Forums » Bugs
Procurement Mission crash on complete
The mission did complete, but VO crashed. No clue if this is plugin related.
[08/08/22 20:39:53] *** 25,080c + 4€ added to your account.
*** Lua error: deleted iup handle referenced
*** Stack trace:
1 [C]:-1 in iupGetTable (global)
2 lua/iup/iuplua.lua:81 in (null) ()
3 vo/if_newstation_tabs.lua:376 in SetIcon (method)
4 vo/if_newstation_tabs.lua:3383 in setup_cb (local)
5 vo/if_newstation_tabs.lua:582 in fill_listbox (global)
6 vo/if_newstation_tabs.lua:3543 in fill (method)
7 vo/if_newstation_tabs.lua:3686 in _reload_list (upvalue)
8 vo/if_newstation_tabs.lua:3702 in (null) ()
lua/iup/iuplua.lua:81: bad argument #1 to 'iupGetTable' (deleted iup handle referenced)
[08/08/22 20:39:53] *** 25,080c + 4€ added to your account.
*** Lua error: deleted iup handle referenced
*** Stack trace:
1 [C]:-1 in iupGetTable (global)
2 lua/iup/iuplua.lua:81 in (null) ()
3 vo/if_newstation_tabs.lua:376 in SetIcon (method)
4 vo/if_newstation_tabs.lua:3383 in setup_cb (local)
5 vo/if_newstation_tabs.lua:582 in fill_listbox (global)
6 vo/if_newstation_tabs.lua:3543 in fill (method)
7 vo/if_newstation_tabs.lua:3686 in _reload_list (upvalue)
8 vo/if_newstation_tabs.lua:3702 in (null) ()
lua/iup/iuplua.lua:81: bad argument #1 to 'iupGetTable' (deleted iup handle referenced)