Forums » Role Playing

Message to Borb Sarken

Jul 08, 2006 genka link
I'm really tired, have a headache, and don't want to feel the force of guides looking at me with a disappointed look on their face again.

Give me a brake and go kiss Gavan's ass for a change. He's the troll of honor here, not me. Not like it'll be anything new for you, black-lance-stroking crony.

Edit: seeing as how flaccid2 edited his post, so will I!
The whole "IC" and "OOC" bull is really stupid. Are you playing a role of a dastardly space pirate here, or of a dastardly pimply-faced space teenangster? Pick one and stick with it, don't try to be both. At the very least, not in the same post.

If nothing else, can't you crazies pick something that's not gleaned from crappy forum-based-mostly-furry-and-definatley-anime-ish role-playing "communities"? What's wrong with at least trying to act like you're not an excitable pubescent teenager who can't contain himself enough to type out the name of his character instead of "IC:"?
If you want people to respect you, be it for your amazing writing abilities or your stunning, if a bit skewed, chivalry, then why not start by acting respectable?
AOLspeak and yiffing can only get you so far. I like to think VO as a game and as a community is further along the line than the stop you've got tickets for, so it's time to trade up ladies'n'gents.

PS: you can paypal me the money for your ticket later.
Jul 08, 2006 JestatisBess link
If any guides are watching please remind Klabbath of the role-playing forum rules.

Klabbath: Please read the rules of conduct. I don't mind an occasional off topic post but this is the role playing forum. Please read the policy again. Please try to stay on topic in these forums.

Thank you and have a nice day.

(Lebermac: I use Hide IP and its funny i used my ip to sign up to the forums but used hide ip to post to the forums. I forgot to or didn't realize thet you might check the ip address that i signed up with.)
Jul 08, 2006 Klabbath link
I don't need "reminding" of anything, JB. I am not role playing. If you have something you feel needs to be said to me, then say it to me.

Since I posted my personal email, and specifically requested that further dialog take place OUTSIDE this forum, and THEN you replied with an off-topic post to tell me that my posts were off topic, where, exactly does that leave us?

GAHH! This entire situation is absurd.

Jul 09, 2006 Ghost link
Did genka just say something about acting respectable?
Jul 09, 2006 Screwball link
Lol, Ghost. It's just another sign of the apocalypse.

Seriously, folks. Take a chill pill.
Jul 09, 2006 softy2 link
Heh, Genka. Your trolling is still stuck in name-calling land. That's old, you must challenge yourself with better ideas and not take the easy way out of name-calling!

Anyway :

Genka speaks : "The whole "IC" and "OOC" bull is really stupid. Are you playing a role of a dastardly space pirate here, or of a dastardly pimply-faced space teenangster? Pick one and stick with it, don't try to be both."

Well, then I can't expect much from you, since you seem to know how to play only one "role" ;P.

Genka speaks :" If nothing else, can't you crazies pick something that's not gleaned from crappy forum-based-mostly-furry-and-definatley-anime-ish role-playing "communities"? What's wrong with at least trying to act like you're not an excitable pubescent teenager who can't contain himself enough to type out the name of his character instead of "IC:"?"

I do notice you have a certain obsession with the word "furry". It appears in most of your posts when you try to infuse some sexuality into your post. Care to comment?

Genka speaks :"If you want people to respect you, be it for your amazing writing abilities or your stunning, if a bit skewed, chivalry, then why not start by acting respectable?
AOLspeak and yiffing can only get you so far. I like to think VO as a game and as a community is further along the line than the stop you've got tickets for, so it's time to trade up ladies'n'gents."

Heh. Have you ever heard of the words "A little fun?" Why are you taking all this so seriously and start tossing around words like "respect" and "amazing"? I mean, I got over it. You should too :D.
Jul 09, 2006 LeberMac link
Jul 09, 2006 genotype link
Jul 09, 2006 JestatisBess link
Thanks Shape but i wish a guide would tell him.

I need this thread open and not locked at least for the next day or 2.
Jul 09, 2006 Gavan link
Lately, thanks to Al Gore's whining after the 2000 American Presidential election led to seven recounts...even the Mexican presidential elections are going through that right now. (and it's just as childish and asinine now as it was in 2000)

Actually, I was just commenting on your inability to refrain from bringing your political views into any particular discussion. Making an allegorical statement to a real world (or percieved real world) situation, is not roleplaying, and belongs in the off-topic forum.
Jul 09, 2006 Klabbath link
The whole situation with Gavan has been resolved. I'm posting this only in an attempt to head off any more bullshit.

As usual, all it really took was a simple conversation. I'm as much at fault as Gavan for snarling when I should have tried open communications. I apologize to the board in general and Gavan in specific for this whole situation.

Most of my posts in this thread have been deleted.

Moving onward.

Jul 09, 2006 sarahanne link
Things have been said, posts have been deleted, and as far as I know no ducks have been harmed.

Is this thread regaining some balance or does it need a padlock?
Jul 09, 2006 upper case link
if it was only but me i would have locked that thread long ago.

but, given i'm council, i had to listen to this stuff because we had to lock out someone's access on our board for tampering protection.

there's nothing much more that person can say to help his case by now but he hinted to need it still. if you lock this thread, another insane one will probably result.

so it's up to the moderators i suppose.

and i wouldn't be so sure about the duck.
Jul 09, 2006 JestatisBess link
sarahanne: Can you you leave th thread open please. upper case is right i'll just have to start another insane one later :)
Jul 09, 2006 Shapenaji link
Thanks Klabbath, that was very big of you.
Jul 09, 2006 Renegade xxRIPxx link
/me huffs and puffs and ends up with a big bag of air.
Jul 09, 2006 Borb II link
I stood before the large crowd grinning. It was my first press conference since the whole Jestatis Bess incident started. I'll admit up to this point I enjoyed the attention, here things would get dicey for sure.

I looked down and my feet and took a deep breath to gather my thoughts.

All of this had really started months and months ago. I was some thing of a hippy back then, I thought I could bridge a gap between the Itani and Serco nation by becoming an Itani. There I joined up with a group known as IA and met for the first time this guy named Smittens.

He seemed nice at first his ego aside. But as he became commander as happens with so many the power went to his head, it was his guild and he called the shot and we're his. Screw that I though, I had worked out a deal with a then fledgling organization known as BL or Black Lance. I dropped Smittens the war and the Itani nation like a bad habit, I was working for my self and I liked it.

Smittens was later removed from command for the same things I had spotted when I left. I stayed in BL which was later renamed BLAK and enjoyed every second of it. During that time Smittens IA was slowly dying. It could have possibly had some thing to do with the war they got in with BLAK but I would never admit to that.

After some issues it was decided BLAK would disband and go underground, our feelings where that we would have even more power that way as we became formless. I however had other issues, during my time as an Itani I got heavily involved with the Akanese, some thing which I later regretted. So one day I strapped a large amount of explosive ordnance to my self walked in to talk with my superiors and pushed the little red button.

My attempt to kill my self how ever failed to work out like I had planed, and I ended up in a Serco lab unaware for the time who I was. Later through some bizarre events I ended up finding out the truth about who I was, and became the leader of a Serco military guild.

Prior to doing so I remade contact with every one I had known in my past life. I had built a large network of spies and informants, and with my new command it only grew. It is my personal belief that I have access to more information the just about any one in the universe. Of course I could be wrong, but my intel says other wise.

Needless to say with my newly regained power old "friends" started asking for favors. One of them was Smittens, who had now killed off IA and remade it into ITAN, which he now commanded.

It started off with simple little tid bits of useless information that I extorted large amounts of money for. Then he started finding out about how much information I had access to and the questions started getting more important.

Now I'll be the first to admit he grated me, he was annoying and lacked social graces, to put it frankly his existence made me mad. And yet he thought we we're best buddies, so I played up to him, having a commander of the enemy in my back pocket was nice, and the information I gleaned from him was just as good. But I vowed one day when II had the chance he would pay for his annoyance of me.

How ever all that ended when he under some scandal or another left for unexplained reasons and ITAN was forced to rename a new commander, the deceased Mogul.

For months I did not see or hear from Smittens, which suited me just fine as I was busy with other things any way. Then Mogul left and Smittens had to work fast to get his guild in shape and maintain command. So he contacted me once more.

He started asking big time questions, at this time I was enjoying my peace so I gave him an off the wall answer I though he would see was false. He however did not, it was then that my plan formed.

In the end I currently am close to possessing 30 mil from ITAN's bank account all transactions authorized by Smittens. I was granted access from him to the ITAN forums, via an alias. I have had 6 people booted from the guild all for a high price under the guise that they where spies.

In most cases I just needed a name to extort more money from him, in other cases it was some one I did not like and wanted to have a hard time. I've also heavily influenced the actions of ITAN as a whole and have voted to skew votes in Smittens favor many times. This includes paying a few bribable contacts to vote Smittens in as commander in the first place so I could use him as I saw fit.

All these thoughts ran through my head as I looked up at the large group gathered in front of me. I saw a few ITAN members out there, I knew things would be most interested in a few minutes.

"I guess the question on every one's mind tonight would be will Borb say one way or another about the alleged pictures of the incrimination e-mails from Jestatis Bess or not.

Are the real or are they fake?"

I paused for dramatic effect, all the information on Smittens transactions with me was due to be forwarded to the ITAN guild after my short speech. If they where smart he was done for, if not who cares, I lose nothing, and gained much. It was win win for me.

"The answer to that question is that they are indeed a fake, a very good fake forged by my self."

I grinned as the crowd recoiled in shock.

"Yes, Jes merely contacted me to scare Smittens. He real e-mail contained nothing more then a Thank you vary much, I just wanted them to think I was talking with you."

I got the feeling based on the way the people we're starting to react Dau could soon face a small riot.

"I acted on my own in revenge, Jes knew nothing about my actions, and was nothing more then a tool in my hands for use in my much larger plan. His loyalties to the Itani nation should have never been questioned. I know for a fact he is unbribable, and 100 percent unwavering in his loyalty.

Do not forget forget so easily that it was Jes who kept the ITAN guild from falling apart in the first place because of his quick plan of action after the Mogul fiasco. Smittens was only elected after Jes laid the framework for the guild and did most of the damage control. Not really some thing a traitor would do.

Besides there is no way he is getting any credit for my hard work."

I stood there grinning as I started hearing the pop pop pop of gun fire. In less time then it takes to blink I was on my back a projectile having hit me in the chest and burying it's self in my vest. With out hesitation I popped a flash bang and ran off the stage as the station guards poured in to the room.

A few more minuets later I was sitting in my vult in an empty sector near Dau.

The grin had never left my face, an old earth song called Many Men was playing on my sound system as I popped open the first of many Roid Rammers.

"You my friend are a god." I said making a toast to my self.
Jul 09, 2006 genka link
I wrote some incoherent bullshit no-one bothered reading.
I then touched myself in places my parents didn't tell me about while I was being home-schooled.

(This summary of the above post brought to you by Bad Ideas Incorporated.)
Jul 09, 2006 upper case link
i'm taking some time off
i'm pissed.
Jul 09, 2006 JestatisBess link
(ooc: Finally I have been vindicated… took long enough)

Smittens and other have long trusted the integrity of Borb Sarken. I to, also trust Borb but only to do what’s in his best interest. And that doesn’t include helping the Itani.

Since my good name has finally been cleared I strongly request immediate access to the full ITAN forums. The diplomatic section is fine until I can be re admitted into Itan.

I really didn’t want to come to this, but in light of Borb’s serious charges against Smittens I must demand that formal charges be brought before him. And I will give him the benefit of the doubt. And I will let him make his case. That is what should be allowed when you are being charged with something. Not banning them and then discussing the subject behind their backs.

Since this is an ITAN guild matter I prefer to discuss this further on those boards not in public.

The ITAN guild has been accused of being “over run by corruption, psychotic people, and morons!” I want to start by changing the perceptions of our guild. It’s the strongest (not saying much at the moment). We need strong stable leadership. I’m not sure I’m the right one for the job but I’m sure it not an already discraced ex-commander.

I hope we can get this done really fast and have a smooth transition of power.

Lastly I think an apology is in order.