Forums » Suggestions

Grief to the griefers

Oct 21, 2005 Cunjo link
Griefers suck more than a hoover at a movie theatre, or even Elton John. We need a system to combat them.

I spent more than an hour today being harassed by the player "Eckala-Ha Bashor", who would attack from behind, then run if I ever turned to face him when he was alone, hanging out of range until I gave up and tried to jump out, at which point he jump-killed me from behind. Of course he seemes to grow some balls when he had an opportunity to gank me, but otherwise he'd run at the first sign of trouble, and hang back for an opportunity to attack me when I was helpless or facing away.

These sort of things have a tendency to piss me off - to the point where simply leaving VO begins to appear the best solution. We need a system to prevent continued harassment on an immediate and specific basis.

I'd like to be able to flip a switch and prevent a griefer from attacking me again, just as I flip the ignore switch on them in chat. it would have to be a mutual no-damage rule to prevent abuse, and some other limitations may need to be put in place, but it's doable, and it would save many of us a lot of grief.

Why is it that one nation player cannot damage another same-nation player in a legitimate dispute, but a griefer can continually kill other players with impunity?

Grief to the griefers.
Oct 22, 2005 Unknown player node link
Wait, so you dont mind doing it (firing missiles at people as they battle others, shooting at people just cos they are a red dots, ect ect) but when its done to you, you forum post about it?

Oct 22, 2005 Forum Moderator link
[Flame deleted - FM]
[I can't recall exactly how you said it, Bojan, but it WAS a flame. You were much more appropriate in your restatement]

Not a bug.

Oct 22, 2005 bojansplash link is stating the fact that Cunjo L-mines Sedina D-14 station to get his revenge and free pks from unsuspecting players docking/undocking when he loses a fair fight a flame?
It is a well known fact and many VO players can confirm that.
Oct 22, 2005 Unknown player node link
Its actually true, he got a little taste of his own madicine, and didnt like it.
Oct 22, 2005 Demonen link

So what actually happened what that someone brought Grief to the griefers?
If so: All-time-high in irony!

Seriously tho':
Killing someone outside a duel brings standing loss in some places.
I suggest that standing loss is doubled when the same player is killed twice within 10 minutes. Then trippled for the third kill within 10 minutes of the second.

Also, if I get griefed, I log off.
239874 deep breaths, a cup of coffe, some TV and a hug from my wife and I'm back in the game.


That leads me to another thing: For every griefer there has to be atleast 10 non-griefers online.
Say "I'm being griefed by <insert player name here> in <insert system and sector here>, will someone PUH-LEASE come help me get rid of him?!"

I'm not much of a PVP'er, but I know I'd go in just to show my stand against that kind of behaviour.
Just keep in mind that it allso applies when the anti-griefers over-do it....

Oh, btw, back before I adapted the "It's just a game" philosophy I was allso a part of the "OMG! Let's make strict gamecode-rules against this!"
Now I'm more in favor of the playerbase policing the playerbase, so to speak.

Also, it might be a good idea to join a guild.

How the #)/!/")(# do I add a link?
Oct 22, 2005 Unknown player node link
The only problem with an open space pvp game is posts like this, but dont you dare give up!
Oct 22, 2005 zamzx zik link
Cunjo, since he was being fairly annoying when I was on...

I've found a trend, there a few annoying people like that...what 'bout a guild?

The Grief to annoying son's of ****'s


sounds good to me =)

btw demonen, sorry.
Oct 22, 2005 Harry Seldon link
[BACK] Backrollers Anonymous.

Oct 22, 2005 vIsitor link
The CDC is willing to take care of a person griefing you, for a price...

Oct 22, 2005 Martin link
For the record it was during CTC. Eckala killed 9 sercos and of those Cunjo only died twice. I'd hardly call that griefing. Basically it was Eckala vs 3 - 5 Sercos and he didn't respond well to gank squads.
Oct 22, 2005 KixKizzle link
lol this is a funny post.
Oct 22, 2005 who? me? link
my post is funnier than yours kix :P
Oct 22, 2005 Corbin Armond link
Um, so how hard did you try to leave the grifer again? You walked off and started trading right? Or maybe went off and started mining? And then he followed you even after you ran to go mine or trade right?

Or did you keep going back to him thus making it a form of consensual dueling?
Oct 22, 2005 KixKizzle link
I heard you /exploded yourself twice Cunjo.
That's just weak.
I have no respect for proms, flares, or /explode binds.
That's just sad man.
I hope it ain't true.
Oct 22, 2005 LostCommander link
Kix, I'm with you. This is a funny thread.
Oct 22, 2005 Cunjo link
This isn't an anti-killing thread, this is an anti-GRIEFING thread. look it up, please.

Thanks for the move - I clicked the wrong forum.

The l-mines are because I like watching the spontaneously-exploding station guards. It was rare a player fell victim to them, and more often than not, it was someone I didn't want killed, so I really fail to see the relevancy of that post.

I like that faction idea, except for one thing: most people who do it, don't care in the least about their standing, and quite often its happening in unmonitored space (though not always)

Nice, but the acronym is too long ;)

I'n not interested in hiring an out a guild on my KOS list, thank you =P

Martin, (Martin = Eckala?)
5 times, actually, though only 3 by Eckala, and 2 of them during CtC. Furthermore, not once in a fair head-to-head engagement. The only fair head-to-head engagement ended in Eckala turning tail and running away after being reduced to ~40% hull.
And just for the record, no, I do not consider fighting Eckala's IBG backed by a valk-jock in a half-dead ordinance centaur a fair fight, even though he did face me that time.

When I'd face him and he ran, I'd wait for him to get out to a distance, then run and jump the other way... at which point he'd turbo in and hammer me with neuts during the jump... real fair. As for what I was doing at the time, it's wholly irrelevant. However, just to address your point, more than one of the encounters were in areas fairly far removed from the rest, and on wholly unrelated terms.

Yes, I did /explode the last two times, and for a number of reasons, including, but not limited to the following:
1) he wouldn't fight me head-on or at close range, unless I was jumping, and I was tired of being shot in the back on those occasions
2) refusing to engage me without running in a fair fight is not combat behavior deserving of PKs
3) allowing him to keep getting free PKs by shooting me in the back is the closest thing to encouraging him to continue shoting me in the back.
I'm against using /explode binds in combat, but there are some situations that warrent it, and being an instance of harassment rather than combat, this was one of them.
Oct 22, 2005 Martin link
Killed By
irixman Eckala-Ha Bashor Bractus C-5 Sat Oct 22 04:22:42 2005 GMT
irixman Eckala-Ha Bashor Bractus C-5 Sat Oct 22 04:17:25 2005 GMT
irixman Eckala-Ha Bashor Bractus B-5 Sat Oct 22 04:13:19 2005 GMT
Cunjo Eckala-Ha Bashor Bractus C-5 Sat Oct 22 03:33:35 2005 GMT
Xet Eckala-Ha Bashor Bractus D-9 Sat Oct 22 03:28:50 2005 GMT
Xet Eckala-Ha Bashor Bractus C-5 Sat Oct 22 03:12:52 2005 GMT
Zoras Ock Eckala-Ha Bashor Bractus E-2 Sat Oct 22 03:00:09 2005 GMT
Cunjo Eckala-Ha Bashor Bractus E-2 Sat Oct 22 02:38:48 2005 GMT
Space hunter Eckala-Ha Bashor Bractus B-14 Sat Oct 22 02:36:01 2005 GMT

Kills listing from the time in question. The last time Eckala killed you was on the 8th of Oct.
Of these, I should not have killed Zoras. I think he may have been trading, however that is not what Eckala's char is about. (sorry Zoras).

You got shot doing CTC. You complain of ganking but that's was going both ways anyway. You complain about me keeping distance from a tung taur with screamers, flares and GT, well errmm... yeah.
Oct 22, 2005 vIsitor link
I understand your reasoning Cunjo, I wish you luck on you anti-griefing task.

Oct 22, 2005 Corbin Armond link
Bractus is a well known hot spot on the Itani CtC lanes, care to tell again how this was "fairly far removed from the rest?"

Also would the wholly irrelevant actvity you where in CtC?