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who play any online game here?

Nov 01, 2005 sarahanne link
Thanks Jex, but next time don't hold back, tell us how you REALLY feel. :)
Nov 01, 2005 JestatisBess link
Be nice people. Yes his original question was wrong but we don't have to be mean about it. He should have said "What other online games do you play?"

And i know this might come to shock to you but there are some people who play VO and other games.

I personaly don't play any other online games but i do play other games like: Tropico, Diablo, The Sims 2, Star Craft and plenty of other games when i get in the mood.
Nov 01, 2005 LeberMac link
Yeah don't hurt anyone's FEELINGS, Jex...
Nov 01, 2005 Spellcast link
ooo, I like tropico.. i need to go dig it out and play it, havent messed with it in a while.. maybe dig up tropico 2 pirates cove as well. (arr.. ye need tae pillage -n- plunder laddies..)
Nov 01, 2005 wowie link
well we all do have our own taste when it comes to games...just respect it...i like EVE online and u like other games..then tahts it..
Nov 01, 2005 who? me? link
there was this one game called oberin that i heard of.
Nov 02, 2005 jexkerome link
Geez, don't you people know better than to feed a Troll?

BTW, Jes, all those games SUCK!!!!
Nov 02, 2005 Spellcast link
jex.. you poor misguided soul...

not only does tropico not suck.. its probably one of the best games ever IMO, its unique and diverting... unlike the rest of the cookie cutter mass produced crap out there on the market these days. and tropico 2 is a hoot.. sending your pirate ships out to pillage the carribean is just a blast.

on the other hand, the other games he listed are definitely not even close to making it onto any list of games i'd play.
Nov 02, 2005 wowie link
well how about a game that has only one server and yet can handle a 10,000 players??? what can u say about that huh?
Nov 02, 2005 Spellcast link
wowie.. I tried EvE.. wasnt impressed, if you enjoy it more power to you, but i dont think you are too likely to win any converts here.
Nov 02, 2005 Dark Knight link
Well, wowie, I don't know how many players VO can handle, but it only has one server as well.
Nov 03, 2005 Forum Moderator link
Hmmmm....what are all these goats milling around here for? I think they sense something...
Nov 03, 2005 jexkerome link
They are reacting to EVE's overpowering suckiness, I bet.
Nov 03, 2005 wowie link
well i react.....why do u people hate EVE???
Nov 04, 2005 Forum Moderator link
What's to hate? It's a beautiful game, but I prefer the twitch-based combat here.
Nov 04, 2005 jexkerome link
It's not that I hate it, it's that I love taunting people who raise to the bait.

Sorry, but I gotta be me.
Nov 04, 2005 Spellcast link
wowie.. I dont hate it, it just didnt impress me. It struck me as one of those games where the people who have played longer will always have an insurmountable advantage because of the way its set up.

If you like it, thats great, but most of us play vendetta because we enjoy the real time combat system where you are in control, not some computer generated dice roll. A lot of us grew up on games like Elite, X-wing, Wing Commander, Decent Freespace.. etc etc.. and have been looking for a MMO with that same flight style ever since.

one of the nice things about vendetta is that a relatively new player with low-medium levels can (and HAS on occasion) defeat a veteran player. We've had people start the game and within a week be very competitive in PvP and group tasks simply begause they had good reflexes and adapted to the twitch based flight system very easily. It's nice to know that those of us who have played for a while can be challenged successfuly by a relatively new player.
Nov 04, 2005 who? me? link
i grew up with games like sim city and rollercoaster tycoon!
Nov 04, 2005 Blacklight link
same here who me, and sim ant! wooo!!
Nov 04, 2005 who? me? link
huzzah for sim ant!

hehe i still play that every once in awhile. its too damn easy to beat