Forums » Suggestions

/transfer item "name"

Dec 20, 2009 ryan reign link
"Station should charge you 10% of the monies involved, a service like this should never be free."

I don't really see a service here, especially if the station is of your nation. However, I don't have a problem with it... as long as the 10% applies to both parties. As well as applying to any one buying/selling goods, weapons or anything else from/to the station.

Given the fact that we buy all our ships, most of our cargo, most of our weapons, pay rent for storage... (which is a service) and repair our ships at said stations, charging os 10% for the privilege of buying or selling with each other is in no uncertain terms ludicrous.
Dec 20, 2009 ladron link
I don't really see a service here

Well somebody has to move those cargo crates around.
Dec 20, 2009 ryan reign link
Fair point I suppose... still 10%can add up to a whole lot. 500 per 200cu seems reasonable. After all, your paying for labor, there should be no expectation of profit sharing.
Dec 20, 2009 ShankTank link
Fair point I suppose... still 10%can add up to a whole lot. 500 per 200cu seems reasonable. After all, your paying for labor, there should be no expectation of profit sharing.

Off topic point you can choose to ignore:
Convoy escorts should be paid constant wages for exactly this reason.
Dec 20, 2009 ladron link
Yes, and yes.
Dec 20, 2009 ryan reign link
"Convoy escorts should be paid constant wages for exactly this reason."

Given how much they pay with the alleged "profit sharing", a steady wage seems preferable.
Dec 23, 2009 ladron link
Escorts should pay 10k per jump, minus 5k per ship lost per jump. If you lose more than 1 ship, you might as well have not been escorting at all.

But we're getting off topic.
Dec 23, 2009 ryan reign link
Defiantly off topic but, to fix the convoys I would agree with lose 5k per lost ship, maybe even 10k... excluding fighters. Also, that part in the mission blurb where it talks about profit sharing... make that more than just text. base the pay on distance traveled, surviving cargo ships and value of cargo.

On topic... info says that /transfer item... (in some form) will eventually be implemented, lets go for soon.
Dec 23, 2009 ladron link
Also, that part in the mission blurb where it talks about profit sharing... make that more than just text.

This is already the case, which is most of the problem. It's absolutely stupid that you can get paid more for escorting a convoy full of something valuable than one full of something mundane. It is even stupider that it's currently impossible to make as much money in an hour of trading as in 20 minutes of escort missions.
Dec 23, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
If you use your cargo scanner to abort the crap missions, you can make more in 30 minutes of escorting than you could over a solid day of trading.

But I'm cool with this massive, game breaking piece of economic stupidity. Don't fix it, Devs. I'm enjoying the free money.
Dec 23, 2009 ladron link
I'm enjoying the free money.

Trust me, TGFT is enjoying it even more than you are.
Dec 23, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
No doubt, but they were retardedly filthy already. I was too, but probably not as much as the average TGFT drone.
Dec 23, 2009 ladron link
No, no, the average TGFT isn't very rich at all; he's on the bottom of the pyramid scheme, and the majority of his time and energy go into making his superiors richer.

The average TGFT higher-up, though, is another matter entirely.
Jan 15, 2010 ryan reign link
May 23, 2010 ryan reign link
Bumped at Atices request.

[EDIT]Bumped as per Atices instructions.[EDIT]

May 23, 2010 Aticephyr link
heh, that's pushing it ryan. I just said you were bumping the wrong thread :p.
May 24, 2010 ryan reign link
Atice: "heh, then go bump that thread :p."

Sorry, upon looking back, that is not so much a request as it is instructions. I'll edit the post ;-P
May 24, 2010 TheBlackFlag link
this was a good idea.

get a room
May 24, 2010 look... no hands link
yea this would be simple, it might hurt pirates a bit, but the convenience of eliminating the grinding would be worth it. Above almost all else, I have been against grinding, it just makes it too much like work to me.
May 24, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
If one could transfer ships, this would open up all sorts of fantastic new player interaction options.