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Feature...or bug?

Jun 20, 2004 HyperSpaz link
When NT's kill Itani, even if they're +1000 with NT, they loose a "significant" amount of standings, this is roughly the equivalent of 50 this a bug or a feature? If it's a bug...can we fix it?
Jun 20, 2004 a1k0n link
standings with whom, and where did the kill occur?
Jun 20, 2004 HyperSpaz link
So, say I am +835 with NT (not anymore), and I kill an Itani (anywhere) who is -1000, I will loose a "significant" amount of standings with NT, so now I'd probably be like +810.
Jun 20, 2004 a1k0n link
Oh. Umm, NTs killing Itanis always lose lots of faction with Itani (and gain some with Serco) for that, but they shouldn't lose any with NT.
Jun 21, 2004 HyperSpaz link
Is this one of those things that is nearly impossible to fix? Or can it be worked out? I also never gain any Serco standings. This is true with all areas. Say I kill a nasty pirate in s9 and he is -1000 and I am +866, I don't gain any TPG, I just loose say Serco standing. But I hate it because now I can't kill Itani *or* Serco, all I can do is trade.
Jun 21, 2004 a1k0n link
Well, you're supposed to gain Serco standings (just a tiny bit though) for killing Itani. But if you kill someone, your TPG standing and their TPG standing has absolutely no bearing, unless you're in a TPG sector and they're well-liked by TPG; in that case you lose tons of faction standing.

It's hard to tell what's going on because when you say someone "is -1000", it's ambiguous. -1000 with who? I guessed TPG in this case.

If you're NT and you're killing Itani in, say, sector 16, you won't lose anything with NT, you'll lose a bunch with Itani and you'll gain some with Serco. Vice versa for killing Serco. No other standings are affected.
Jun 22, 2004 HyperSpaz link
Not so a1k0n, this is why I am asking if it's a bug. If I was in say, s16, and I killed any Itani, no matter their NT rating, I would *lose* NT rating. (Antoher important thing is I am already an Itani criminal)
Jun 22, 2004 a1k0n link
Ahhhh. I was reading it wrong before. Yes, Neutrals lose NT faction for killing Itani, but not Serco. That's how it's defined; I was looking at the wrong tables before.

So no, it isn't a bug. Itani and NT are supposed to be marginally friendly with one another. Itani also lose Itani rating for killing NTs.
Jun 22, 2004 HyperSpaz link
Well....that sucks. I your just stereotyping that Serco are evil people. While it is "marginally" true, Itani make better traders to kill. ^^ Is that going to get fixed or do i have o live with my -19 NT rating?
Jun 22, 2004 Forum Moderator link
It's not the players who are being stereotyped, it's the actual backstory for the Serco Nation:

"The Serco, once peaceable scientists who pursued their interests for the benefit of all mankind, now a formidable, warlike race, feared throughout the known galaxy."

I guess they got called "geeks" once too often.
Jun 22, 2004 a1k0n link
It's not going to be "fixed" because it isn't "broken."

Itani-NT relations are friendly. NT-Serco and Itani-Serco relations are not. There are faction penalties for murdering friends of your faction.
Jun 22, 2004 Renegade ++RIP++ link
So how will you be able to counter somebody that is attacking you ... since if you kill him then youll lose standing with his nation.

Do you just have to try to dodge the hits and make way to a station as fast as possible? And then stay within the station in the hopes of him becomming bored and running along.

If this is so then I dont encounter any funness factor in it. You know just as me that as soon as someone opens fire on you, you prefer to get him back yourselve in stead of letting someone else do it or at least try to do your best at fending the assailer off. And you shouldnt be punished for an act of selfdefence.

Not to mention that the story also states that the neutrals are an assembly of different origins and branches, with also pirates. But how can any nation like people pirating/robbing of possible customers... even if this is done by a well liked person of that nation.

Besides I see the backgroundstory more as having an effect on the missions available, on the events that will happen. Like neutrals : pirateraids on a sector, group tradingmission... Serco : a war on a couple of itanisectors, patrolling some sector, ...

And maybe only see the effects of the war on the outskirts of the itani sector ... Unless 1 side is losing in the war with as a result that the wareffect line will move more and more to the inner sectors. But this is all driven by events..., happening once a week or every day at a fixed timestamp. Or at different timestamps so people from around the globe can have some fun at a reasonable hour in stead of having to wake up at 4am to join the event. And this event pushes the story forwards. While the other missions just aide in developping a character, more like a singleplayerfocus. And the happenings in this event of certain people npc - real will then stipulate the future...

Jun 22, 2004 HyperSpaz link
Bah, now I can't kill Itani or I'll loose docking privileges in my own home sector. And I can't kill Serco because they give me Specials. I am totally fscked unless I have a war in s40....the last time that happened was like 2 or 3 weeks ago, now adays a scarcely see more than 12 players on at any given time.
Jun 22, 2004 harvestmouse link
HyperSpaz, you can't lose docking priviledges in your own home sector no matter what you do (again, I'm refering to Durgia's test :) )
also, many players are absent because they are on vacation, or are waiting for the new universe to become available for testing
sit tight!
Jun 23, 2004 MonkRX link
What she said.

And we (try) to have s40 wars weekly. The last war was just last week (Thursday?).

We'll have one 'soon'. We should start planning an s40 reset war soon too.
Jun 23, 2004 Renegade ++RIP++ link
what s40 reset war ...

I dont want a reset :(

I just got my fc :(. Dont make me loose it, it took me so long to get it :(
Jun 23, 2004 HyperSpaz link
Remember guys...this isn't the thread arguing a reset.