Forums » Bugs

No Explosion Bug

Nov 25, 2003 raybondo link
Yeah, I found the problem, and am working on a fix.
Nov 25, 2003 roguelazer link
Is it related to the "no warpgate bug"? When capping, the entire armada entered the warp without having any animations play. It was kinda fun to watch.
Nov 25, 2003 raybondo link
hmm, no it wasn't related to wormhole effects. I didn't know that doesn't work either. Ug.
Nov 25, 2003 Arolte link
It's been happening a lot recently. It started off in 3.1.x. What it is is a player's ship explosion doesn't show up when they die. It's NOT an issue with lag. Both players (victim and assailant) see it. Anyway... just a heads up.