Forums » Suggestions

Ineubis Jackal (Corvette-class Behemoth)

May 23, 2009 zak.wilson link
I'd be happy with a pair of Teradon guns in place of the 4 L-ports, but I'm trying to make this thing easy to implement. If something like that is, in fact easy to implement, I'd love to have it that way.

I do not expect the Jackal to be effective for fetching high-value cargo on its own. It's simply no good at running away. Fully crewed, it might be pretty hard to take down solo, but it's pretty hard to win a 1 on 4 fight in VO under any circumstances. I submit that a fully-crewed Jackal would be an easier target than four Centaurs.
May 23, 2009 toshiro link
Quote by ShankTank: "Well things like capships aren't supposed to go solo. They need fighter escorts indeed (Jackal>fighters>bombers); (fighters>bombers>Jackal); (looped etc.). This is why I think the Jackal will provide a very fun dimension for group skirmishes."

Corvettes as I perceive them are not overly large ships, designed to be speedy enough to snap up ships smaller than them but have enough bite to support their bark (or at least keep the enemy amused) until larger, more powerful ships arrive, or to protect convoys (which also requires being fleet of foot, so as to dash up and down the line). They are practically designed to act on their own, being so much faster than larger ships.

I also don't think making all cappies excruciatingly slow will make them fun to fly. And as for your rock-paper-scissors: It's not entirely correct. Bombers should be unwieldy enough to be obliterated by corvettes, light fighters should be unable to penetrate its shields, but mixed fighter/bomber craft with comparatively high speed and agility (e.g. the Prometheus)would be the weapon of choice against these.

Also, I'm not in America, so I won't bow to your imperialist claims! Power to the lingua mortis!
May 23, 2009 ingoguy15 link
I say that this is slightly stupid, and a bit too far right now. The new guys are gonna be turned off by the insane amounts of power that people could bring to Sedina B-8. And this would make recent events such as the disruption of Nation War much, much worse.
May 23, 2009 peytros link
oh yeah cause this whole game revolves around what happens in sedina b8 i forgot about that. why even call it vendetta online lets just call it sedina b8 online
May 23, 2009 MSKanaka link
On a scale of "suck" to "fail", you just rated a "QQ". Go back to EVE, peytros, you need more practice trolling. Might I suggest you start by getting some points from the Goons in CAOD?

On-topic... ship seems more or less okay, and as long as the audio from this clip plays every time you purchase one or one enters the sector, I can't think of anything else to change. At the moment, anyway.
May 23, 2009 toshiro link
Is there a version for non-US residents? :P

That said, it is far from being too powerful, since it could easily be taken out by a few determined players if it strayed too far. I say implement it...
May 23, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
I'm not in America, so I won't bow to your imperialist claims!

We still make house calls, Tosh.
May 23, 2009 MSKanaka link
May 23, 2009 peytros link
i was not trolling that time mimi i was just voicing my opinion
May 24, 2009 toshiro link
Thanks, Miharu.

I'll be looking forward to the imperialist house calls.
Nov 17, 2009 ladron link
This needs a bump. We now have even more of the mechanics in place necessary to make it work (multiple types of turrets, for instance).

Nov 17, 2009 toshiro link
I'm still waiting for the imperialist house calls. Bump is deserved.
Nov 17, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
Dear toshiro,

A ticket has been opened on your request.

We're currently working in Iraq, Afghanistan, and have already opened a small call center in Iran. Definite future expansion includes North Korea and Taiwan.

We hope to make it up to your part of Europe before various impoverished immigrant waves reduce your societies to rubble and masses of stone age people beating their foreheads on the ground several times a day.

Thank you for choosing US brand Imperialism.
Nov 17, 2009 Brawnydt link
hrm, this would be a cool idea in the interim of no player controlled cap ships. It would also be useful for defending stations when that becomes an issue. We are going to see a whole new setup and some cool group fighting dynamics when protecting/defending stations becomes part of the game.

This could fill a gap for having some serious firepower to attack/defend. I like the idea! Would it also have turrets? I'm seeing a use for a shield turret to block the inevitable swarms...
Nov 17, 2009 ladron link
Yes, the initial spec called for 3 turrets (just like a normal moth) along with either 4 heavy ports or two Teradon guns. This ship has a lot of freakin' firepower, especially when fully manned.

With the increase in group combat lately (which is a good thing), it would be nice to have more ships which encourage group tactics. I think a useful multiplayer combat ship would be a big step in the right direction.

If it's not possible for some reason to put capship-style shields on this ship, a big armor buff would be almost as useful.
Nov 17, 2009 Chaosis link
[Stamp of Do It, Now, Plz]
Nov 17, 2009 Roda Slane link
No ship with more large ports than 2. none. period. give it 2 large and 3 small, or whatever. put as many turrets on it as you want. i don't want to ever hear about a 3 lport or 4 lport ship ever. it is just stupid. stop it.
Nov 17, 2009 ladron link
Why is it stupid, exactly? 4 sets of swarms aren't really any more difficult to dodge than 2 sets, if that's what you're thinking.

Anyway, I wouldn't mind 2 L 3 S ports, plus the 3 turrets. Whatever works.
Nov 18, 2009 look... no hands link
havent read the whole thread, but this looks like a swarm rig.
Nov 18, 2009 toshiro link
Forbid the use of swarms on two of the ports. It's not like it never happened before (avalon/mine instanuke combo), and that way, swarms could still be used (which they might, since they provide a means of defense against heavier ships).

It'd be awesome to see groups of these, with logistics ships (perhaps Hornets, with aeolus repair guns and flares).

I can't wait for capital ship actions.