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Nerf skyproms

Jan 02, 2013 Samwise9 link

They have the most armor out of all the heavy ships, and are also somehow the lightest and most maneuverable.

inb4/valks are victory-mobiles
Jan 02, 2013 Death Fluffy link
Jan 02, 2013 DE-1409y link
I am almost certain that there are too many threads to count on proms and valks.
Jan 02, 2013 ryan reign link
Kindly go and skip rope in a mine field.
Jan 02, 2013 TerranAmbassador link
Proms are fine (and no, I don't pilot them, and yes, I have piloted valks, and yes, I have gotten my ass handed to me facing them.). The valk is more maneuverable, but the prom is a better tank, in all senses of the word. It's the nature of the beast.

Flares or gems will send them spinning quite well, and it seems that it takes them a good bit of time to pull out of it. A good posi or gat turret barrage will at least have them smoking before they recover. Lather, rinse, and repeat as many times as needed.

If you're feeling naughty, then swarms (if you're in a ship with a large port) can do excellent damage AND knock them around to boot.

It's a thing called imperfect balance, and I may even suggest that there's a bit of role warfare going on here.
Jan 03, 2013 tarenty link
Flares or gems will send them spinning quite well Except they don't. You can hit a prom with a single flare and it won't move at all.

seems that it takes them a good bit of time to pull out of it. Seems like you don't play.

A good posi or gat turret barrage will at least have them smoking before they recover. More armor than a rag, as maneuverable as a hog. Not going to happen.

Proms are overpowered, valks are overpowered, nothing has been done or is likely to be done about it. There is no point in continuing this thread until the devs are less occupied (not soon) and are able and willing to address certain balance issues in VO combat.
Jan 03, 2013 TheRedSpy link
Nobody would be complaining about the prom or the valk if we had a real economy and people paid valuable consideration for their proms/valks.

Why don't you complain about AAP's, they're too fast, seriously, and they do 800 damage.. what's up with that!??!!? that's way more damage than even a neutron blaster!
Jan 03, 2013 TheRedSpy link
and I may even suggest that there's a bit of role warfare going on here

I missed this the first read over, but it's the most intelligent thing in the whole thread.

Bunch of Itani supporting circle jerks here with the exception of Ryan, CF and TA
Jan 03, 2013 idd link
Here's how it goes...

Valks are easily able to take apart proms. Heck, they can easily take apart anything. Nerf them.

But yes, valks and proms are overpowered. Heck, I use a Warthog MKIV a lot more than a prom, so really, it doesn't matter, so long valks get nerfed as well.
Jan 03, 2013 AndySpades link
and I may even suggest that there's a bit of role warfare going on here

TheRedSpy: You consider this the most intelligent statement in this fact and then continue along the very same lines that have been criticised.

Nahin's point that nothing is likely going to be done about in the near future is the main disqualifying fact about this thread.

I'd like to remark that I'm not involved in any ideological conflict here, since most of the time I do not have access to either Valk or Prom, but do regularly fly both.
And yet the Prom is more overpowered than the Valk is. idd is wrong in saying a Valk could "easily" take apart a Prom: Assuming two pilots with equal skills, the Valk pilot will have to put much more effort in it. And the differences become even more obvious when you replace the direct comparison with two comparisons using a third combat-able ship. In a RevC or Corvult, I, with my limited PvP expertise, can compete with a Valk and sometimes even kill it. I can't say the same about the Serco tank.

TheRedSpy makes a good point about the economy, and countless other ways of achieving more balance concerning the nations' top ships have been suggested. I would personally prefer restricting access (via money that carries worth or otherwise) and introducing new ships or subtypes as modes of balancing to nerfing an existing ship model.
Jan 03, 2013 TheRedSpy link
Well duh andy, once it's been acknowledged that we're having a race-off - down to business!

Also you're in a smurf-loving nahin-kissing spence-worshipping dishonourably-smurfy mercenary wing and you're saying the prom is more OP than the valk? Oh gee what a surprise!

Nobody here can't be considered biased in one direction, even fluffy fights for <redacted>
Jan 03, 2013 Pointsman link
It is my perception that the productive balancing threads are ones that propose specific changes, that have wide support and little or no opposition, and that evolve out of ideas in previous threads. So. propose some real changes. There are plenty of old threads to draw upon. The hard thing, I think, is that it isn't clear what role SkyProms are supposed to play and that they appear to be simultaneously overpowered and underpowered.

Space-hoplite doesn't really work out as without good spatial battlefield awareness tools, holding formation requires unreasonable effort.
Jan 03, 2013 ryan reign link
The better idea would be to abandon the Itani=fast and light/Serco=strong and heavy and do the realistic thing, give each one ships to fill the role that the other dominates. there is no logical reason two warring nations would limit themselves the way the Serco and Itani do.
Jan 03, 2013 Pointsman link
Yeah Ryan, this is very true.
Jan 04, 2013 TerranAmbassador link
I suggested creating an Itani tank and a Serco interceptor before. No one liked it then.
Jan 04, 2013 abortretryfail link
Flares or gems will send them spinning quite well
No, not really. It takes 2 or more Sunflare+ explosions to do more than nudge a SCP.
Jan 04, 2013 Niki link
Threads about nerfing are great, here are a couple older ones for the Prom and Valk (sorted by old to new.. well, newer):

Maybe you only want to read these individual posts?:

Well, enough of that.

As Andy and TRS have already written above, we shouldn't just try to balance the ships by changing the stats and making all ships into the same one. Instead, find ways to balance, by creating a better economy, restricting access, giving individual ships a specific role that is useful in some new in-game activity (content! ding ding!), etc. ..
But all of those changes really aren't short term, so... yeah..
Jan 04, 2013 Inevitable link
It would be nice if these ships could only be made through a manufacturing mission, however, if that was implemented any one could just mass buy them now and not have to worry about it. Maybe just allowing a character to own one at a time would be neat. Either way I love both of these ships and hate them both.
Jan 04, 2013 tarenty link
Jan 05, 2013 Savet link
While I dislike how I am forced to fight proms, they are at least slow enough that you can avoid fighting them if you choose.

I agree that three bigger issue is that there is no comparable ship outside the faction. It pigeonholes pirates into choosing itani simply because their ship is capable of pursuit and combat.

There needs to be an off-faction availability.... Perhaps a Corvus station in Serco and Itani space selling a pirated design for the other nation for 700k.