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who play any online game here?

Nov 04, 2005 wowie link
thanks guys..i thought u really hate EVE Online...i had this thought before "how come they hate the game to think that it is also a space war game" everything is fine :D
Nov 04, 2005 Ion link
Shadowbane over WoW any day, to refer back to the first page. If Blizzard could have captured the feeling of danger and challenge present in SB, WoW might actually have been more than the prettiest, most feature-packed and most comfortable grind simulation in the world.

Savage, anyone? Quite underground and little known by most, but a damn fine online experience. Sometimes, it can almost match VO in adrenaline and blood-curling action.

Spiderweb Games for any occasion where VO and the two games mentioned above doesn't quite do it. Did anyone ever play Nethergate? I have never to this day been as immersed in any game like I was with Nethergate.

And I must admit I have rather high hopes for Civ 4, whenever Aspyr ports it. And, ye, after many years of Neverwinter Nights (player-built content; original campaigns suffer from worse storytelling than the latest 50 naruto episodes), the thought of Nwn 2 and Dragon Age sometimes makes me wet my bed at night.

Am I off topic? What is this thread's topic? Computer games nostalgia makes me loose track of my... track.
Nov 04, 2005 jexkerome link
*steals Ion's track*
Nov 05, 2005 Spellcast link
savage is pretty neat as a concept. I tried it a while back but the community really put me off.

I played for about a week and a half and every time i joined a game or played i was belittled for being a 'stoopid noob' and told by one player to get the hell off his team.

I wouldnt mind seeing something like the commander/player interface it uses for VO tho.. it'd be useful for.. say.. the captain of a capital ship fleet.
Nov 11, 2005 Ion link
You might have slipped that one past me, jexkerome, but at least I know know you did it for a good cause. Ion's track, MY track, is now one of the ugly things sticking out the back of the new TPG capship... *beams proudly*

Spell, the savage community is on a par with and similar initiatives. It's terribly, awfully... terrible. I've found this one, big server that has such a strong influx of new players that you don't have the time to learn the names of the biggest assholes (approx. 90% of the savage comm.), and that is a small comfort. But in the end, that is why I rarely play the game myself. We should bring a few VO:ers with us and create a Vendetta Clan (thus mixing one of the best game communities in the world with the worst, an action that would possibly go down as illegal social engineering or even mixing the gene pools of two entirely different species). For those few times when you actually DON'T want to play Vendetta...

Whoops. Did I just commit treason?
Nov 12, 2005 Nya13 link
i v played a lot of MMOGRPG since the last 6 years.

i like MMOG with a good gameplay action where player'skill is involved. i like manipulating my character and do PvP sometime.
About EVE:
i was a beta tester.
that game has a great graphic but it 's a boredom (for me)
there is not real player'skill involved. it's more management.

Actually i play Vendetta Online. i am geting fun and have hope in the current work in progress.
I play GW also with my friends (sometime)

my best experiences MMOG(RPG):

-(Asheron 's Call ("darktide server" - 2000-2002 ) was the best gameplay in the Heroic fantasy world until MICROSOFT & TURBINE made a lot of change.

-(Vendetta Online) best piloting space ship game around.

-(Ultimate Online - 1999) my first MMORPG! (very old game ^^)

-(Guild War) great game but you must be in a Team or Guild to really enjoy. because it's more a CORPG than a MMORPG.


You should watch at some movie made by the VO community!
VO has a decent graphic but gameplay is must better than EVE.

it's not an insult but EVE is for "carebears players"
Star Trek piloting style. ^^
Nov 13, 2005 jexkerome link
*hates to agree with Nya*

*does anyway, at least where EVE is concerned*
Nov 14, 2005 Spellcast link
wowie, you are getting awful close to viloating a rule of conduct with your constant plugs for EVE in multiple threads.
talking about it is ok, talking about it in every single post starts to look like you are advertizing for it.

MOST of us here have tried EVE and didn't particularly like it. I personally found the graphics beautiful, the sounds nearly perfect, and the gameplay about as exciting as watching paint dry. To be frank the old 3D Maze screensaver for windows is more exciting than the EVE gameplay IMO.

Additionally a lot of the people here have mac's and Linux Box's, and couldn't play EVE even if they thought it was the perfect game, because it doesnt support any OS but windoze.

Anyway, thank you for trying Vendetta Online and if you arent interested in playing the game there's nothing wrong with that. HOWEVER, do us all a favor and stop posting about how great you think EVE is.

Everyone else... lets just move along and not respond to him (if he keeps poking the thread or posting the same thing in new threads he'll get removed by a mod eventually)
Nov 14, 2005 Dark Knight link
" I personally found the graphics beautiful, the sounds nearly perfect, and the gameplay about as exciting as watching paint dry."

...Or watching ice melt

...Or watching grass grow

...Or playing dominoes

...Or watching metal rust

...We'd have more fun watching Tom burn.

Okay, who got the reference?
Nov 15, 2005 UncleDave link
"Well I don't approve of this."