Forums » Suggestions

Stop adding new features.

Aug 27, 2009 Shapenaji link
If someone has a .csv file for blasters, I can fit that equation or one like it.

If the devs would like balance algorithms for each set of weapons, I can make them according to their specifications (range of speed rate of fire).

(algorithms is what I do for a living right now)

I can take the set of things which they feel are nicely balanced right now and do the analysis required to create large groups of randomly generated weapons.
Aug 27, 2009 Shapenaji link
Meh, I'll just make one...

Essentially, the logic is that you guys have ALREADY created a balance algorithm for each type of weapon. While not explicitly stated, we have a hoard of data (the weapons that currently exist)

So all I have to do is take all of those, and plot them to see what equation provides the best fit for the data. Then you just use that equation.

More to come!
Aug 27, 2009 Spedy link
Balance Algorithms! woot

I'm curious to see what it supposedly is :D
Aug 27, 2009 Shapenaji link
Anyone know where I can get an average price on some of these weapons? I know the devs have balanced some weapons a bit with that, and I don't want to exclude it... but I can't find a helpful list anywhere... TGFT? do you have a list of prices somewhere?
Aug 28, 2009 incarnate link
Arm: I said "subscriber graph" not "new subscriber graph". And we sure would not be here with only 100 subscribers. That wouldn't even cover the cost of our office. We do not have day jobs. We are self-sustaining, in large part, due to my marketing work (which inherently takes me away from development, which inherently makes new gameplay less frequent). If I make a statement, and have access to empirical data, it's reasonable to assume it's more accurate than your (very) vague assumptions.

VO will never catch up with every individual's expectations. There will always be someone bitching at me about how the game was better when you could hunt newbies more easily, or when the prom was insanely powerful in 2003, or when sunflares had less blowback damage.. or whatever.

I do what I can, I am continuing to try and expand the game and make more gameplay and "stuff" and advancement available, balancing that against the stability of the game (servers/bugs), financial state of the company, and sanity / well-being of employees. People either find the measurable progress good enough for them, or they don't; that's how it's always been, as I haven't been able to offer anything better.

It's a bummer that some people are bitter and jaded about the game, and perceived progress in their favorite area. But I have work to do and can't really spend any more time explaining that right now.

If Shape & Company have some specific suggestions/ideas they'd like to post, I'd recommend creating separate thread(s). This one is stale.
Aug 28, 2009 Snax_28 link
He did!

And as per your post, unfortunately it's human nature to bitch the loudest about products we love the most. Largely in part due to the fact that the more we admire something, the more we hope for and expect the same product to satiate our needs and desires, and the more time we spend discussing the same needs. The smaller the community, the more concentrated it becomes...

Apologies if the constant musing/whining/complaining/etc becomes grating. As Moldy attempted to point out, you guys handle PR much better than a large portion of the market.
Aug 28, 2009 Kierky link
Good thing, this game is fairly young, and has lots to learn, however, for 4 developers, progress has been great.