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The many many comical things one could do if one procured a tank

Jun 02, 2006 moldyman link
I used to have a list of twenty-four of these jokes. But most were bad, except for this one:

1. In your tank, slowly rumble past a docked US Navy warship and blast "In the Navy" by the Village People
Jun 02, 2006 Shapenaji link
2. Wear it as a hat.
Jun 02, 2006 Cunjo link
for "The many many comical things one could do if one procured a tank and a time machine..."

Jun 03, 2006 Whistler link
4. "Assist" people who park poorly
Jun 03, 2006 mgl_mouser link
5. Assist people who drive poorly.
Jun 03, 2006 Cunjo link
That reminded me of this comic:
Jun 03, 2006 UncleDave link
6. Try and drive it through a car wash
Jun 03, 2006 moldyman link
Good one Cunjo XD
Jun 03, 2006 Black Omega link
7. Go through a McDonalds drive thru...
Jun 03, 2006 thurisaz link
8. Try to go through a McDonalds drive-thru, but end up going OVER it... sweet, sweet poetic justice :D
Jun 03, 2006 roguelazer link
9. Photograph yourself standing in front of your vehicle in Tiananmen Square and post the picture in your .cn blog
Jun 04, 2006 LostCommander link
10. Put a "What would Jesus do?" bumper sticker on the front and use your tank to get to the office on time regardless of heavy city traffic (namely the 5 mph with brakelights to the horizon kind).
Jun 04, 2006 Sun Tzu link
11. Park it unattended for the night in a French suburb.
Jun 04, 2006 thurisaz link
12. Ensure your health and safety while driving around northern Taiwan (I swear, where else is it considered acceptable to make a left turn from the far right lane while running a red light?)
Jun 04, 2006 Whistler link
13. Park it in a space marked "Compact Car Only"...on top of the car that was already occupying the spot.
Jun 04, 2006 thurisaz link
14. Realize you locked your keys inside AGAIN, and resolve to carry around a blowtorch for such occasions...
Jun 04, 2006 toshiro link
Actually, a friend of mine DID go with his unit to a McDonalds... they didn't use the drive-through, but parked all the tanks (5) on the lot. I'll get a pic for proof ASAP.

Edit: The tanks in question were M113s retrofitted for mortar usage, for those interested.
Jun 04, 2006 moldyman link
Jun 04, 2006 mgl_mouser link
In Britain, it's actually legal to drive around a tank.

I saw a man on TV wich goes to work in his mustard-yellow tank. As long as the gun barrel is soldered shut, it's legal.

Poor pavement.
Jun 04, 2006 Cunjo link
"10. Put a "What would Jesus do?" bumper sticker on the front and use your tank to get to the office on time regardless of heavy city traffic (namely the 5 mph with brakelights to the horizon kind)."

Jesus can drive on traffic.