Forums » Suggestions

player controlled AI

Aug 02, 2007 usnavy13 link
I suggest that a player should be able to contract out to AI players to do his bidding, like run freight or have a kick ass squadren of AI fighters, and this would cost x amount of credits. now you might say u can get normal players but no one in the game will do this, on any type of large scale, like running 10000cu of widgets through 14 whs, they si would do the long repeditive missions. this is also a way to get rid of vast amounts of money for those who have like 100m just sitting around because thats enight to buy anything in the game and in vast quantity.
Aug 02, 2007 Shadoen link
this idea´s been posted loads of times already. Im too lazy to post a link. Anyone else care to do the honors?
Aug 02, 2007 upper case link
Aug 03, 2007 mr bean link
hey! if your gonna post a link to space hobos make it the original and best thread!
not some guy copying it!

space hobos forever! ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES!