Forums » Android

End user suggestions for Droid controls

Apr 04, 2011 YnotElbon link
All right Droid players! What would you like to see added/changed?

Myself, I would like to see some added buttons with aability to assign functions from the options menu.
Apr 13, 2011 Junkyard Wolf link
I would like to see a few more options for configuring the accelerometer controls. Specifically, decoupling the axial functions. For example, I'd like to use the left/right tilt to control roll (not yaw!), while using up/down tilt for pitch. Or whatever other combination one finds most comfortable.

Ideally, the accelerometer options would look something like this...

[ ] Roll
[ ] Yaw
[ ] nothing
[ ] Pitch
[ ] Thrust
[ ] nothing

(Edit: With an Invert option for each, of course.)

...or something like that. But definitely want the ability to control roll + pitch, rather than roll-only (no vertical tilt control); as someone who's played flight games in years past, that simply feels more natural, especially with auto-assist On.
Apr 13, 2011 incarnate link
We definitely need more control flexibility and configurability.

I don't think your suggestion (which mirrors my own thinking) would be that hard to implement, but we're swamped with development this week. We may be able to add it next week.
Apr 13, 2011 raidil link
Accelerometer for steering. So I would like to see the right thumb to be used for rolling. And would like to have a way to use more weapons set in flight thin one.
Apr 14, 2011 incarnate link
And would like to have a way to use more weapons set in flight thin one.

You have two fire buttons already (primary on the left, and Fire 2 on the right). You can bind as many weapons to each fire button as you like, using the Group controls under Manage Ship.
May 20, 2011 ObsidianBlk link
I'm playing this on my Acer A500 tablet and it's playing GREAT! There are a couple things I'd like to suggest, however (and most of these are interface suggestions)...

When in station/looking at PDA...
More tablet-centric controls. Currently it really does just feel like a PC interface crammed in to work for android. When I have to scroll through lists or text screens, I have to put my finger on the scroll bars or scroll arrow buttons. They work great, but they're more PC than Tablet feeling. Surely there could be a way of just allowing us to flick the screen like in other android applications.

Firstly, the main control buttons (other than the navigation ones) look horrible. They look "proof-of-concept"-ish rather than a true interface. A little artistic flare would be awesome. Make them look more like a control interface you'd see in a sci-fi movie than "oooo... a square with text".
Secondly, (and this is my humble option), the controls that line the bottom center of the screen should definitely be rearranged to sit along the left and right edges of the tablet. As I play, my hands are holding those edges and so if I want to access any of those controls I have to get my hands off one of the two navigation controls to access those buttons. I'm very well aware the androids touch accuracy isn't the best so squishing them together isn't the best of ideas, but they can definitely do to be more compact and accessible without my having to move my hand.

Believe me... I'm not complaining. I'm still only on the 8 hour trial (busy life), but I'm most likely going to subscribe. I love these kind of games and while I feel the tablet controls are a little clunky, the game's a blast.
May 25, 2011 Junkyard Wolf link
@ObsidianBlk: I agree with everything you just said. Especially the swipe-scrolling as opposed to forcing scroll bar use.

I'd also like to add, VO should respect the rules of the device it's on and use that tablet's default onscreen keyboard instead of VO forcing its own. Any tablet user who's gone to the trouble of configuring their keyboard, or downloading a 3rd-party one and tweaking it just the way they want it, knows that such a thing is very personalized, and a "one size fits all" solution is absolutely doomed to failure.

As it is, I simply do not bother chatting at all while playing the game on my Xoom because of the keyboard.

Android VO's keyboard is simply not up to par, especially for those of us who are "thumb keyboard" typers. Please let us use the keyboard we choose for the default on our tablets, which we expect to apply to all applications.
May 27, 2011 incarnate link
We developed the internal keyboard in part because the Android keyboard was incredibly slow when overlaid on the game. We're aware the internal VO keyboard is not the best, we plan to significantly extend and improve it, specifically with an eye towards VO gameplay.

Ironically, other Android game developers have privately asked us about licensing our internal keyboard, because they have had so many issues with the Android OS-based keyboards.

I've commented on the scrollbar issues elsewhere. We're aware the general interface is not very tablet-oriented, and definitely needs graphical improvement.
May 24, 2012 myztkl-kev link
i want to be able to use tilt steering but when i turn my phone i want it to roll and not turn left or right, it feels wrong, if i had horizontal tilt (up and down) and vertical tilt to roll and the "joystick" would be for strafing up down left and right, and the d-pad left and right for turning. that would be optimized, for me anyways.
May 29, 2012 incarnate link
You should be able to configure tilt to roll via one of the check-box options in the Input Options menu for Accelerometer control.
May 29, 2012 draugath link
Incarnate, most Android users want tilt configurations not currently supported by the GUI. If it were possible to configure the tilt axises separately, like a joystick, this would give users the choice they seek.
Jun 09, 2012 Phaserlight link
There is a radio button one can check which sets tilt to roll.

My current config on Xperia Play, for those who are interested:

Accelerometer: tilt to roll
Left shoulder: accelerate
Right shoulder: decelerate
d-pad: strafe left/right, up/down
Triangle: turbo
Circle: toggle flight-assist
Cross: target nearest hostile
Square: fire primary
Select: fire secondary
Start: chat to sector

My only two wishes are that I could set the left touch area to strafe along the vertical axis like the d-pad, and that I had a button to designate a target as hostile so that autofire would kick in.
Jun 09, 2012 draugath link
Yes there is a radio button for that Phaserlight,but most people want a tilt configuration that is not available with the two radio-button options
Jul 23, 2012 Tyflona link
IMO I don't like playing this game with my screen. I hook up a ps3 controller to my keyboard dock on my Asus tf 300.
Jul 25, 2012 incarnate link
Incarnate, most Android users want tilt configurations not currently supported by the GUI. If it were possible to configure the tilt axises separately, like a joystick, this would give users the choice they seek.

Could you be more specific as to what configuration is commonly requested but unavailable?

I'm fine with making more config options, but at the same time.. even the existing system is too complex for 90% of mobile users, so we really need to simplify it. If I can simplify and cover the broad base of common requests, that'd be helpful.
Aug 30, 2012 abortretryfail link
I finally got a phone that runs this game well (Moto Photon Q, runs smooth and looks AWESOME) and I find the touch controls are probably the most frustrating thing here.

Would it kill you guys to add an "Advanced Mode" thats off by default and lets you re-bind the tilt axes like joystick axes on the PC platforms? I'd like to use tilt for strafes but currently that's not an option.
Sep 16, 2012 tianzi link
With the new 7 inch android tablets, GUI real estate is getting more and more cramped. One thing that would help is support for blue tooth joysticks and game pads such as Nyko's Android specific game pad which is coming out soon and use of the Sixaxis app or better yet provide client side support and drivers for this input device. However, what I'd like to see is if the virtual joystick could be binded to strafes and steering be allowed by accelerometer. I have the new Google Nexus 7 tablet and I have even down loaded the game on my daughter's Kindle Fire. Both are great platforms for the game however, due to the smaller screen of this form factor of Android, I agree with more choices for game controls to be allowed. BTW, is there an Android version of VO that is similar to the PC and Mac versions which support joysticks?
Sep 16, 2012 draugath link
tianzi, joysticks and gamepads are already supported.

Further, you can use my 3rd party plugin called DroidButtons (that is not supported by GuildSoftware) to create new buttons on the HUD. You can even remove the default UI and recreate it to do exactly what you asked for with strafes, but this is still rather experimental.
Sep 23, 2012 herpnderp link
Notably, accelerometer mode is the best control schema of what we have for phones (tablets are another story, but I want to talk about phones, because that's what I use)

the accelerometers are best because you don't have to cover the screen with your fingers as much, and can see what you're doing better. It's also easier considering that the tiny little controls are really easy to fatfinger on a phone.

It is, however, missing one very important thing: roll.

As it is currently, x-rotation controls pitch, and both y and z rotation control yaw. I would really prefer if possible for z rotation to control yaw, and y rotation to control roll. This would make sense, and make it much easier to fluidly control a craft with an android phone.

Also, there needs to be a way to calibrate/zero the device at the preferred 'neutral' position, maybe by holding down the menu button, or just from the options menu, so you can play it while sitting/standing in different positions comfortably.

To supplement this, I think the arrow buttons for forward/back/left/right should be repurposed to up/down/left/right, and a slider should be added for forward/reverse/throttle.

Furthermore, since in accelerometer mode, the thumb control for pitch/yaw on the right isn't needed, that space could be repurposed for something like fire1/2/3 buttons when in accelerometer mode.

Finally, I would like to point out the very important fact that the android system keyboard integration exists for a reason. Please, please PLEASE... use it. Just use it.

[09/22/12 18:02:15] [1] <herpnderp> hi
[09/22/12 18:02:37] [1] <thekoder> hey
[09/22/12 18:02:38] [1] <coledeawesome> i need help
[09/22/12 18:02:41] [1] <coledeawesome> D:
[09/22/12 18:03:21] [1] <herpnderp> what
[09/22/12 18:03:39] [1] <coledeawesome> how i getgood guns and ships
[09/22/12 18:04:00] [1] <herpnderp> lsvel up
[09/22/12 18:04:43] [1] <herpnderp> wow this android cliebt p suz
[09/22/12 18:04:57] [1] <Turbulance> play on a computer
[09/22/12 18:05:01] [1] <herpnderp> sus
[09/22/12 18:05:39] [1] <herpnderp> i do. testibg android cljebt though
[09/22/12 18:06:07] [1] <Turbulance> indeed, not worth playing
[09/22/12 18:06:18] [1] <Turbulance> unless you never played on a comp before
[09/22/12 18:07:09] [1] <herpnderp> forcibg pll to use a sbjtty ingane kb ibste d of th stocj abdroid obe is Bout thd worst ddcisiob thdy cohld hCe made
[09/22/12 18:07:22] [1] <Dana Marstok> I can tell :P
[09/22/12 18:07:55] [1] <coledeawesome> FUCK noooooooo
[09/22/12 18:07:59] [1] <Dana Marstok> Why would they do that though? It makes no sense
[09/22/12 18:08:01] [100] <YT-1300> damn aputech stole my kill
[09/22/12 18:08:19] [1] <herpnderp> fucj if i know, but ty dd
[09/22/12 18:08:23] [1] Xishnik [IRC] <Andy_Spades> the android version is alright for some loo mining or subway hauling...
[09/22/12 18:08:44] [1] <Turbulance> lol
[09/22/12 18:09:15] [1] <herpnderp> reminde ti kill yku whiks youre on thzhutty
[09/22/12 18:10:01] [1] Xishnik [IRC] <Andy_Spades> And for getting andro users to try VO and then play it on a real comp.
[09/22/12 18:10:14] [1] <Westacular> yeah, that's what Idid
[09/22/12 18:10:23] [1] <herpnderp> cleRly thzts tbe obky reL phrpkse forhd Bdroid versikb
[09/22/12 18:10:28] [100] <Dana Marstok> Hey Wes
[09/22/12 18:10:48] [100] <Westacular> hey Martok, ima call you Martok, btw
[09/22/12 18:10:55] [100] <Dana Marstok> Fine with me :P
[09/22/12 18:10:57] [100] <Westacular> -s
[09/22/12 18:11:00] [100] <TheRedSpy> lol
[09/22/12 18:11:06] [1] <herpnderp> persobly i would muxh rTher thsy mKe mkbike vo pda clit
[09/22/12 18:11:23] [100] <Westacular> do you know who Martok was?
[09/22/12 18:11:43] [100] <Dana Marstok> Doesn't ring a bell
[09/22/12 18:12:03] [100] <Dana Marstok> Ah, ye olde google says Star Trek
[09/22/12 18:12:05] [100] <Westacular> Babylonian God...pretty "powerful" guy
[09/22/12 18:12:16] [1] <herpnderp> li sothig thT just lets you view and cobtrok nVivTion, character specs etc from your phobe shils ylure plYjbg ob ths dezktop cljebt
[09/22/12 18:12:21] [100] <YT-1300> you mean Marduk?
[09/22/12 18:12:27] [100] <Westacular> oh yeah!
[09/22/12 18:12:36] [100] <Westacular> Martok was the Klingon guy...
[09/22/12 18:12:49] [100] <Hellspawn331> sorry mate couldnt tell what you were
[09/22/12 18:13:07] [100] <YT-1300> Marduk split Tiamat in half, creating the earth and sky
[09/22/12 18:13:18] [1] <herpnderp> god it is so pNfuk to tyoe ob thjs ,(
[09/22/12 18:13:30] [1] <Dana Marstok> I don't envy you :X
[09/22/12 18:14:05] [100] <YT-1300> then ben Yahweh over and made him sing
[09/22/12 18:14:07] [100] <Westacular> YT the mythologist!
[09/22/12 18:14:14] [1] <herpnderp> km surprjsed you cN evenn decjpher whT im sYjbg... i mean im havibg a harx time, Nd m thobe writibg it
[09/22/12 18:15:24] [1] <coledeawesome> fuckin learn english bro
[09/22/12 18:15:42] [1] <herpnderp> eat me
[09/22/12 18:15:49] [1] <coledeawesome> o.o
[09/22/12 18:16:21] [100] <Dana Marstok> Huzzah!
[09/22/12 18:16:24] [100] <Dana Marstok> My hold is full
[09/22/12 18:16:31] [100] <Westacular> drugs?
[09/22/12 18:16:32] [100] <Dana Marstok> This roid won't be usable for a loooong time :P
[09/22/12 18:16:39] [100] <Dana Marstok> It's at 1033.1 Kelvin
[09/22/12 18:16:53] [1] <coledeawesome> dang
[09/22/12 18:17:07] [100] <Turbulance> i've seen one over 7k
[09/22/12 18:17:33] [100] <Dana Marstok> Yeah, I'm only using a Revenant
[09/22/12 18:17:33] [100] <Jaliden Hararis> asshole
[09/22/12 18:17:38] [100] <Dana Marstok> Don't have a Moth yet
[09/22/12 18:18:39] [1] <coledeawesome> guardians thinkt hey playin
[09/22/12 18:19:12] [100] <Dana Marstok> Just think, a Moth XC, with a single free mining laser :P
[09/22/12 18:19:23] [100] <Dana Marstok> wait
[09/22/12 18:19:34] [100] <Dana Marstok> it only has large slots, doesn't it?
[09/22/12 18:20:15] [1] <coledeawesome> i hate dieing
[09/22/12 18:20:21] [1] <coledeawesome> lol
[09/22/12 18:21:04] [1] <herpnderp> abhkbs rendbr trb?
[09/22/12 18:21:24] [100] <coledeawesome> omg
[09/22/12 18:21:31] [100] <coledeawesome> why u talk like dat?
[09/22/12 18:21:39] [100] <Dana Marstok> If you were paying attention
[09/22/12 18:21:43] [100] <Dana Marstok> He's on an Android
[09/22/12 18:21:51] [100] <coledeawesome> oh lol
[09/22/12 18:21:53] [1] <herpnderp> tru dT
[09/22/12 18:21:54] [100] <Dana Marstok> with its shitty in-game keyboard
[09/22/12 18:22:12] [100] <Westacular> that keyboard makes me livid
[09/22/12 18:22:14] [100] <coledeawesome> than y he talk
[09/22/12 18:22:15] [100] <Vesena Clavick> That does not go away when you have a phys keyboard
[09/22/12 18:22:33] [100] <Mr. Chaos> Because he want's to communicate like the rest of us, smurf.
[09/22/12 18:22:36] [1] <herpnderp> really w
[09/22/12 18:22:42] [100] <Dana Marstok> I have a lot of respect for what the devs have done, but what the hell were they smoking?
[09/22/12 18:22:43] [100] <Pa Vanala> what's this YT-1300 dude? He's shootin' at me...
[09/22/12 18:23:00] [100] <Westacular> lol
[09/22/12 18:23:11] [1] <herpnderp> ateSt they dkbf gics u capslock
[09/22/12 18:23:12] [100] <coledeawesome> lol
[09/22/12 18:23:15] [100] <Westacular> he's a certified warranty salesman and vehicle inspection specialist
[09/22/12 18:23:26] [100] <Pa Vanala> like some kind of pan handler? He asked for money
[09/22/12 18:23:35] [100] <YT-1300> I'm a pirate, mate.
[09/22/12 18:23:45] [100] <YT-1300> safe ain't space....
[09/22/12 18:23:47] [100] <Mr. Chaos> Give him the dough and no one gets hurt. :)
[09/22/12 18:23:49] [100] <Westacular> YARR!
[09/22/12 18:23:50] [100] <Pa Vanala> lmao! Bad one I guess..
[09/22/12 18:23:50] [100] <YT-1300> and space ain't safe
[09/22/12 18:23:51] [100] <Dana Marstok> At least he's one who admits it :P
[09/22/12 18:24:31] [100] <YT-1300> if ye had cargo worth takin' I might've shot ya dead...
[09/22/12 18:24:39] [100] <YT-1300> Yarr!
[09/22/12 18:24:47] [100] <Pa Vanala> then again you might not have! As bad as you shoot...
[09/22/12 18:24:55] [100] <Dana Marstok> lol
[09/22/12 18:25:14] [100] <YT-1300> lol... don't let the warning shots fool ya ...
[09/22/12 18:25:29] [100] <Turbulance> why do all the pirates sound like stupid ocean pirates... we're in space guys
[09/22/12 18:25:31] You are entering Arta Caelestis B-7
[09/22/12 18:25:35] [100] <Greenwall> har
[09/22/12 18:25:37] [100] <Pa Vanala> what, those rockket things?
[09/22/12 18:25:43] [100] <Westacular> no frame of reference....
[09/22/12 18:25:47] [1] <herpnderp> bcause yarr
[09/22/12 18:25:49] [100] <Plater> ship is a ship
[09/22/12 18:26:29] [100] <coledeawesome> who wants to double the bots
[09/22/12 18:26:31] [100] <coledeawesome> tin
[09/22/12 18:26:42] [100] <coledeawesome> cause i need license points
[09/22/12 18:26:55] [100] <coledeawesome> imat
[09/22/12 18:26:57] [100] <Turbulance> well if you're trying to role play, i doubt people smart enough to operate space ships would choose to live with such poor vocabulary and grammar
[09/22/12 18:27:04] [100] <coledeawesome> m 5
[09/22/12 18:27:26] [100] <Westacular> yarrrg, ye better watch ur tongue matey or I'll vaporize it with me megaP!
[09/22/12 18:27:30] [1] <herpnderp> dsbt tMe njcb snarts fo ooefate ship yarr
[09/22/12 18:27:38] [100] <Maxx Metal> lol...who brought the nun?
[09/22/12 18:27:50] [100] <Turbulance> herp i have no idea what you are saying
[09/22/12 18:27:58] [1] <herpnderp> :(
[09/22/12 18:28:54] [1] <herpnderp> im fryjb fhd bszt i cB
[09/22/12 18:29:29] [100] <Turbulance> herp, you are trying to find bathsalts?
[09/22/12 18:29:42] [100] <Dana Marstok> Epsom salts, methinks
[09/22/12 18:30:06] [1] <herpnderp> aldo wtf withybistx stayibg ib njmber modd Fter hittibg abrfe
[09/22/12 18:31:27] [1] <herpnderp> js Bhine lkgging this? do me a fVir and post thd lkg ib the suggeztio corum. srs. :!
[09/22/12 18:32:16] [100] <Dana Marstok> "Is ? logging this? Do me a favor and post the log in the suggestion forum. srs. :I"
[09/22/12 18:33:28] [1] <herpnderp> is Nyjbe. but ys ghns
[09/22/12 18:33:46] [1] <herpnderp> anyobe
[09/22/12 18:35:08] [1] <herpnderp> ok lkgging fkr bkw. cy
Sep 24, 2012 draugath link
herpnderp said:
It is, however, missing one very important thing: roll.

It's not missing roll as an option for the accelerometer, it's merely not available in the configuration scheme you desire, which may as well be the same thing.

herpnderp said:
Also, there needs to be a way to calibrate/zero the device at the preferred 'neutral' position, maybe by holding down the menu button, or just from the options menu, so you can play it while sitting/standing in different positions comfortably.

This is already possible under Options > Controls > Accelerometer

herpnderp said:
To supplement this, I think the arrow buttons for forward/back/left/right should be repurposed to up/down/left/right, and a slider should be added for forward/reverse/throttle.

Furthermore, since in accelerometer mode, the thumb control for pitch/yaw on the right isn't needed, that space could be repurposed for something like fire1/2/3 buttons when in accelerometer mode.

As I have pointed out right above you and in other places on the forums, you can do this using an experimental mode of my plugin DroidButtons. True, it's not an official fix to your problem, but it can do what you are looking for in the interim.

herpnderp said:
Finally, I would like to point out the very important fact that the android system keyboard integration exists for a reason. Please, please PLEASE... use it. Just use it.

This was explained earlier in this very thread near the top, but here's the link to the exact post.