Forums » Suggestions

Station Interface (big image links herein)

Sep 12, 2005 Jona link
Wonderful ideas, all of them. I might not like that actual graphics of the screens, but the layout, and most of all, the information provided by them... these are things that would be really wonderful to have in-game (kill counts, for players, bots etc, rankings, duel wins and losses).

And the player description that's viewable by other players... Just wonderful. Adds tons in the ways of immersion and role-play.
Sep 12, 2005 Starfisher link
715 rotating hypercubes? That would be an interesting visualization indeed...
Sep 12, 2005 Blacklight link
sweet, i wonder what the ship tab would look like
Sep 13, 2005 Phaserlight link
lol a1k0n!

A 13-D hypercube... that would be really funny trying to read. "Hmm, I see by the modulation in my hypercube that my Itani standing has dropped." Hehe.

Anyone else reminded of Akira?

b.t.w. I'm pretty sure LeberMac took the Mostly Harmless combat rating example from the Escape Velocity series... your combat rating gradually increased with kills, Mostly Harmless was second from the bottom. Once you made it to Deadly you could challenge stations and planets for tribute.
Sep 13, 2005 LeberMac link
Guilty as charged. Although I'm pretty sure EV took it from Douglas Adams & The Hitchhiker's Guide.

But a rating of some sort would be neat. Lets you know how you're doing in this PvP-heavy game...
Sep 13, 2005 LeberMac link
Okay, more stuff for the Commerce tab. I'll admit that these rely on the previous idea of having to "rent" different types of storage space in stations, which will provide a money sink and be a kind of half-step towards guild-owned stations. That's not a prerequisite, but I'm running with it. Sue me. Here goes...
Sep 13, 2005 LeberMac link
Sep 13, 2005 LeberMac link
Sep 13, 2005 LeberMac link
Sep 13, 2005 LeberMac link
Sep 13, 2005 LeberMac link
Sep 13, 2005 LeberMac link
Sep 13, 2005 LeberMac link
Eventually I'd envision being able to sell your own goods at a station, or special pre-made ship configurations that are "Ready-to-fly", or whatever you had crafted.
Sep 13, 2005 roguelazer link
I dunno. It seems so... crowded... If the tabs weren't quite as ginormous and brushed metally, it'd be more useful.
Sep 14, 2005 LeberMac link
Well yeah. Less then "Ginormous" tabs and no brushed metal. Next set.
Sep 14, 2005 The Noid link
I'm not sure if it's visually clear enough that the buttons on the right side are a sub-menu of your selection on the top bar.
Sep 14, 2005 Phaserlight link
Nice work, as always, Lebermac.

Question about renting storage space: I like the idea, but will it be a one time cost or a recurring fee? If it's a recurring fee, will it be based on real time or time spent in game?

Also, people might want to designate trade missions besides procurement. What if I want a set of my heliocene ore to be delivered from one station to another, but I don't own a big freighter so I'll pay for someone else to do it?
Sep 14, 2005 LeberMac link
Phaser - uhoh! I need more tabs to implement your idea! Hehe.
/me reworks entire system...

The rental space idea came up in the crafting thread that Incarnate started. I'm sure it's been suggested before. I guess I see it as real time rental. But not too expensive, just enough to make it seem like you're having to pay for all your storage space, ship berths, crafting space, production space, etc.

However, once the devs make stations have limited space (as they have indicated will soon be the case), I think that the costs for renting should be tied into the economy, and the cost for renting at "in-demand" stations should increase.
Sep 14, 2005 greengeek link
Related to "The Noid"s comment: Though it would be a bit switch from the current setup, most applications I've dealt with have the larger categories on the left side, with sub-categories on the top. This would probably make it easier to designate the current category (highlight the selected category, and extend the highlight around the tabs on the top).
Sep 14, 2005 Suicidal Lemming link
The selected tab should look like it is connected to the current page, this makes it more obvious that the selected tab is in fact what you are viewing. I suggest you read the book "Don't Make Me Think", it's meant for web design but it has good info about tabs, search bars, and other stuff that shows flaws in certain interfaces.