Forums » Bugs

Corporate Guard bots show up hostile

Nov 10, 2004 mh link
Well, with any standing between neutral and admired some corporate station guards show up as potentially hostile (red) on radar - certainly Orion and Axia, probably the other UIT Corporations too, can verify that later. Can't remember the ex neutral Star corps, will check them in time too.

Unless there's a reason beyond my knowledge for it i would classify this as a bug :)

Nov 11, 2004 Celkan link
You need at least a +200 (600?) standing with factions before their defbots show up as green on your radar.
Nov 11, 2004 mh link
Note that i mentioned any standing between neutral (-200 and better ) and admired (above 700ish). So i got corporate defbots showing red while the corporation admires me (standing 700+).
