Forums » Bugs


Dec 06, 2004 RattMann link
I just noticed that when we leave a station, the message displayed reads:
"Preparing to launch from the docking bay." Launch bays have been separate
from docking bays for a LOOOOONG time,yes?
Dec 07, 2004 romikq link
This belongs in bugs, yes?
Dec 07, 2004 Spellcast link
good catch ratmann. I'm so used to that message it never even occured to me to check it for logic. :)
Dec 08, 2004 CrippledPidgeon link
Along those same lines:
In the controls menu, "Show Top Scores" is bound to "u". Maybe it should be called... uh... "Sector List" or something.

Also in the "Buy Ship" screen, there's still a "Quit Game" button.
Dec 08, 2004 lowguppy link
Yeah, the logout/quit buttons are rather ubiquitous and redundant, do the devs really want to make it that easy to walk away? :p
Dec 08, 2004 RattMann link
No Romikq, I DON'T think this belongs in Bugs. It's not a software problem, just
a caption that needs to be revised....
Dec 09, 2004 raybondo link
Heh, the reason we have a quit button in the select ship menu is that if you don't have a ship, you can't get out of that menu. If you can't get out of that menu, you can't log off the proper way.
Also, if the server or your client gets confused and prevents you from buying a ship you wouldn't be able to get out of that menu.

Thanks for the other 'bugs'. I'll fix them right now.