Forums » Bugs
Two chat bugs -- one old, one new
The old bug: When a player logs into the game, the console within the station is defaultly set to the "Sector" setting regardless of the setting it was on when you last used it during your previous session. This is annoying because I greet several players as I log in, and typing the /say_channel in the console from the loading window wastes time. Also: the in-flight console should send messages according to the setting that was active in the station before you undocked.
The new bug: I know that someone has mentioned it to a1k0n/Andy, but it should be mentioned to the tester-base. Any of you who use the /hail command, most likely have noticed that the command's variable "%target%" incorporates the [xxx] tag from the targeting window.
Example: You want to hail alienb, who is a member of the Veteran's Guild. He appears as "[VET] alienb" in your targeting window. However, instead of taking only the name "alienb" and doing '/msg alienb Hail', the client does '/msg "[VET] alienb" Hail', which is a nonexistent character.
The new bug: I know that someone has mentioned it to a1k0n/Andy, but it should be mentioned to the tester-base. Any of you who use the /hail command, most likely have noticed that the command's variable "%target%" incorporates the [xxx] tag from the targeting window.
Example: You want to hail alienb, who is a member of the Veteran's Guild. He appears as "[VET] alienb" in your targeting window. However, instead of taking only the name "alienb" and doing '/msg alienb Hail', the client does '/msg "[VET] alienb" Hail', which is a nonexistent character.
Hey, you stole that second bug from me!
No fair!
No fair!
no, I didn't. I noticed it when I first started playing after the reset. I just decided to post it.
You'd think they were working towards a merit badge in beta testing... :)
What a good idea. I'm glad I thought of it.
Ok, these 2 things are fixed now.