Forums » Suggestions

Encourage Exploration

Sep 04, 2008 ezra-s link
Space is vast and people like most of us who like space games love the exploration side of any of those games so here are some suggestions of many more to come:

1º Ion Storms

Ion Storms can be exploited much further. I think most systems should have sectors in the outter limits of those systems with permanent Ion Storms where cool secrets can be found as:

* hidden pirate stations.
* Pirate swarms that will attack if you dont have certain lvl of faction with them.
* Destroyed alien derelicts noone ever heard about in which you might be able to dock and get a rare item.
* Secret nation meetings which will react and attack you when you discover them, etc..
* Hive swarms/Pirates of various lvls of difficulty guarding valuable ore/items of same lvl of difficulty.
* NEW SOLAR SYSTEMS WITH FULL ION STORMS where you can find all of the above and more.

2. Missions

Explore missions that will send you to such places that need to be analized/scanned by your nation of Corporation Exploratory service in search of enemy activity, or ore or just for charting this sectors.

3. New cool and unique items must be added to be found by exploration.

I have more ideas but they would need changing certain parts of the game so I better leave them for now.
Sep 04, 2008 ryan reign link
agreed...the exploration part of this game is, not so much under rated as it is pretty much not there. which is a shame because with not an extensive amount of effort the Devs could st the least drop in some new hidden systems with all manner of possibilities for exploration.
Sep 04, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
Main Entry: re·source
Function: noun
Etymology: French ressource, from Old French ressourse relief, resource, from resourdre to relieve, literally, to rise again, from Latin resurgere — more at resurrection
Date: circa 1611
1 a: a source of supply or support : an available means —usually used in plural b: a natural source of wealth or revenue —often used in plural c: a natural feature or phenomenon that enhances the quality of human life d: computable wealth —usually used in plural e: a source of information or expertise
2: something to which one has recourse in difficulty : expedient
3: a possibility of relief or recovery
4: a means of spending one's leisure time
5: an ability to meet and handle a situation : resourcefulness

Main Entry: fi·nite
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English finit, from Latin finitus, past participle of finire
Date: 15th century
1 a: having definite or definable limits <a finite number of possibilities> b: having a limited nature or existence <finite beings>
2: completely determinable in theory or in fact by counting, measurement, or thought <the finite velocity of light>
3 a: less than an arbitrary positive integer and greater than the negative of that integer b: having a finite number of elements <a finite set>
4: of, relating to, or being a verb or verb form that can function as a predicate or as the initial element of one and that is limited (as in tense, person, and number)

Main Entry: pri·or·i·ty
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural pri·or·i·ties
Date: 14th century
1 a (1): the quality or state of being prior (2): precedence in date or position of publication —used of taxa b (1): superiority in rank, position, or privilege (2): legal precedence in exercise of rights over the same subject matter
2: a preferential rating; especially : one that allocates rights to goods and services usually in limited supply <that project has top priority>
3: something given or meriting attention before competing alternatives
Sep 04, 2008 ezra-s link
whats your problem Dr. Lecter?
Sep 04, 2008 zamzx zik link
He's a lawyer. Don't point at him, some people were just born funny.

(He's a troll. Take everything he says with a grain of salt.)
Sep 04, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
It is worth noting that yes, this does tie into our larger goals of vast, uncharted universe Exploration. This was something we wanted from the very start, and we even made some major server-side choices with this in mind. While expanding the universe is not an immediate goal, it is a part of what this whole "universe redux" process is all about. For instance, I do wish to add player and guild-owned stations, but I'm not terribly attracted to putting them in the current space. My original vision for our universe included the current systems only as a "central core" of a vast, uncharted galaxy, the beginning user provided only with maps to this well-known region. The backstory even makes references to this sort of thing. To reiterate, expanding the universe is a goal and a part of why we're doing this, but it's not planned for the immediate future.

Also, nothing gets "analized" in VO, as it's a family-friendly game.
Sep 04, 2008 Scuba Steve 9.0 link
You know, there's nothing like the search feature. I'm not opposed to the ideas, but regarding the ion storms I sort of threw up a suggestion less than a week ago.
Sep 04, 2008 ezra-s link
If sorry If I bothered everyone, my fith post so far, two angrey bitter replies from Dr. Lecter and another thanks but no thanks..

I already feel warm and fuzzy right now. Bye.
Sep 04, 2008 naoshika link
Don't be sorry for posting ezra-s! If you don't put out your ideas no one will know they are there.

I also like the idea of exploring more, and I think with a bit of effort missions can be created that help to do this even inside the current universe structure.

I was enjoying just flying around in all the sectors yesterday and seeing if anything was there. Low and behold, I got to see my first Hive Queen and 'her' entourage. Cool!!!!!

I am still new to the game but look forward to all kinds of exploring. The devs sound like they think it is a really important part of the game too, just may take a while to build on!

I was quite glad to see your post, as it echoes my own thoughts.
Sep 05, 2008 Jim Kirk link
Yea ezra-s.

I like you! Give us more ideas please. I never thought of having rare items before... oh wait yeah I have. Well at least I never thought of having new systems... oh wait yea, I thought of that too. phhh woops! And there's already currently something called the PCC, they make missions! Maybe you should join and try to make one!? Make one where you just jump around an already explored system for no reason! That would be friggin awesome!

They don't like my posts knee-ver, don't get ur panties smelly bunching em up like that, mine stink sometimes when I do that. I know from experience, and a good sense of smell... good sense of bad smell that is...

P.S. Where you going with that warm and fuzzy feeling?