Forums » Bugs
Vendetta refuses to save joystick binds.
I figured this was some dumb plugin problem, but one of my guildmates had this happen on a clean install.
If you've got a joystick with a bunch of buttons, bind them to commands, then log off and exit the game, it'll reset back to defaults the next time you load the game.
If you've got a joystick with a bunch of buttons, bind them to commands, then log off and exit the game, it'll reset back to defaults the next time you load the game.
i have the same problem with any bind. I have to rebind c key to cargolist everytime i log in.
i noticed this happen on my linux machine
Thanks for the report. Are there any messages in your errors.log?
Nothing out of the ordinary.
I also tried bind my C key to cargolist and it wouldn't stay, even after manually adding the bind to my wgaf.cfg file while the game is NOT running. Fire up the game and the bind disappears. Awesome.
All the additional binds I use stay though, so perhaps it's just some type of artificial limit we're hitting?
Here's a snippet of my wgaf.cfg bind section:
bind "^" anonchat
bind "H" qhlist
bind "\" ttog
bind "w" +Accelerate
bind "s" +Decelerate
bind Tab +Turbo
bind Space +Brakes
bind "q" +RotateCW
bind "e" +RotateCCW
bind "a" +StrafeLeft
bind "d" +StrafeRight
bind "r" +StrafeUp
bind "f" +StrafeDown
bind "b" RadarNextFront
bind "x" RadarNextNearestEnemy
bind "v" +Shoot3
bind "c" +Shoot1
bind "T" say_sector
bind "t" say_channel
bind "g" say_group
bind "G" say_guild
bind "z" RadarNextFrontEnemy
bind "y" RadarHitBy
bind "'" FlyModeToggle
bind ";" MLookToggle
bind LeftArrow +TurnLeft
bind RightArrow +TurnRight
bind UpArrow +TurnDown
bind DownArrow +TurnUp
bind F1 help
bind F9 ViewToggle
bind F10 CameraToggle
bind F12 dump
bind "u" +TopList
bind "i" +zoom
bind "o" lssort
bind "k" CharInfo
bind ":" toggleautoaim
bind F5 hudscale
bind F4 allhudtoggle
bind "m" missionchat
bind "h" hail
bind "1" Weapon1
bind "2" Weapon2
bind "3" Missile1
bind "4" Missile2
bind "5" Missile3
bind "6" Mine1
bind "n" nav
bind "j" Jettison
bind "p" pin
bind PageUp scrollback
bind PageDown scrollforward
bind "]" nextLS
bind "[" prevLS
bind "}" LocalRadarNext
bind "{" LocalRadarPrev
bind LMBUTTON +Shoot2
bind RMBUTTON +Shoot1
bind MMBUTTON +Shoot3
bind MWHEELUP RadarNextFront
bind "`" ConsoleToggle
bind Escape Quit
bind Enter Activate
bind DPadUp +StrafeUp
bind DPadDown +StrafeDown
bind DPadLeft RadarNextNearestEnemy
bind DPadRight RadarNextFront
bind ThumbLeft +Turbo
bind ThumbRight +Brakes
bind L1 +Shoot2
bind R1 +Shoot1
bind Start +zoom
bind JoyButtonA FlyModeToggle
bind JoyButtonB Activate
bind JoyButtonX missionchat
bind JoyButtonY say_channel
bind "U" targetnone
bind "-" lsswitch
bind "_" cyclestatus
bind "=" addroid
bind "+" editroid
bind "|" unroid
bind MOUSEX +LookX
bind MOUSEY +LookY
Nothing really special.
All the additional binds I use stay though, so perhaps it's just some type of artificial limit we're hitting?
Here's a snippet of my wgaf.cfg bind section:
bind "^" anonchat
bind "H" qhlist
bind "\" ttog
bind "w" +Accelerate
bind "s" +Decelerate
bind Tab +Turbo
bind Space +Brakes
bind "q" +RotateCW
bind "e" +RotateCCW
bind "a" +StrafeLeft
bind "d" +StrafeRight
bind "r" +StrafeUp
bind "f" +StrafeDown
bind "b" RadarNextFront
bind "x" RadarNextNearestEnemy
bind "v" +Shoot3
bind "c" +Shoot1
bind "T" say_sector
bind "t" say_channel
bind "g" say_group
bind "G" say_guild
bind "z" RadarNextFrontEnemy
bind "y" RadarHitBy
bind "'" FlyModeToggle
bind ";" MLookToggle
bind LeftArrow +TurnLeft
bind RightArrow +TurnRight
bind UpArrow +TurnDown
bind DownArrow +TurnUp
bind F1 help
bind F9 ViewToggle
bind F10 CameraToggle
bind F12 dump
bind "u" +TopList
bind "i" +zoom
bind "o" lssort
bind "k" CharInfo
bind ":" toggleautoaim
bind F5 hudscale
bind F4 allhudtoggle
bind "m" missionchat
bind "h" hail
bind "1" Weapon1
bind "2" Weapon2
bind "3" Missile1
bind "4" Missile2
bind "5" Missile3
bind "6" Mine1
bind "n" nav
bind "j" Jettison
bind "p" pin
bind PageUp scrollback
bind PageDown scrollforward
bind "]" nextLS
bind "[" prevLS
bind "}" LocalRadarNext
bind "{" LocalRadarPrev
bind LMBUTTON +Shoot2
bind RMBUTTON +Shoot1
bind MMBUTTON +Shoot3
bind MWHEELUP RadarNextFront
bind "`" ConsoleToggle
bind Escape Quit
bind Enter Activate
bind DPadUp +StrafeUp
bind DPadDown +StrafeDown
bind DPadLeft RadarNextNearestEnemy
bind DPadRight RadarNextFront
bind ThumbLeft +Turbo
bind ThumbRight +Brakes
bind L1 +Shoot2
bind R1 +Shoot1
bind Start +zoom
bind JoyButtonA FlyModeToggle
bind JoyButtonB Activate
bind JoyButtonX missionchat
bind JoyButtonY say_channel
bind "U" targetnone
bind "-" lsswitch
bind "_" cyclestatus
bind "=" addroid
bind "+" editroid
bind "|" unroid
bind MOUSEX +LookX
bind MOUSEY +LookY
Nothing really special.
What is the cargolist command? Is that one from a plugin? Or an alias? If it is a plugin's command, maybe the plugin isn't creating the command until after the wgaf.cfg is loaded which would cause the bind to be removed.
If I remember right, Cargolist likes to handle its binds itself. It should have a configuration window or something that you can use to define its binds.
Is there some kind of race with loading wgaf.cfg and loading plugins on multithreaded VO?
There shouldn't be. it loads the wgaf.cfg immediately after loading the game and plugin lua. No timers or triggers happen between the two.
Just checking back in on this. I haven't had this problem since about the end of April or so. Dunno what you guys fixed, but it's saving binds for me now.
*shrug* I dunno, nothing has really changed. Maybe the game isn't crashing on exit anymore?
I'm glad but confused that it's working for you.
Does anyone else still have the problem?
I'm glad but confused that it's working for you.
Does anyone else still have the problem?
It seems a lot of setting persistence issues are a result of save on exit rather than save on change. Is it feasible to perform the file update prior to client exit?