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I has a MacBook

Mar 21, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
About to go get a MB Pro (really pissed that the 5th Ave store doesn't carry the 2.93 GHz model, tho). Will report back later.

[edit]Holy shit.[/edit]
Mar 21, 2009 moldyman link
Got my MBP last Wednesday. Kicks ass!
Apr 14, 2009 break19 link
Got my wife one for Valentine's Day. Got thanked multiple times that day. :)

Yea.. we're both geeks.


Apr 15, 2009 slime73 link
Macbook Pros are awesome. :D
It's too bad that there are no video drivers (in windows or OSX) that use both cards though, I hope that comes soon!
Apr 16, 2009 The Shedu link
Bad Guys ransacked the apartment my daughter shares with several other college students. They took her macbook and left all the windows laptops.
