Forums » Bugs

Aiming Anomoly

Oct 05, 2004 RattMann link
When I target a bot (or player) using the "x" key or the "U" screen, the aiming
reticle immediately centers on and follows the target. It acts independently
of my ship's movements. It is never red. My weapons will not fire. This seems
to be a result of V 1.0.8. Logging out and restarting game does not fix it.
Tried it three times. Mac OSX 10.2.8; G4 Dual 1Ghz

Bug Report filed.
Oct 06, 2004 panic link
I was having some problems with the aimbot earlier today, too. It was WAY overshooting the target. A1k0n said that they had not changed the code for it at all, though.
Oct 06, 2004 RattMann link
I don't think we are having the same problem. There is no "overshoot." I cannot
shoot at all....
Oct 06, 2004 Eldrad link
What weapons do you have? If you have a scanner in your primary group this is roughly what happens, but you should still be able to shoot, unless you don't have any other weapons.
Oct 06, 2004 IRS link
What you described is exactly what I get while I have a scanner or no weapon equipped.

On other topics, the targeting reticle seems quite accurate to me, given that it's always calculated based on the current relative velocities of your ship, the target ship, and the speed of the weapon you're using. At times, this can result in a targeting location that's several thousand meters off from the actual target. Of course, that's often the same distance between you and your target enemy ship, making shooting rather pointless since it's unlikely the enemy will maintain the course needed for the shots to hit, assuming they can even reach that far.
Oct 06, 2004 RelayeR link
RattMann: Can you fire your weapon with nobody targeted?
Oct 06, 2004 raybondo link
The targeting reticle only shows leadoff for the first weapon. If that weapon is a scanner, then the reticle will be stuck to the targeted ship (I think).
As for not being able to use your weapons, are you sure you have the weapon groups set up properly and that the weapon is active? (lighter box around icon on left side of HUD)
Oct 06, 2004 leothetuscan link
Yes, you can fire the weapon with nobody targeted. Last night I was approaching he station and fired accidentaly; fortunately I did not hit anything, but I did get a message (in the mission chat) that I should not shoot in patroled sector or at friendlies (or something like that).
Oct 06, 2004 RelayeR link
:-D No, Leo...I was asking RattMann if HE could fire his weapon with nothing targeted.

We think it's possible he may have his scanner set as primary weapon or his weapon config messed up.
Oct 06, 2004 RattMann link
OK. This is a BIT embarassing. I have gone back to look, and there are NO guns
on the ship. This shows that there was not a problem, or at least not the problem
that I reported. NOW, the question is, where did the two Tachs go? In answer to
the suggestion that I had equipped a scanner, the answer is no. Since I found out
how little those missions pay, I haven't bothered with them. Not worth the time or
effort at all. Over and above that, confusion rules. Lately I have been alternating
between two characters. After updating to V 1.0.8, I noticed that some ships had
gone missing with one of the chars. But because I have been switching back and
forth I don't remember which one. SO, there is no prob with weapon targeting,
there is (was?) a prob with lost inventory after the update. *whew*
Oct 07, 2004 RattMann link

P.S. Really had to chuckle after noticing that you changed it to "Bots Sighted"
after I mentioned that bots that were not present (ATM) in a sector were listed in the
information screen when one "moused-over" a sector. Even though I was really
frustrated (not to mention pissed-off) when trying to find bots to complete
missions, I didn't expect you to go through with it. I guess it really is more
honest though..... Thanx.
Oct 07, 2004 RattMann link
Fine. Ignore the *possible* inventory error!

Oct 08, 2004 paedric link
RattMann, don't confuse a lack of response with the Devs ignoring your post. I can say with the utmost confidence that your comments have been noted and the situation will be looked into as time permits. :-)
Oct 08, 2004 RattMann link
Not to worry paedric. I really understand the situation. I was merely engaging in
a little "sarcasm lite." My problem is that I haven't mastered the ability of making
a joke SOUND like a joke when I write. Somehow it always comes out a bit off...
Oct 09, 2004 paedric link
Note to a1k0n: Need emoticons for forum posts. (0.o)
Oct 09, 2004 RattMann link
Ummm... I'm not so sure about that.....
Oct 09, 2004 RelayeR link
/end sarcasm

Works every time.
Oct 10, 2004 RattMann link
/end chirpy optimism.

Works much better.