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Active Player Lists

Apr 16, 2004 a1k0n link
Yeah. I'll reset it again at some point; it's some kind of database hiccup likely caused by network outages (our database server is on an entirely different network from our game server at the moment; we will be moving that shortly)
Apr 16, 2004 misiorysio link
As far as I can tell, now the list shows you a1k0n and Kayura when neither of you are playing... I've seen Kayura talk in public chat when she was not listed and I don't think you've been in the game all the time since 2004-04-14 11:52:42.

*edit* "AR-957" from NT is also listed and not on.
Apr 14, 2004 Durgia link
My char Durgia was seen on the active player lists today, even though I had not logged in for a good 8-9 hours.
(I noticed it around 900 CST)
Not a big bug but it is confusing.
Apr 14, 2004 misiorysio link
The same goes for my char "misiorysio". When I'm not playing, it's listed on the Active Players list, but when I start playing it's not listed there anymore.
Apr 14, 2004 Forum Moderator link
Ya it shows me on too. I suspect that since the ISP hosting the game was down for maintenance last night - and the website stayed up - that there has been a loss of synchronization. The devs will have to give it a nudge.
Apr 14, 2004 a1k0n link
Ahh, crap. I forgot about that. Well, there's only one database server now, so at least it's guaranteed to be in sync with itself.