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Latos Economy, Item requirements.

Sep 19, 2020 Scion_Spy link
So, i was flying in the Latos econ (Noticed a sweet deal)and saw "Neutron Blaster MkIII" in red, this is odd to me, as I have High Valent standing and i can purchase this item.
All 3 stations say you must be a member of the respective nation's (XX, TPG, Orion) stations to purchase it.
However, Valent you only need good standing (i don't recall the exact number).
Perhaps these items were baught in Itani/Serco and sold here and retained their "Serco/Itani" Deneb thing, I believe these should be limited to the nations standing, given Valent is, and one cannot be a "Member" of these factions.

Next is the "Orion Phase Blaster XGX", all 3 stations require a standing of +719, given it has the title "Orion" i think it's meant to be an Orion standing of +719, not +719 of the Stations parent faction.

• "Neutron Blaster MkIII" requires the member to be a "Member" of the faction who owns the station, rather than a standing requirement. (Like Valent)
• "Orion Phase Blaster XGX" requires +719 standing with the stations owner rather than the Orion nation. (See "Axia Accelerated Positron Blaster" for an example where you need standing of +600 with Axia to purchase the item.)

I'm not sure if this is intended, but figure i'd make a mention of it :) (I'll note other things i see as well)