Forums » Bugs

More undock bug... but worse

Dec 15, 2003 Xorbital link
Ok so this is pretty much a s10 only bug: undock when someone else undocks and 100% of the time you are right smack on top of one another. Since there is a lack of an undocking animation, just a simple sudden appearance and rougly 3 second pause, there is absolutely no way to escape the utter devastation caused by the undocking bug. Also the surrounding asteroid makes it impossible to survive after you bounce off the other person minutes after you undocked. Waaaaaaah! Well this isn't exactly a bug, but it is an undesired side-effect due to sector 10's minimal station and lack of an undocking animation.
Dec 16, 2003 Eldrad link
ummm xorbital why not just hit your breaks... you are invulnerable for a good bit of time after the "animation" (or lack there of) is done.
Dec 16, 2003 roguelazer link
Depends on the ship Eldrad. In a vult, you're dead before you know what happened. In a centurion, you have the result of shooting off, through the roid, at approx 2000m/s. Not as fast as the vultbug, but fast enough that brakes don't work.
Dec 16, 2003 LordViking link
Or you just sit there looking at a hybrid of a maud and a Wraith and a valk....mind you it was pretty cool looking, but I couldn't do anything...Has anyone else noticed that you can sort of hid yourself in the roid, as in be able to phase through solid matter?
Dec 16, 2003 Forum Moderator link
As stated earlier, the docking animation for S10 is off because it would have catapulted ships into the wall. The invulnerability is still there, as has been pointed out. You could try to manuever out of the way. The only other solution I can think of is to have a ship that is just squatting in the dock be bumped back down the tunnel as an undocking ship spawns. This would be difficult given the different sizes of the ships. They would pretty much have to pad the whole tunnel to prevent damaging collisions.

But where are the Realism Police now? If you were to really sit at the exit of a space port set up like S10, you would surely be hit.
Dec 16, 2003 roguelazer link
Like I said before, s10 should be redone as a component station with separate, hidden, entrances and exits.
Dec 17, 2003 Xorbital link
No no, the major issue is that you get stuck on top of someone else's ship. Because there isn't an undocking animation you just sit inanimate for a few seconds unable to fly away. When another person undocks while you are waiting motionless you both get stuck and the game pauses (a similar effect can sometimes be emulated when you fly a valk into the satellite dish on s9 station). If there were a way to force one of the ships out of the way it would solve the issue, but so far they just go into one another.
Dec 17, 2003 raybondo link
Hmm, yeah I guess that is a problem. Making the dock/undock bays separate and having the undock bay point out of the asteroid and have the ship have a velocity would solve it.
Dec 18, 2003 LordViking link
yeah, put an exit in an easier to get out of crack
Dec 18, 2003 roguelazer link
But if you do that, make the entrance even harder to find.