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getting rammed at station by a cheater destroys your standing

Feb 05, 2005 ananzi link
if you are at a station and someone is down to low health and they ram you and die, you lose 300 factoin points, or more. even if you both have very high faction.

this is at best an exploit and at worst a cheat.

there are many solutions. it should be a high priority to find one and use it.


the person going faster should be considered 'at fault', and lose faction.

a person who enters a docking bay and is there for several seconds before the cheater rams them, should be considered 'not at fault', and not lose faction.

the person whose noise was pointed at the other person should be considered more 'at fault', and lose faction.

in a case where fault cannot be determined, both players should lose equal relative amounts of faction.


i am sure with a few days of work the game can detect one or more of these situations and perform the appropriate calculations.

these little detail types of things will be magnified quite a bit once you start having 3 million credit capital ships ownable by players. i doubt someone who loses 1500 faction from 3 centurions ramming their frigate at station will be very happy.
Feb 06, 2005 Beolach link
> a person who enters a docking bay and is there for several
> seconds before the cheater rams them, should be considered 'not
> at fault', and not lose faction.

IMO, people should not be sitting in the docking bay for several seconds. Get in & dock, what's the point of sitting there?
Feb 06, 2005 ananzi link

stop blaming the victim

not everyone presses 'enter' the split second they make it to the dock. sometimes they are in the middle of typing something. who knows.

instead of saying that i am wrong to sit in the dock for a second or two, why dont you pay attention to the people who ram-die, destroy standing, and cheat.

why dont you say 'IMO, people should not ram-die on other people just to knock down their faction', because IMO that is a far more important issue than whether someone waits 2 seconds in the docking bay.

Feb 06, 2005 paedric link
You should not be sitting in the docking bay Ananzi. You should dock and then continue your discussion.

Some people are prone to come into the docking bay hot. Its a kind of game with them. If they don't notice you sitting there, they can (and obviously have) ram(med) you (maybe unintentionally?).
Feb 06, 2005 Suicidal Lemming link
Yah, most people don't expect people to be floating in the dock, especially the ones that turbo into the docks. (I have to admit, turbo-ing in can be fun.)
Feb 06, 2005 Starfisher link
I always turbo in. Why would I waste precious seconds of game time going in slow? If you're sitting there and I don't see you, well in normal traffic law it would be my fault, but this is a game. If you don't watch out for yourself, you shouldn't expect the game to protect you.

That said, if you are just sitting somewhere outside the station, waiting for the convoy or chatting or something, and someone does this, I'd consider it an exploit. It's never happened to me before, but sometimes I like to park my ship on the station and chat for a bit. If someone decided to ram me and I became KOS because of it, I would be very pissed.
Feb 06, 2005 Fnugget link
One serco fellow stood by the WH on itani CTC route. He got blasted by quite a few itani's, to find they had shot too much and it was too late, for the serco died and the itani pilot lost maybe 600 or 800 itani standing. In this case, I'd call that an exploit. And for revenge, came this exploit. Once again, the serco fellow stood there, waiting to be killed. Little did he know, a heavily damaged centurion was going to collide with him. Justice prevailed.

However, I find the issue with cap ships can be a serious problem. If it cannot be fixed, I would advise a cap ship flyer to have teammates check around the station. Even worse, the cap ship would not be able to fight at a monitored WH.
Feb 06, 2005 The Kid link
I don't think there's any problem at all with this. Both are at fault. One his/her ship and some money, and other gets sued and loses standing.
It doesn't happen unless both players are there. In the end, you killed him/her.
You could do it back to them too. 2 damaged centurions or vultures colliding at full speed should kill both.
Feb 06, 2005 link
Guys it's a bug and when a vet uses it to cause someone to lose faction it's an exploit, simple as that. If you disagree, broadcast your location and I'll come and detonate a few busses next to you. Then we'll see if you feel the same way.
Feb 07, 2005 The Kid link
"...I'll come and detonate a few busses next to you."
You know /explode ing doesn't hurt anyone's standing... It's only when you damage them (or each other), either by weapons or ramming.
Feb 07, 2005 link
Yeah but i didn't say I'd use /explode.
Feb 07, 2005 tramshed link
Pretty exploit sounding to me, a simple fix would to make no one lose standing if the killing blow is due to ramming.
Feb 07, 2005 Othmaar link
If I was a station traffic controller and saw someone turboing towards the dock I would open fire with my Automated Quad Railgun Turret and close the Dock Gates immediately :-)

However ... this is a game and it is indeed fun to dock really fast. Exciting too if you fly a Centaur with 5% health.

I agree with tramshed.
Feb 07, 2005 ananzi link
then people could sit around stations and ramkill other people without worrying about the defbots.
Feb 08, 2005 Shapenaji link
well, people already do that sometimes, going out of a station, self-destructing their bus and repeating. The problem is that ramming can happen accidentally, it clearly DID NOT in your case, but if there is no standing loss for it, I highly doubt it would happen much.
Feb 08, 2005 AlienB link
This is kind of a whiny thread. Yeah, it really isnt fair, but you cant cover _every_ aspect of a game to make it 110% fair for everyone. We're just going to have to deal with insignificant little things like this.
Feb 08, 2005 ananzi link

if we get cap ships its not going to be 'insiginficant' anymore
Feb 09, 2005 AlienB link
so make kills by ramming not count or something, I dunno...
Feb 09, 2005 Forum Moderator link
[Flamebait deleted]
Feb 09, 2005 ananzi link
alienb then you have to figure out 'who rammed who'.

unless you want to make ramming cause no damage at all.