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magic disappearing asteroids at 40km

Feb 10, 2005 Solra Bizna link
> What's the performance hit caused by alpha fog? I suppose there could be a toggle
> to turn it off, though...
Bugdom ran swimmingly on my "RAGE 3D Mobillity L" 4MB, so apparently not much...

> Solra, just wondering... are you a programmer? You sound like one... :P
Yep. :)
Feb 18, 2005 Andromech link
Well, the fact of disapearing asteroids isn't very big problem. But an idea about fog caused by the nebulae dust isn't very unrealistic. A lot of things in the game are slightly unrealistic to make the game more funny. The density of asteroids in particular sectors isn't realistic, but thats not the point. For example being inside the dense asteroids cloud makes impression of beeing inside the Saturn's belt. So the idea of gas clouds among asteroids isnt so stupid, as they would simulate small particles of dust, and micrometeorites. But I don't agree with fog all over the universe. Space is not the sauna.