keystroke combinations, no delete key, and no printscreen key, no pageup, pagedown, inset, pause/break etc... and no number pad or alternate number pad, which makes it literally impossible to enter many of my access or encryption passwords, which use alt sequence characters.

I tried installing an input remapper, but it didn't come configured as advertised, only does what it's configured to do on rare occasions (keep mashing that button and it'll EVENTUALLY take a screenshot), and the function key can't be used in key combinations, because it's only a function toggle for the top row (While I -need- normal operation of the Control, Alt and Command keys for regular Windows functions).
Jan 24, 2008 slime73 link
I'm pretty sure the BootCamp drivers include some kind of right click hack. Also, I don't know if this works in Boot Camp, but press alt (or alt-shift) + a character on your keyboard to get unicode characters. IIRC the fn key also allows you to access a numberpad, haven't looked at a MacBook keyboard in a little bit though.
Jan 24, 2008 Professor Chaos link
It's a sign: You've switched to Apple hardware, now you must give up your microsoft software as well.
Jan 24, 2008 smittens link
fn does a lot, fn + backspace = delete, I'm pretty sure you can get numpad numbers that way too, but not positive. fn + up/down = pageup/pagedown

I still haven't found a way to right click, but I haven't really been looking. I tried control click and fn click, neither of which worked, and then gave up.

I don't think there's a printscreen, or at least I haven't found one. Luckily there are plenty of (likely virus riddled) free programs to mimic the function.
Jan 25, 2008 Cunjo link
fn button doesn't affect anything except the top row, as a toggle between the F keys and hardware functions. It doesn't even register as a keystroke in remapper, which pissed me off, since I wanted to script it to be used in keystrokes for printscreen, right click, etc...

I've head all kinds of things about how different keystrokes are supposed to do right-click. They're all wrong, even the 'official' Apple FAQ (which says it's Control+click). There is no way to do it. The only comparable function is the Fn+Shift+F10 keystroke, which can bring up some contextual menus in the Windows shell.

I've also heard a ton of bullshit about printscreen. Most sources say it's function-eject... which doesn't do jack shit. I even tried installing third-party remappers to do this function, but they don't work either, except maybe one out of every 200 times you press the key combo. It's like trying to shoryuken in Mortal Kombat. Not gonna happen.

Oh, and PC: While Windows is -mostly- inoperable on this macbook... Macintosh OSX Leopard is even moreso. At least Windows still recognizes the wireless N card - Mac lost the driver for it within 24 hours. Mac also can't keep the date from resetting to december of 2000 every time it reboots - Windows doesn't have that problem. Mac can't use the built-in camera for chat video streaming - Windows can. The only thing that Mac is doing better is... ok, I take that back - Mac isn't accomplishing -ANYTHING- better than Windows is on this MacBook, and that's just fucking sad.

EDIT: I take that back... TrackPad works better in Mac than Windows. There, I said something nice about Mac. (note, however, that this is probably only due to the fact that Apple is favoring their own software for drivers, and probably have no intention of giving it full functionality in Windows)

EDIT2: Oh, and Smit... there are plenty of screengrabbers for Windows... they're just all called via the printscreen button, which rather defeats the purpose of using one on a macbook.
Jan 25, 2008 toshiro link
Hm. The MacBook does not have multitouch support? I was pretty sure you could do a right-click by touching the pad with two fingers simultaneously and clicking the button (it works on my MacBook Pro). The right-click combination cmd-click works only under OS X as far as I know. Other than that, WinXP runs nearly flawlessly on my computer. Perhaps you made an error while installing it?

The real annoyance is that you do not have an 'alt gr' key, since macs don't really need that.

The date resetting sounds odd, there is definitely something wrong there; never had this happening to me on a laptop, though. Do you take out the battery frequently? Did you turn off the automatic date/time helper?

And fn+numpad numbers is correct, it works. Under 10.5, you can even switch it around so that the top row maps to the function key first, and uses the fn-key to switch to the volume/brighness/etc control.

Video streaming works for me under 10.5. No idea about wireless n, since I don't think I have that in my computer. But perhaps you did something that made your mac lose the driver?

Also, there is a printscreen, print window and print selection (to file) key combo. I hardly ever use it, though.

The short of it is, don't fight it. Learn it. I had to go through the same thing, just the other way round.
Jan 25, 2008 Cunjo link
The multitouch thing only works in Mac. If it works for you in Windows, I would love to know where you got your driver - that was a really keen feature, and I wish I had it.

'alt gr'? something wrong with alt?

I only got it a few days ago, and have never taken out or completely depleted the battery. I turned on the automatic time/date setting, but that really doesn't/can't do anything in those cases where it's happened, because the airport doesn't work.

You mean fn+ the number row? because there are no key guides for an alternate function number pad.

All I did between the time the wireless was working and when it was not, was boot into Windows, pair the IR remote, switch the fn key functionality to inverse on the F key row, and then boot back into Mac.

I challenge you to find me an alternate printscreen combination in Windows that does not involve the printscreen key, and which works on a macBook with XP. It doesn't exist.

I've been trying to learn it, but most of the answers and assorted advice available on the internet and Apple forums is bad and/or does not work. I wouldn't have thought it possible, but it seems the average Mac user is assertively more clueless about their own OS than the average Windows user is about theirs.
Jan 26, 2008 toshiro link
Hm... I think you can install windows drievrs for the touchpad. You don't get multitouch scroll, but you get the right-click thingy. Or at least, you should.

'alt gr' is the alt key to the right of the space bar, used to create special characters like @.

Hmm, of course, under windows, a prtscrn is pretty difficult. Are there no screengrab apps that could do that for you?

I'm sorry to hear that you've been having so many problems with your macbook, but you're probably right about the level of expertise being rather low. I'm no exception to that rule, sadly.
Jan 26, 2008 Cunjo link
I tried looking for alternate drivers. The ones I have don't have right click... just basic click and cursor. It doesn't support tapping at all.

I don't think I've ever owned a keyboard that's had one of those keys... I believe the standard in Windows now is to use the alt-numpad strokes to enter special characters... about all of them... but that requires an actual numpad or alt numpad, because it doesn't work with the regular number key row across the top of a keyboard.

Yea, I have third-party screengrabbers, but they all use the printscreen key and can't be modified to use other keys, with the exception of Fraps, which, doesn't work anymore...
Jan 26, 2008 slime73 link
Maybe the problem is you've installed a shitload of drivers which override the original settings..

"When you install Windows using Boot Camp, you won’t need to search the Internet for drivers or burn a disc. After you run Boot Camp, simply insert the Leopard DVD to install the necessary drivers. Everything you need to make your Mac work with Windows is right there. When you use a Windows application, you’ll have full access to unique Mac features (iSight, Apple Remote, trackpad, specific keyboard keys, keyboard backlighting) and connectivity (wired and wireless)."
Jan 26, 2008 Will Roberts link
Buy a mouse. with two buttons. or three or four buttons.
Jan 26, 2008 Professor Chaos link
You're having some bizarre problems with OSX. I just bought a MacBook a couple weeks ago, and though I've never tried video streaming I have none of those problems; it works great. My only complaint so far is that for some reason neither my MacBook or my iMac or my friend's MacBook Pro (all running Leopard but my iMac) will recognize each other in Target Mode, but my iMac would recognize my dead iBook (both running Tiger). Weird. There's no reason at all why your MacBook should reset the date like that unless it's a defective product or something.

I might have to cave, though, and install windows on my iMac, so I can run ArcGIS for my geology classes. Sad.

I was discussing Mac vs. PC with one of my geology professors the other day, and his biggest complaint was the classic "Mac only has a one-button mouse." He was surprised to learn that the standard mouse that came with my iMac had four buttons and a scroll ball (much nicer than just a scroll wheel, I keep trying to scroll right at school on PCs and it doesn't go), yet the mouse still looks like it only has one button. If only Apple would finally relent and put a real right-click button on their laptops.
Jan 26, 2008 Cunjo link
Slime: I wouldn't be having issues if it was that simple. I'm not so stupid that I'd go and install crap third-party drivers for a MacBook. I did exactly as Apple said and installed the drivers from the OSX 10.5 DVD.

PC: I actually think the current config in Mac OSX is really slick, with the two-finger tap right-click and drag for scrolling, if only they could get the scrolling working more reliably... but unfortunately, that feature is not available in the Windows version of the driver.
Jan 26, 2008 Professor Chaos link
I don't like the two-finger touch click, mostly because I'm so used to control-clicking that I do it without thinking (except in Warcraft III, where I have to remember to apple-click). I absolutely love the two-finger scroll, though. And until it recently doesn't seem to work right, I loved the Target Disk mode (I'm sure there's something similar in windows). It made it incredibly easy to transfer files, and allowed me to use my dead iBook by booting it in Target mode (only the mainboard is dead, not the HD), and telling my brother's laptop to use it as the startup disk. His laptop was then "possessed" by mine, hehe.

It's too bad you're having such troubles with your MacBook. I'm such a fan of Apple products that I really hate to see someone having a frustrating experience with it, especially since it reminds me of how frustrated I get with windows. I hope you figure it out.
Jan 27, 2008 toshiro link
Tap-clicking does not work for me, either, under windows, be it left or right click. However, using the button the way I described it works perfectly for me.
Jan 29, 2008 A-Dawg link
"It's too bad you're having such troubles with your MacBook. I'm such a fan of Apple products that I really hate to see someone having a frustrating experience with it, especially since it reminds me of how frustrated I get with windows. I hope you figure it out."

Jan 29, 2008 Cunjo link
I found that while tapping still does not work, nor does any form of right-clicking, the driver DOES still allow for the two-fingered drag scroll... which is surprising, considering the 'lass advanced' tapping features are not supported.
Jan 30, 2008 Lord~spidey link
Apple = Satan.