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The many many comical things one could do if one procured a tank

Jun 12, 2006 ArAsH link
haha, amen to the last one!!!

platinum plate it, put a big system in it, and drive around singing along loudly: MAKE EM SAY UHH!!!!
Jun 13, 2006 ghostieboy link

Convert the tank to a spacecraft and insert it into VO
Jun 13, 2006 thurisaz link
..I think that's been done already, ghostieboy; it's called the EC-89

Jun 14, 2006 ghostieboy link
Isn't that the bus
Jun 14, 2006 MonkRX link
Ask for valet parking in an underground parking lot where they use elevators to lower the cars into the parking level.
Jun 15, 2006 toshiro link
Hey Monk, long time no see. How're you doing?
Jun 15, 2006 Black Omega link
Park the tank at the front in a drive in movie and sit on the turret. If its an action film you could add your own effects.
Jun 18, 2006 spectre_c_me link
-same thing as ArAsH except play 'Bodies' instead.

-put the tank up on a pedistal and have a sign saying... 'if you'd like this raise your hand now'

... then blast everyone of em for thinking they'd get one (Survival of the fittest, i'm bigger than you!)

-turn it into a Transformer, walk up to Optimus Prime and make him into a toaster :D
Jun 19, 2006 ghostieboy link
Put a "Baby on Board" sticker at the back :p
Jun 19, 2006 Whistler link
Pull up alongside somebody who is playing their car stareo so loud that it rattles their car, then use the main gun to demonstrate what bass REALLY sounds like.
Jun 19, 2006 Whistler link
At stoplights, lean out and ask people in other cars if they have any Grey Poupon.
Jun 19, 2006 Cunjo link
"At stoplights, lean out and ask people in other cars if they have any Grey Poupon."

We actually recieved a bottle that way while on a road trip once... too bad we weren't driving a tank at the time =P
Jun 19, 2006 MonkRX link
Tosh - School could be better. But In general terms, just fine..

Nice to see the Vendetta Community is still living :)
Jun 19, 2006 Whistler link
Rotate the turret to point backward, drive to a tollbooth, attempt to pay in pennies, canadian nickels, and out of state checks. Make bets on how many cars need to be lined up behind you before somebody dares to honk.
Jun 20, 2006 jexkerome link
Run amok in the city, crushing cars, until you get the tank stuck against a structure or other, and then the police come and shoot you dead.

Oh wait, it's been done already.
Jun 20, 2006 ghostieboy link

"Accdently" stop your tank on the trainrails and let the train meet your barrel :p
Jun 24, 2006 moldyman link
Take it to an Army vs. Navy football game
Jun 26, 2006 MonkRX link
Drive it in a DMZ.
Jun 28, 2006 spectre_c_me link
Ask the lady at the DMV what kind of tags are required for your Battle-Mech combo

Re-enact the death of the Dinosaurs

Show King Kong how climbing the Empire State Building should have been done