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Crashing Behavior?

Dec 13, 2003 Lucid link
I was jsut wondering... Oftentimes when I experience what I suppose is a glitch in the game right (i.e., leave the station, get sound like you're leaving except it doesn't stop and all the buttons in the station are still active and you can't actually leave the station without quitting vendetta), I can't log back in for several minutes (I haven't timed it, but it seems like anywhere from 5-10 minutes). Is this normal behavior when something like that happens? Just curious.

Dec 13, 2003 toshiro link
strangely enough, vendetta just crashed on me, not letting me log back in.
it even kept my stats from before i logged in and still shows me as logged in.
Dec 13, 2003 Eldrad link
no one can log in atm. Sever did a very odd crash.
Dec 13, 2003 ahdinh2 link
i just crashed atm and i cant log in either. when i check the active players, it says that im logged in, when im not.
Dec 13, 2003 ahdinh2 link
argh! now i cant even connect. the screen gets stuck at connecting..... and ussually its faster
Dec 13, 2003 Eldrad link
Ok the server ran out of HD space... Incarnate can't fix it and a1's eating dinner or something. So it won't work tell it's fixed.
Dec 14, 2003 Sheean link
I had something like this, a couple of times even: just flying around, when suddenly... chat doesn`t work and it seems it lagged, until some time later, everything works again. Except for chatting (I don`t know wheter or not I can send anything, but I don`t see anything, I do see [player bla] was killed by [player bla] and stuff like that) and going out of the sector doesn`t work, and when I disconnect I can`t connect anymore (takes some time to allow me back in...)
Dec 14, 2003 Eldrad link
Ya this happened atleast three times last night.