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Logging out when shot or bumped

Dec 15, 2015 SkinWalker link
Whilst attempting to convince narly that 300,000 credits was a fair "contribution" to the "FAMY neighborhood improvement fund," he went quiet and stopped moving.

Suspecting that he was logging off, I tapped him every 5-8 seconds with a shot or bumped him. Much less than 10 seconds after hitting him with an AAP he suddenly vanished.

It would seem that the log-off countdown was not interrupted with velocity changes or combat.

This occurred at approximately 9-10 pm CST in Edras B-11 on 12/14/2015.
Dec 16, 2015 Sieger link
Yeah that's the problem with mobile players. They take so long to pay that you can't tell if they are busy trying to pay or or logging out.

The solution is pretty simple: Make it so that if you hit a player, he needs to wait 2 minutes before being able to log out in space. 2 minutes is enough for a mobile newbie to type /givemoney "pirate" "whatever amount". And if you suspect he is just hoping the 2 minutes pass by quickly as he pretends to not know how to pay, you can always bring in another AAP.
Dec 16, 2015 yodaofborg link
Agreed. This topic has come up a lot over the years, and yes, hailing someone does extend the countdown to 30 seconds if you do it after they type /logoff, but you have no way of knowing if they are login out, or just taking a long time to type (especially if they agree to pay, then log out instead).

I think a good idea would be to show an icon in your hud if your target initiated either a /logoff or an /explode. Even with only 10 seconds - if someone is stationary - and they do a /logoff, it gives me enough time to wax them
Dec 16, 2015 Kierky link
Yeah I agree with some kind of notification to logging off in space as opposed to huge wait times. If you want to log off safely, do it in a station.