Forums » Suggestions

Medium ports

Sep 06, 2003 roguelazer link
Um. I think that might be a little overdoing it... Customizing the battery terminals?

PS: No. I haven't.
Sep 06, 2003 Sage link
Yep. At this point in time it may not be feasible, but as the game develops and more RPG aspect are added it would make it a whole lot more fun. I still prefer my "more info" button idea better though, but we still don't know what the new station interface is going to look like, so the finer points of this are neither here nor there.
Sep 06, 2003 UncleDave link
I think that is the single coolest customisation feature I have heard so far.
Sep 06, 2003 SirCamps link
Rogue, lol. Well, when you build a bike from scratch, you buy the frame first. It's only the metal "tubing" or body. You buy everything else and put it on. You literally buy every single part from a different manufacturer and put it together yourself.

Pavan, what's the link to your "more info" idea? I haven't heard of it.

Dave, thanks! :-D

/me bows

Of course this is in the "more to come down the road" treasure chest, not meant to be implemented now.
Sep 06, 2003 Rabid Panda link
Question: how can something so simple as a rocket tube overheat in space?

/me notes that the devs have not commented on this topic and is most likely just people talking of pointless hopes and dreams.
Sep 06, 2003 Sage link
Camps, it was earlier in the thread:

"So you could have weapons classified by their weight as Small or Large, but there could be a button that says: "More Info" which would show mass, heat output etc. And after aquiring a certain liscence one would be allowed to further customize their ships by adding additional heatsinks, combining weapon ports based on mass, etc."
Sep 06, 2003 Arolte link
/me misses the days when the ships came with stock features that you could sell for upgrades
Sep 06, 2003 SirCamps link
Rabid: Who knows..... why is there a suggestions forum in the first place?

Rocket launchers overheat due to the intense temperature of the rocket fuel being burned as the rockets exit the tubes.

Pavan: The ideas seem similar, but I'd be against "large" and "small" classifications at all. Just base it on mass. And I would be against the idea of buying licenses to customize your ship. Maybe weapon licenses, but no creativity licenses!

Arolte: This is exactly what I am talking about, just more in-depth and complex.
Sep 06, 2003 roguelazer link
How can ANYTHING overheat in space? After all, each particle of spacedust (because we all know space isn't a vacuum, right? If not, go away!) is ultra-cold. Even in the sun, heat on the non-sun facing side would dissapate INCREDIBLY fast. And since we aren't anywhere near an atmosphere, real heat dissapation would be irrevelant. Besides, couldn't we just dump all the heat off in mid-warp? :D

(Obscure reference to that if we have warp technology.. well... you know the rest)
Sep 06, 2003 SirCamps link
rogue: it's a game. say it. it's a game. learn it. it's a game. love it. it's a game.

- Camps

it's a game.
Sep 07, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
sir camps,

buying licences to customize tyour ship even more is everything what an rpg stands for. you want to invest you time in a mission to customize your ship, to get a new licence or to hunt people down, or to trade to get a big up in cash.

But you are jus tmakig it to overly difficult, lets just see what the devs cook up please. At that moment, start talking about adding things and changing things. It will be a lot more productive , not to say rewarding.

Sep 07, 2003 SirCamps link
And what are we doing? I don't quite understand your post, because suggesting additions and changes is EXACTLY what I'm doing.

Also, does the government require you to buy a license before you upgrade your computer? your bike? your car? No. Buying a new battery and swapping it out with your older one should NOT require the government's permission. Weapons are another story, of course, and I would support weapons licenses, but requiring a license for modification would only discourage such activity.
Sep 07, 2003 Arolte link
Roguelazer, may I suggest you take a course in astronomy or aerospace? NASA has always encountered the problem of overheating satellites, as well as the shuttle's orbiter itself. For example did you know that the shuttle's orbiter HAS to open its bay doors to cool off once in orbit? The reason for that is heat, mostly collected by the Sun.

In space, temperatures can either get extremely cold or extremely hot. There usually is no middleground. In any case, I think it's also safe to assume that these spaceships are VERY well insulated by materials not yet known to us. There's a high probability that better insulation materials will be developed in the future by NASA or some other space agency, so the argument of external temperatures becomes moot.

What that leaves is a controlled environment in the spaceship that constantly heats up, partially because of the computers and partially because of the human body that's giving off that heat (especially as adrenaline flows). And to add to that, you've got weapons and engines generating even more heat. So despite the absolute zero (or near absolute zero I should say) temperatures surrounding each spaceship, overheating is still a reality in space.
Sep 07, 2003 HumpyThePenguin link
another thing, heat is dissapated by "hot" molecules interacting with "cold" molecules so that they reach the same temperature. In space, there is no molecules for the "hot" ones to interact with to cool them down, so the only form of heat dissapated is microwaves, x-rays, Infrared(which isn't automatically "there" to dissipate heat), and other types of radiation.

I still want to know where the idea of "Heatsinks" came into play
Sep 07, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
no you werent suggesting additions, you were suggesting complete revamps.

Besides, a licence could be for a battery be a technics degree, a level 2 could be a bachelor degree at engineering and the level 3 a masters degree at engineering.

Normally you arent going to work at your car when you dont know jack sh*t from it. If you do know somethig about it then you have had studies or practical experience. Just to emulate that we could put in a so called licence. Put in stead of calling it a licence, just call it a diploma.

Because if you want to adapt your ship to your need then expect to take some time in mastering the secrets of kitting.
Sep 07, 2003 SirCamps link
But you can build your bike from scratch. Seriously, there is no need to charge for ship modification above and beyond the cost of the equipment. This isn't a college simulator, we all know enough about real life to have NO NEED for a game that simulates it.

It isn't revamping, it's adding. Every weapon sold now could be the standard package. Consider the Tachyon at 4800 c. If you tricked the gun out completely, you might end up spending 20000 c per cannon. I think this follows the devs line of total customizability for ships. Besides, there would be more benefits for knowing where secret sectors are. Who know, maybe the rare metals would be good conductors, the 15 widgets would be good energy for capacitors, the 18 widgets for sinks, whatever.

Heat sinks are mounted on the outside of a gun and are probably cooling units that dissipate the heat generated by the blasters.
Sep 08, 2003 toshiro link
the customization feature (with the built-in simplifier, of course) is something i'd like to see very much (and: yes, i have built a bike from scratch...).
it's kind of like the socketed items in diablo 2 and d2x (forgive me the analogy), where you could add pretty much any attribute you liked to almost any item you found – as long as it's socketed.
actually, we could even further the customizability.
make a stock frame version, with everything built into it, life support, cargo bays...
and then, make an empty frame. there's nothing in it, you have to buy modular stuff to fill it (again, you could make packages you can buy to simplify things), so that you leave out the cargo space entirely for more weapons or engine room, or decrease the engine size for additional space.
i'm unsure whether this has been suggested before, but as this forum as no search feature, i'll post it anyway.
Sep 08, 2003 SirCamps link
This is exactly what I'm talking about, Tosh. I was concentrating on weapons, but indeed you could do it with ever ship system. (BTW we currently buy empty frames).
Sep 08, 2003 Renegade ++RIP++ link
/Me thought that that wasnt possible because of the abnormal lag that it would create. Not to forget the immense loadingtime to get every model of the ship inside of the sector.

Sircamps, it isnt really only school related, but a little carreroption that mentions engineer or technicus or scientist or geneal or private will get incorperated. And those people will have the required training to do anything you want, but you will only be able to acquire the normal things and maybe if you are lucky able to make a very very slight performance boost to it.

But for some real adjustements you need to go and see a specialist. Because a bike is something completely different then a spaceship. And for a car, I have never seen somebody who doesnt know a thing about it changing his brakes , or altering an engine. /me imagines a lawyer changing the brakes of his BMW and then getting an accident because his brakes malfunctioned :D.

But these results should then be incorperated if you do let people make things.

Sep 09, 2003 SirCamps link
/Me thought that that wasnt possible because of the abnormal lag that it would create. Not to forget the immense loadingtime to get every model of the ship inside of the sector.

What are you talking about here? The devs have specifically said that you will be able to look at a ship's exterior and determine what the pilot uses it for based on enhancements, weapons, cargo pods, etc. That's already going in.

Sircamps, it isnt really only school related, but a little carreroption that mentions engineer or technicus or scientist or geneal or private will get incorperated. And those people will have the required training to do anything you want, but you will only be able to acquire the normal things and maybe if you are lucky able to make a very very slight performance boost to it.

Alright, I see where you're going with it. Granted, if you obtain a technical license or something, you should get some enhancements (+1 maneuverability for an engine mechanic skill, +1 weapons dmg for a weapons officer course completion, etc. Sounds good. I would be against a pilot being incapable of doing any modification because he lacks the skill. Remember, you have to suspend some realism and disbelief to make a viable game.