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Grief to the griefers

Oct 22, 2005 icbm1987 link
Hehe... Don't worry Martin, I was ctcing... and talking on MSN at the same time... not quite a wise thing to do... whoops!

I must admit... the lack of a hail was interesting though... but I was just being stupid and paying attention to the wrong application... whoops again!

Oct 22, 2005 Martin link
Nah that character doesn't hail. He's a nasty little Akanese bastard.
Oct 22, 2005 Cunjo link
I was referring to attacks in Odia and Sedina.
Oct 23, 2005 Shapenaji link
Cunjo, if you're using the tung centaur, and you can't get him to get close? that's yer own fault. That's a risk that comes with that much firepower.
Oct 23, 2005 Unknown player node link
This isn't an anti-killing thread, this is an anti-GRIEFING thread. look it up, please.

Hmm, i know what being griefed is like, do you? Cos im damn sure it aint being popped once or twice by a person from an opposing faction, because I kept returning to the same place.

Take a good long hard look in the mirror, then tell me to look it up.

Oct 23, 2005 sarahanne link
Good Grief! Why are my Ninny Senses Tingling?
Oct 23, 2005 Corbin Armond link
Oh yes my mistake, Odia and Sedina are both safe spots to be, he should be banned for killing you in grey space. /sarcasm
Oct 23, 2005 ctishman link
Just as a minor on-topic distraction, wouldn't L-mines be a good counter to protect you while you jump?
Oct 23, 2005 Shapenaji link
Nah, Prox mines will do it, but the radius of the lmines is only 100m, you can get a steady stream on them from outside that radius
Oct 23, 2005 ctishman link
Well hell.

Lminerange += 300m
Oct 23, 2005 Martin link
Errrm that's not a good idea ctish. They are already used as offensive weapons.
Oct 24, 2005 jexkerome link
Man, but these threads make me smile. We need more bad players to come here and post on how unfairly they're treated.
Oct 24, 2005 bojansplash link
Hails in ctc, hahahaha. This would have been fun.
I can just imagine jumping in ctc sector with voy to get hail ganked by 5 sercos, this could be hillariuos.
I have been ganked in ctc so many times I lost count, did I considered gankers griefing me?...well, no, they were just killing me in the process of stealing itani xit.
My bad I was the only defender.
Did I try to kill as many attackers as I could? Sure I did, just like Eckala thou he is a better pilot then me so he kills them more.
Are we all who try to kill enemy ctcers while ctc is in progress griefers?
By Cunjos standards looks like we are.

Now for the sarcasm at play:
"Wooot, wheeee look at me im a badass ctcer stealing Itani xit ........ whine, whine sob, look they are shooting at me, killing me and they dont allow me to get their xit, dirty griefers! Thats so rude, they should all be exposed in forums for being mean to Cunjo."
Oct 24, 2005 MysticRogue link
And the award for funniest sarcasm in a post goes to........Bojan......lmao
Oct 24, 2005 Tangent link
This is a game, people have/use different tactics, adapt. People might not like homers, but there are ways around them. People might not like UIT in CTC, but they have the same amount of right to be there as Serco or Itani. Like people said, if someone REALLY is griefing, there are lots of players that would help if asked. There is no reason to get all mad and frustrated at everything, unless you want to be the only one playing so no one else "interferes" with what you want to do. The game is supposed to be challenging, and people will fight each other. How they fight is their preference, and what they do is their choice. There are ways to solve things other than getting mad/flaming people.
Oct 24, 2005 Nya13 link

ah ah ah lol

now see his true face lol

btw i am far better than him to harrash and grief people lol

why itani and uit hate me so much?
i have no pity with my enemys lol
Oct 25, 2005 bojansplash link
Martin is a respected and feared pirate but with a very strong code of honour.
He was never a griefer. Nasty and deadly pirate if you dont pay him, sure.
Eckala is an Itani warrior and abides by warrior code of conduct.

And Ayn, its true, you are far better in harassing and griefing ppl.
Maybe thats the reason other players doesnt like you.
Oct 25, 2005 Martin link
Damn Bojan, now I'm going to have to explain to the four people I don't treat with respect why I don't treat them with respect. Basically, while I do attempt to be well behaved, etc, etc,as Martin, if you aren't seeing any sign of that treatment ask me in-game. If you're on my shit list then you probably already know.

At this stage there are 4 people who are KOS. Of those 1 doesn't play and 1 is almost ready to be removed. These 4 get the same style of gameplay from me that they promote themselves.

There may be others but I normally don't hold a grudge for too long.
Oct 25, 2005 Demonen link
The following scene would have been from Berlin, 1945, Old Earth, if the terms "grefing" and "ganking" was valid in War (...and Capture the Cargo):

<James> Dear god! Jerry is shooting at us!
<Harry> What?! It's tea time! They didn't call first!
* Harry stands up *
** Harry has quit War (ventilation of skull + lead poisoning = bad thing)
<James> Oh no! He was just a private! GANKERS!!!
<Klaus> Ach! Schließen Sie Ihre Tortebohrung!
<James> That's not fair! You're weapons are more advanced than me because you are an elite troup defending an ammo dump! I demand you stop using rocket propelled granades! Gankers!
<Fritz> Was ist ein "ganker" irgendwie?

(etc etc)

Jumping on an unsuspecting newbie with AGTs is ganking. Assaulting a newbie sector with a full strike-wing of BLAKs is ganking.
Defending CTC transports is not. Attacking random people in gray space is NOT ganking either. Not in Vendetta anyway.

Killing someone once is not griefing.
Killing someone twice while in CTC is not griefing.
Killing the same person every time he keeps returning to the same sector you've been in all the while is NOT GRIEFING!

Following some poor person around for hours, making sure he stays dead more than he's alive, setting up camp outside that persons Home Station, now THAT is griefing!

Oct 25, 2005 Spellcast link
I just feel the need to correct demonen on a few little things.

#1. The USSR captured berlin, not the british.

#2. By the end of the war the german weapons were mostly inferior to the allied ones, simply because the german manufacturing was absolutely demolished by saturation bombing. They were using old weapons scrounged from just about anywhere they could.

#3 WWII era rocket propelled grenades were far to bulky to be used as anti-personell weapons, they were anti-tank weapons about the size of a modern LAWS rocket.

-----History lesson over.-------

oh, and I agree with everything else you said about what is and isnt griefing.