Forums » Bugs

Server Is Officially BAD!!

Nov 26, 2003 Arolte link
Guys, they KNOW about it. Posting about the lag over and over won't solve anything. Yes, it sucks not being able to dock or jump a wormhole. Yes, it sucks when you get killed by a bot due to lag. Yes, it sucks that it takes nearly an hour to load each sector and/or connect to the game. But announcing something like this over and over is pretty much pointless.

Part of being a beta tester is having to put up with buggy releases for a while. You're lucky that the devs are even working on this on a daily basis without having any major source of income besides donations. Most open betas take nearly months for even the smallest of updates. Just hang in there and they'll fix the problem. There's a good reason why they rewrote the server code. It's not like they did it for fun.

In the meantime go play another game or do something productive in your life.
Nov 26, 2003 a1k0n link
We can't bring back the old server, and even if I could I wouldn't anyway. You guys are invaluable feedback on our server. We simply cannot test the game in-house in a week as thoroughly as five minutes of real players playing the game can.
Nov 27, 2003 Forum Moderator link
Again, the devs NEED to have users thrashing around on the new server to work out all the bugs.

[locked by request]
Nov 26, 2003 Pyroman_Ace link
I mean bring back the old server temporarily while the new one is run in and major bugs like lag are removed and all that good stuff because many people in game are sayiing they are stoping for one-two weeks until after major bugs and reset are finished. I appreciate the Devs harwork on teh game and I know that Player's complaining does nothing to make the problem better but this was just a suggestion for how I thought some problems may be eliminated.


PS: Next time Forum Mod comes in here it would be fine by me to lock it up or just delete the whole thing.
Nov 26, 2003 Kastin Thunderclaw link
The new server isn't totally "bad", after a reboot its actually much more responsive than the previous one. It seems to get bogged down after running for a while... Give them a chance ffs... its only been out for a few days and it was rewritten from scratch.
Nov 26, 2003 Pyroman_Ace link
Okay, I just came off a Five hour fighter stint of which I spent 4.5 hours waiting for sectors to load, stations to load, negotiations for purchasing to complete, transactions to complete, Etc.

Guild, please bring back the OLD server. It at least worked. A lot of people are saying that this new one is faulty and that it wont ever work and blah blah blah, yappity yappity.


PS: The new server isn't :Bleeding Edge it's on the Edge of Bleeding Out
Nov 26, 2003 roguelazer link
ping last: 1599
ping min: 0
ping max: 3925
ping avg: 714

Those are my real stats, taken from when I was in s45. It was like that for about 5 minutes. But, the money bugs are fixed. When I logged in, I had 700mil credits. I bought a gauss and i had 300mil credits. w00t.
Nov 26, 2003 Forum Moderator link
Keeping the old server means that no significant progress can be made in developing Vendetta, and problems that existed prior to the new server will remain.

What "people" are saying is far from the truth. Please use the Bug Reporter on the left side of the screen and give a detailed and focused account of what you are observing and what was occuring when it happened.

Could we have a little patience and consideration for the devs? They are working their butts off.
Nov 26, 2003 Homonculus link
I can't even connect right now! It just sits there and then times out :(