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API Broken - GetLicenseLevel
GetLicenseLevel(1,charid) always returns zero regardless of the license type requested.
Is the charid player visible at the time the function is called?
Yes. I validated the variable is a valid. Or do you mean is the character physically visible?
I was testing against a docked character as it was a possible scenario.
I was testing against a docked character as it was a possible scenario.
Tested with both undocked less than 300m apart and still returns 0 as a result
try it without the charid.. should return your own level
And yes you need to be able to see them IE. within radar range / targetable.
OH and There seems to be a lot more lag issues with some functions - be sure to wait long enought to get a result back from the server before trying to use the data.
And yes you need to be able to see them IE. within radar range / targetable.
OH and There seems to be a lot more lag issues with some functions - be sure to wait long enought to get a result back from the server before trying to use the data.