Forums » Suggestions

Ship Colours

Jan 08, 2005 roguelazer link
...except for that in VO most of the backgrounds are brightly-colored nebulas, planets and stars. A black ship doens't camoflauge at all in Helios, for example.

@OP: there should be a "Default" button. There should also be guild colors.
May 04, 2006 LostCommander link
*Bumb* -- It would be nice to be able to set ship colors after purchase...
Jun 20, 2007 Surbius link
/me scrubs away at his moth with a xith-pad.

Wax on. Wax off.

But seriously, is it on the to do because I don't want to be the asshole saying get this done before Kourier is.
Jun 20, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
That's a good idea Surbius, using ore to paint your ship after it's been purchased would be fun. Some of those ores are pretty vibrant, so maybe using up a CU of Pentric could make a UIT's ship *extra* shiny yellow instead of just the usual yellow.
Jun 20, 2007 Cunjo link, mynt... no.

It would be *really* nice to be able to choose the baseline color of the ship, and not just the trim. Just ading a second color selection for painting the "grey" parts of the ship would go really far toward lending customization to players and guilds.
Jun 20, 2007 Surbius link
What I was thinking was being able to change the ship color after purchase but having a 2-tone paint job sounds nice too.
Jun 20, 2007 SilentWave link
Cunjo, I think the devs want that to be a characteristic of each ship. For example, a Vulture has a ton of color, but an EC has barely any.

Well, I like Mynt's idea. :P
Heh. [troll]Show me a critic rejecting an idea that is "outside the box" and i'll show you a Cunjo.[/troll] Let's all show him some love: <3. Gee if everyone did that, we'd still be in the stone age.

Pointsman. Radioactive ships? Or more of a neon paint thing? Or nanobiological paint? /me thinks of a neat mission string...