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Stacked cargo doesn't persist

Aug 22, 2021 womble link
Repro is fairly straightforward:

1. Turn on autojett everything.
2. Mine a nice big 'roid, until you've jetted enough to build up some nice stacks.
3. Warp to a station sector. Don't dock, just point your nose straight at the exit point and turbo.
4. Warp back to the sector you were mining in.
5. Collect all cargo.

Expected: All the phat stacks I mined should end up in my cargo hold.

Actual: Only (I think) the crates that had more than one unit of ore *and which were auto-jetted* disappear.


* It doesn't happen if I warp into an empty sector and then straight back.
* I haven't tried warping to a non-station sector with 'roids in it to check that case.
* This isn't a 15 minute timeout issue, because (a) not all the crates disappeared, and (b) it was a *lot* less than 15 minutes I was gone.
* Test run (for log correlation purposes) started at 02:27:36 (game time) and all cargo was collected (after warping back and forth) by 02:31:10.
* A two cu stack of Van Azek ore that I dropped (via Jettison All) did *not* disappear in my test run; only the Silicate and Carbonic (which was what was in the roid I test-mined) groups disappeared.
Aug 24, 2021 incarnate link
Thanks, I believe this should be fixed now.
Aug 25, 2021 womble link
Just tried it out, definitely seems to be doing the right thing now. Thanks!